

    第五季最大的谜团之一 丢失的 这是杰里米·边沁的存在。自 2004 年第一集以来,该剧已成为一个谜题,涉及烟雾怪物和达摩倡议的情节一直让粉丝们猜测不已。到第五季时,它已经回答了一些问题,但它也继续引入新的、有趣的复杂性,随着岛上的传说变得更加发达,这些复杂性也变得更加丰富。人物本身往往是个谜,杰里米·边沁就是一个例子。

    杰里米·边沁的尸体于 丢失的 第三季第 22 集和第 23 集,“镜中奇遇”,尽管只给出了一个名字。下列的 丢失的很大”这不是佩妮的船“目前,杰里米·边沁的身份不如第四季中海洋六人组重返社会的扭曲情节那么重要。然而, 丢失的第四季第14集《没有比家​​更好的地方》将注意力转向了棺材里的死者之谜,最终揭开了他令人震惊的身份。 杰里米·边沁 (Jeremy Bentham) 是个很亲近的人。


    约翰·洛克 饰 杰里米·边沁


    留下做饭 第四季结束时约翰·洛克就是杰里米·边沁的重大消息当她的故事情节在第五季中脱颖而出时,观众很快就得到了答案。 丢失的 第五季第五集“这个地方就是死亡”,洛克发现自己被困在一口井里,一次闪电割断了他的绳子。然后他被指示聚集岛上的海洋六人组并说服他们返回。

    神秘的杰里米·边沁 (Jeremy Bentham) 的工作方式在第三季和第四季中进行了讨论。然而,他的实际闪进直到 丢失的 第五季第七集“杰里米·边沁的生与死”。 洛克转动岛上的轮子,轮子移动,同时将他送回大陆。。这一启示引发了前几季的事件,并开始了“杰里米·边沁”将大洋六人组带回岛上的任务。


    他很快无法说服任何幸存者返回,并试图结束自己的生命,但被本·莱纳斯阻止。本·莱纳斯(Ben Linus)做过的最糟糕的事情之一是,他杀死了洛克,并让他的死亡看起来像是他自己造成的,利用死亡的痛苦作为促使海洋六人组返回岛屿的动力。



    尽管他的动机有一段时间仍很神秘, 丢失的 第六季终于澄清了本·莱纳斯在第五季杀死约翰·洛克的原因。 他需要洛克的尸体来尽可能准确地重现最初的飞机失事也是因为他非常嫉妒洛克在异者中的地位。本全程都在展示 丢失的 出于对这个职位的觊觎,他已经将查尔斯·威德莫尔赶出了办公室。最终,两者都被命运所利用,让需要发生的事件得以实现。



    杰里米·边沁 (Jeremy Bentham) 的全部谜团主要在于小每千次展示费用 (cpm)[pared to other Lost mysteries, but it was still important for its part. There are several reasons that Ben manipulates Locke to get everyone back on the island by pretending to be Jeremy. There were also important reasons why Ben killed Locke. Ben needed the new crash almost perfectly to replicate the first crash, and that means that Locke couldn’t have died by suicide, as he was attempting to do when Ben found him.

    Compared to some mysteries that excited fans, like the polar bears and smoke monster, the Jeremy Bentham mystery at least had a better payoff.

    Because Locke had to replace Jack’s father, Christian, and since he didn’t die by suicide, Locke couldn’t either. Ben killed Locke to ensure the new crash would put things how he needed them to be, which worked with Locke’s dead body in the casket. Compared to some mysteries that excited fans, like the polar bears and smoke monster, the Jeremy Bentham mystery at least had a better payoff, which helped its standing on the show. However, compared to the biggest mysteries, it is just a footnote.

    However, when compared to the time travel aspects of the island, the whispers in the jungle, Hurley’s numbers, and the eventual revelation of what everyone on the island was moving toward, the Jeremy Bentham mystery was a minor plot device. The entire allure of Lost was all the big mysteries, but even the smaller ones, like Locke’s mission, played a key role in building the blocks that helped the show remain one of television’s most beloved fantasy efforts.

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