虽然动作可能很壮观,戏剧也很有趣,但有时 最好的动漫是休闲生活片段系列。 生活片段是动漫中绝对重要的类型,因为它可以展现日常生活中错综复杂的细节,从而引人入胜。有时,辛苦了一天之后,没有什么比一边观看精彩的生活片段动画一边放松身心更好的了。
尽管《生活片段》有其自己的流派,但它确实是多样化的。休闲动漫可以讲述学校生活、城市生活、乡村生活,甚至还有一点神秘的色彩。然而,所有这些系列不仅简单,而且随着其更加平和的本质的显现,它们几乎可以具有治疗作用。 最好的休闲生活片段动漫足够平静,足以让粉丝忘记世界 和你一段时间的问题,有时,这正是你所需要的。
根据 Hari Tokeino 的漫画改编的动画系列《Brain's Base》
保姆学园 尽可能感人,轻松传达情感深度。这部动漫充满了辛酸的时刻、幽默和可爱的儿童角色,凸显了照顾他人的快乐和挑战。 保姆学园 因其舒缓的语气而脱颖而出, 专注于家庭、爱情和个人发展的主题,对于那些喜欢令人振奋和感觉良好的故事的人来说是一个不错的选择。。
保姆学园 以龙一和他的弟弟小太郎为中心,他们在父母去世后受到严格的董事长的欢迎。反过来,龙一帮助管理学校的幼儿园,照顾可爱的小孩子。
原版动漫系列 A-1 的图片
Anohana:那天我们看到的花 是 A-1 Pictures 出品的 2011 年动画系列,讲述了一群前朋友因一位名叫 Menma 的年轻女孩的死亡而四分五裂的故事。团长金塔因朋友的去世而深受震惊,他变得孤僻孤僻,不知道自己的生活该往哪里走。然而,当Menma的鬼魂出现时,一切都发生了变化,不仅将Jinta从他的壳中带了出来,而且还让他们以前的一群朋友重新走到了一起。
对于一个本应休闲的系列来说,这一切看起来似乎很多,虽然有时可能是这样, 无花 重点是从悲剧的挥之不去的影响中恢复过来。这种治愈确实 无花 即使该系列触及更深层次的主题,观看起来也令人难以置信的轻松。 无花 是有史以来最好的动画系列之一,因此它也被评为最佳生活片段系列之一也就不足为奇了。
水果篮子 (2019)
TMS Entertainment 推出的动画系列,改编自高谷夏树的漫画
水果篮 该漫画是有史以来最受欢迎的少女爱情系列之一,其 2019 年的改编版不负所望。该剧讲述了一个名叫透的女孩的故事,她的母亲去世后,她的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。住在学校附近森林里的帐篷里后,透最终和古怪的索马一家在一起。虽然索玛斯有很多问题,但最大的一个是,当他们感到强烈的情绪时,他们都会被诅咒变成同一种十二生肖动物。
虽然角色冲突自然是该系列的核心, 水果篮 田园风光和迷人的演员阵容仍然让这部电影相当轻松。。所有Shoujo粉丝都需要观看 水果篮使其成为完美的生活片段系列。
田中君总是一副迟钝的样子 抓住了放松的本质,并作为一部舒适的动画,主角的行为鼓励观众在他周围放松。该系列提供了一段舒缓而愉快的旅程,突出了在简单时刻和友谊中寻找快乐的及时主题。其轻松愉快的氛围与可爱的角色和轻松的幽默感相结合,使其成为 对于那些寻求平静和振奋的观看体验的人来说,这是一部完美的生活片段动漫。
Studio Pierrot 根据漫画 Aloha Higa 制作的动画
咖啡馆“白熊” 正如标题所说:该剧讲述了一只北极熊经营一家动物和人类经常光顾的咖啡馆的故事。咖啡馆里有两位常客,一只是友好但不太聪明的熊猫,喜欢点竹子,另一只是北极熊的朋友企鹅。
该系列最引人注目的是三种主要动物的引人注目的设计。与人类角色的动画设计相比,三种主要动物的逼真设计总是让它们在动画中显得格格不入。北极熊有一些滑稽的地方,它有着真正的北极熊比例,穿着围裙,提供咖啡。这一切意味着 咖啡馆“白熊” 这是一个一贯有趣、低风险的节目,总是很容易观看。
京都动画最好的动画系列之一。 冰香 是一部关于一个名叫萤的年轻人的侦探系列。萤太郎奉行充满活力的保守主义哲学,即用最少的努力完成所有任务,度过一生。不幸的是,对于奉太郎来说,在他被迫加入学校文学俱乐部并多次被要求解决俱乐部成员千反田的问题后,他的生活发生了变化。这最终导致整个文学俱乐部调查千反田失踪的叔叔之谜。
神秘和生活的一部分似乎是不相容的,但 冰香 绝对舒适的系列,很容易迷失方向。所有角色都发展得非常好,使演员很容易照顾。一般的, 冰香 是少数几部能让粉丝在观看剧集后不那么紧张的神秘动画之一。
A-1 Pictures 的动漫系列;改编自荒川宏的漫画。
《银汤匙》是一部俄罗斯犯罪电视剧,讲述了伊戈尔·索科洛夫斯基 (Igor Sokolovsky) 的故事,他是一位富有且被宠坏的年轻人,在触犯法律后被迫担任警察。生活在现代莫斯科,伊戈尔应对新角色的复杂性,面临各种挑战和个人成长,同时揭露家庭内部更深层次的问题。
- 扔
- 发售日期
2013 年 7 月 13 日
- 人物)
A-1 图片' 银汤匙 故事以八轩雄吾为中心,他是一个勤奋好学的男孩,在被自己选择的高中拒绝后,进入了一所农业学校。虽然八肯来到新学校时期待着轻松的工作量,但他最终不得不比他想象的更加努力地学习,而他和他的朋友们也因此获得了更丰富的经验。
银汤匙 是由荒川弘 (Hiromu Arakawa) 创建的 钢之炼金术师 名声和向日常生活的转变并没有削弱她的写作能力。远离行动和阴谋 钢之炼金术师荒川从自己在农场长大的背景中汲取了教训。 银汤匙从而赋予它一定的真实感,就像 钢之炼金术师, 银汤匙 荒川弘具有敏锐的人物塑造能力,打造出的演员阵容绝对有趣。
很少有动漫和漫画有与蓝色时期相同的动机,尽管这个系列相对正常,但它肯定会点燃观众内心的火焰。故事围绕一个男孩冒险进入一个全新的世界并努力工作以取得成功的故事。形成新的友谊和竞争,并创造美好的新回忆, 蓝色时期 专业展现学校生活的美好与艰辛。
动漫系列 Shuki;改编自绿川由纪的漫画。
舒卡夏目友人帐 故事的主角是能够与妖怪对话的年轻人夏目。祖母去世后,夏目得到了一本极其珍贵的书,其中包含了一百多个曾经为夏目祖母服务的妖怪的名字。夏目的使命是取消书中每个灵魂的契约,以便他们能够进入来世。
虽然有不少邪恶的妖怪需要付出更多的努力才能击败, 夏目友人帐 专注于自然和治愈,非常平静这最终是一个轻松的系列,值得经常观看。尽管听起来很奇怪,但有关鬼魂的动漫仍然是最好的休闲生活片段动漫之一。
OLM, Inc. 的动画系列;改编自尾田智仁的漫画。
奥尔姆公司 科米无法沟通 聚焦于一个名叫科米的女孩,她因看似坚忍的美丽而在高中很受欢迎。尽管受到关注,科米表面上的坚忍实际上是由于她与他人沟通困难所致。小美与相貌平平的男孩多田野一仁 (Hitohito Tadano) 一起制定了一个目标,要摆脱焦虑的外壳,结交 100 个朋友。
什么是 科米无法沟通 如此出色的是它可以轻松地平衡不同的音调。 科米无法沟通 总是知道如何用更严肃、以人物为导向的时刻来补充喜剧时刻因此,科米的成长和对社交焦虑的管理从来不会让人感觉太严厉或太像个笑话。这使得它成为对社交焦虑的最佳探索之一,并且凭借围绕它的精彩角色互动,它从头到尾都是一部精彩的生活片段系列。
更多关于生命片段的愚蠢结局 – 京都动画 日重 这是一个有趣的系列,赌注很低,笑话很大。这个经典的生活片段故事讲述了一群女孩在小镇上的生活,她们和镇上其他人的滑稽动作,经常深入探讨超现实的概念以及她们对这些概念的反应。
什么是 日重 令人惊奇的是他如何巧妙地利用动画来讲笑话。不仅仅是依靠有趣的对话或情境, 日重 真正充分利用了动画,包括大量的视觉搞笑和令人惊叹的动画。 他们的喜剧销量令人难以置信,并将每个笑话都变成了骚乱。毕竟,当动漫迷寻找生活片段喜剧时,他们不会出错 日重。
Pine Jam 工作室制作的动漫系列;米田和弘导演的作品
松果酱工作室 自己做吧!! 故事发生在近未来的日本,讲述了 Serufu Yua 的故事,他是一个笨拙的青少年,在偶然发现学校的 DIY 俱乐部之前,他从来没有考虑过任何事情。 Serufu 对这个概念感到惊讶,成为除了俱乐部主席 Rei 之外的唯一俱乐部成员,因此她必须帮助招募新成员来拯救俱乐部,同时了解 DIY 的细节。
自己做吧!! 具有清晰而充满活力的视觉风格和令人难忘的角色组合。该节目重点介绍了俱乐部成员之间的新兴关系,以及 Serufu 与新老朋友的动态。 教育元素 自己做吧!! 也让这样一个平凡的概念总是显得有趣。但总的来说,它总是设法在每一集中完美地结合舒适和幽默。
JC Staff 的动画系列;改编自小山爱子的漫画。
- 扔
- 发售日期
2021 年 2 月 24 日
- 季节
JC员工 清到京都:从舞子家出发 主演 Kiyo 和 Sumire,这两个朋友在演出开始前搬到了京都,成为了 舞妓或实习生 艺妓。然而,事情并没有完全按照两人的计划进行:堇在训练中表现出色,而清则表现不佳,最终被解雇。然而,Kiyo 并没有失去一切:她很快从另一种意义上证明了自己,成为 舞妓 家里新厨师。
清在京都 看到两个朋友在各自的角色中表现出色,并深入了解他们 舞妓 生活方式和日本料理。这两个领域都是西方观众可能不熟悉的领域,尤其是 舞妓所以 清到京都:从舞子家出发 为日本文化提供了绝佳的教育体验所有对此感兴趣的人都不能错过。
- 扔
- Release Date
April 6, 2022
- Seasons
Deaimon sees the main character Nagomu Irino return home to his family’s traditional sweet shop after years away, only to find that in his absence a young girl, Itsuka, has been taken in by his family and is expected to inherit the shop in his stead. What follows is a competition, with both Nagomu and Itsuka trying to prove that they are capable of running the store, and the pair develop a charming sibling-like bond along the way.
In addition to its great character writing and animation, Deaimon excellently shows the skill that goes into making wagashi, traditional Japanese confectioneries, and also does a great job of showing how making new and unlikely connections can help people to evolve. All in all, it’s an anime that’s great for slice-of-life fans and one that should not be passed up.
Super Cub
Anime series by Studio Kai; Based on the light novel by Tone Koken
When Studio Kai’s Super Cub begins, its protagonist, Koguma, is very lonely. She has no family, no friends, no real hobbies, and lives a quiet and isolated life. This all changes when Koguma buys herself a motorbike, the titular Honda Super Cub, which leads her to meet two other girls at her school who also ride motorbikes and gradually learning to open up.
Super Cub is a quiet anime that shows what a big impact a beloved hobby can have on a person’s life, and Koguma’s gradual progression over the course of the series is heartwarming to watch unfold. The series also details the care that goes into maintaining a motorbike down to the smallest detail, so even people who don’t care much about that can still walk away feeling more knowledgeable about something so unique.
A Place Further Than The Universe
Anime series by Studio Madhouse; Directed by Atsuko Ishizuka
Studio Madhouse’s A Place Further than the Universe stars Mari Tamaki, a young girl who always seeks to live her life to the fullest by going on an adventure. One day, Mari gets her wish when she has a chance to join in on an expedition to Antarctica, and it ends up being a much bigger adventure than she could have ever dreamed of.
Despite the harsh climate that Mari and her friends find themselves in, A Place Further than the Universe is a relentlessly positive series that wears its heart on its sleeve. The great art and animation that are common with Studio Madhouse are on full display, and more than that, there’s just something so genuine and comfortable about the relationship between Mari, Shirase, Hinata, and Yuzuki that makes this series an instant classic slice-of-life anime.
A Silent Voice
Anime series by Kyoto Animation & Based on the manga by Ooima Yoshitoki
A Silent Voice
A Silent Voice is a Japanese animated film directed by Naoko Yamada. It follows Shoya Ishida, a former bully who seeks redemption by reconnecting with Shoko Nishimiya, a deaf girl he once tormented. The film explores themes of bullying, empathy, and forgiveness, offering a poignant look at the complexities of human relationships and the impact of one’s actions on others.
- Release Date
September 17, 2016
One of the most popular and best anime movies of all time, A Silent Voice might not be the first thing one thinks of when they hear “slice of life”, but it fits the bill perfectly. The story stands out for its honest portrayal of difficult themes such as bullying, mental health, and social alienation. Shoya’s journey to redeem himself is layered and emotional, showing the lasting effects of cruelty on both the victim and the perpetrator. What makes this story even more beautiful is the masterful adaptation that makes every second aesthetically pleasing.
The movie follows the depressed boy, Shoya, who is about to commit suicide because of the guilt from his days as a bully. Fortunately, he survives, and one day meets Shoko, the deaf girl he relentlessly bullied in elementary school. The two reconnect and Shoya does his best to atone for his sins, but this doesn’t come easy, and he has to work for it.
Flying Witch
Anime series by J.C. Staff; Based on the manga by Chihiro Ishizuka
Flying Witch
Flying Witch (2016) is a Japanese anime series following the life of Makoto Kowata, a young witch who moves to the countryside to live with her cousins while training to become a fully-fledged witch. The series blends elements of magic with the everyday joys and challenges of rural life, offering a serene and whimsical narrative focused on character development and subtle, heartfelt moments.
- Cast
Minami Shinoda
, Eri Suzuki
, Shinsuke Sugawara
, Adam Gibbs
, Stephanie Wittels
, Juliet Simmons
, Kana Aoi
, Kikuko Inoue - Release Date
April 9, 2016
- Seasons
J.C. Staff’s Flying Witch is an iyashikei anime, an anime focused primarily on people living out peaceful lives, that follows Makoto Kowata, a young witch who moves to live with her relatives in the Aomori prefecture as part of her training, all the while teaching friends and family alike about the various oddities of the magical world.
A perfect choice for fans of Kiki’s Delivery Service, Flying Witch showcases the small quirks of Makoto’s witchcraft and how it evolves as she spends time with her family and friends, all while striking a perfect balance between comedic and heartwarming moments. Focusing on life’s small pleasures among the beautiful scenery, Flying Witch perfectly embodies the core tenants of the iyashikei genre of anime, and as such, every episode of Flying Witch is full of comfort from start to finish and great to watch.
Restaurant To Another World
Anime series by OLM, Inc.; Based on the light novel by Junpei Inuzuka
Restaurant to Another World is a Japanese anime series that centers on a Western-style restaurant called “Yōshoku no Nekoya,” which opens its doors once a week to fantastical creatures from a parallel world. Patrons range from dragons to elves, each coming to savor the unique culinary creations offered by the establishment. The series explores themes of hospitality, culture, and the universal love for food through episodic storytelling.
- Cast
Christopher Sabat
, Jill Harris
, Charles C. Campbell
, Monica Rial
, Caitlin Glass
, Tyson Rinehart
, Jeremy Inman
, John Swasey - Release Date
July 3, 2017
- Seasons
In OLM, Inc.’s Restaurant to Another World, Nekoya is, on the surface, a normal restaurant that specializes in Japanese and Western fusion cuisine, but that changes on Saturdays. On Saturdays, Nekoya is connected to a fantasy world, and in addition to being customers, the strange inhabitants of the world frequently use it as a place of business and general merriment.
One of the best food-related anime to be released in recent years, Restaurant to Another World is a slice-of-life anime that truly stands out from its contemporaries. While this series does make use of many fantasy and isekai genre traditions, Restaurant to Another World‘s ultimate focus is on the personal stories of the restaurant’s staff and customers, rather than their heroic exploits. With its mouthwatering dishes and sense of escapism, Restaurant To Another World is a fantastic blend of genres.
Spy x Family
Anime series by Wit Studio & CloverWorks, Based on the Manga By Tatsuya Endo
Few anime have taken the world be storm in recent memory like Spy x Family has. The series follows a spy named Twilight who is sent on a mission to keep an eye on the leader of a prominent political party. To help, Twilight creates the fake identity of Loid Forger and adopts a young girl named Anya, who unbeknownst to him, is psychic. Completing the family is Loid’s fake wife, Yor, who is actually an assassin working for Loid’s enemies.
Despite the promises of high-octane spy action, Spy x Family is mostly a lighthearted comedy series that uses its fun premise in funny and creative ways that are never draining on the viewer. Though all the characters are great, Anya and her many meme-worthy faces are the series’ true highlight. With its fun characters and its great animation, fans can trust that Spy x Family is one of the best slice-of-life anime.