

    辐射4 提供了广泛的装备选择,但也许没有什么比其广泛的装甲套装选择更有用和令人难忘了。为了冒险进入被核灾难摧毁的荒地中心,你需要穿上最好的盔甲,以免成为联邦最残酷的敌人的受害者。选择、定制和升级你的盔甲套装是游戏中最好的部分之一。

    在潜伏的超级变种人、巨型昆虫和贪婪的死亡爪中,你必须找到或制作合适的盔甲才能生存。 辐射4 附带了一堆很棒的盔甲套装,玩家应该尝试立即上手,并且 DLC 扩展中也有一些很棒的选项。有些人从事商业,而另一些人则从事时尚和安全装备。



    + 敏捷性,+ 感知力

    这套传奇的两件套盔甲由螳螂左护腿和螳螂左护腕组成,无疑是世界上最好的盔甲之一。 辐射4;然而,这种情况非常罕见,以至于大多数人都不知道它的存在。全套提供唯一的幸存者 击中时有 10% 几率解除近战攻击者的武装 他们的敏捷性和感知力+1。 统计在 辐射4

    这套独特的重型皮甲可以 从旅行商队商人卢卡斯·米勒处购买。再见 这需要相当高的财务成本,绝对是值得的,尤其是在游戏的前中期。


    宇航服 Yader-Girls (服装)

    + 魅力,+ 水下呼吸能力

    《辐射 4》中,穿着复古科幻太空服的“Nuka 女孩”摆在人体模型上。

    对于那些想要衣服更有“风味”以及特殊抗损坏能力的人来说,Nuka-Girl 太空服是一个不错的选择。它可以从 Nuka World DLC 游乐园部分的人体模型中获得。 辐射4。它具有至今仍为观众所喜爱的 20 世纪 50 年代典型科幻电影的所有特征,使其在 辐射4盔甲套装。

    不幸的是,这款套装在常规枪战中表现不佳。它可以夸耀 非常高的抗能量和辐射损伤能力使其成为面对使用能量武器的对手时的可靠选择。玻璃碗头盔还可以让他们无限期地在水下呼吸。



    + 敏捷、+ 伤害减少、+ 感知

    《辐射 4 废土人》套装中的部分右腿护甲

    早期最容易获得的盔甲套装之一, 废土盔甲可以从钻石城的机器人卖家珀西那里购买。该盔甲可以是您购买的第一批用于升级默认装备的盔甲之一,为您提供对抗更高级别敌人的临时解决方案。该套件仅包含两个部分,每个部分都具有以下优点:

    • 躯干 – +1 敏捷,+1 感知
    • 右腿 – 超级变种人造成的伤害减少 15%。

    这款盔甲非常适合那些只想使用较轻装备的人,因为与其他盔甲相比,这两件装备的重量都非常轻。防御超级变种人将帮助你应对 辐射4这些是最常见的早期威胁,而其他统计数据提升将帮助您避免在冒险初期无法应对的危险。



    + 水下呼吸

    《辐射 4》中的救援潜水服盔甲套装,是一款老式半氧化铜潜水服。

    虽然不是最耐用的盔甲 辐射4救援潜水服具有许多优点,使其成为荒地探险者的必备品。首先,它允许玩家 根据需要花尽可能多的时间在水下 无需浮到水面。其次,它具有极高的机动性,是在战斗中使用全套动力装甲的绝佳替代方案。 辐射4

    戏服 完成任务“变革之潮”后可以获得 远港 DLC。除了看起来独特且极其酷之外,它还提供 250 的抗辐射能力,非常适合渗透高辐射水平的区域,而无需升级动力装甲。



    + 减少人类和超级变种人造成的伤害

    Fallout 4 Protector 的护臂右袖附有信息

    在游戏开始时,没有多少盔甲可以对你在荒地中遇到的敌人的伤害提供高抵抗力。虽然许多防护装备可以提供基本的伤害减少, 防御者装甲 将成为您对抗早期威胁的收藏的绝佳补充。这件铠甲的左右臂部分。 使你对人类和超级变种人的伤害减少 15%。

    人类和超级变种人都是你在游戏的第一组任务中遇到的最常见的敌人类型。当您尽早学习如何增加统计数据时 辐射4这款盔甲可以为您提供简单的保护,防止您在完成的前几个任务中遇到的敌人。要获得防御者装甲, 从 NPC 阿图罗·罗德里格斯那里购买。 (钻石城) 让战斗变得更加容易。



    + 伤害抗性,+ 能量抗性

    为了 一套坚固可靠的重甲玩家不想错过 Ravager 盔甲,它易于使用,并拥有各种救生功能,可以提高您在战斗中的整体表现。 辐射4

    在战斗中的最后一程,这可能意味着生存和死亡之间的区别。因此认为 游戏中最好的盔甲之一经确认 FreakEasy游戏

    YouTuber 演示了如何通过引导玩家前往位于钻石城附近的古德尼布诺 (Gudneybnor) 来获得掠夺者护甲胸甲和右胫甲。它还靠近几个熟悉的地标,例如 Cobot House、皮克曼画廊、老北教堂和宪法号航空母舰。

    到达城市后, 前往Guns Gun Guns,KL-E-0 经营的商店。机器人商人会向你出售瓶盖的两种物品 掉出来 4。下表显示了玩家在购买该套装时将拥有的所有独特能力:




    • 将 10% 的近战伤害反射回攻击者身上。

    • 伤害抗性:44

    • 能量抗性:31


    • 当你的生命值低于 20% 时,战斗中的时间会暂时减慢。

    • 伤害抗性:27

    • 能量抗性:17



    + 伤害抗性,+ 能量抗性

    《辐射 4》中玩家基地 Dogmeat 旁边的袭击者动力装甲。

    Raider Power Armor 与其他 Power Armor 选项不能很好地配合;与更强大的对手相比,它拥有较小的统计数据。尽管如此,这是一套有趣且独特的盔甲 可以从掠夺者那里获得

    Raider Power Armor 符合生存的混乱美学 辐射4这是一片非常好的后世界末日荒地——有着曾经显然被用来制造动力装甲框架的废金属。



    + 健康状况不佳时对能量和伤害的抵抗力

    《辐射 4》中唯一佩戴天启护甲护胸的幸存者。

    要获得这套非常稀有且有用的盔甲套装, 辐射4, 玩家必须追捕一个被称为抄写员的角色整个游戏中随机出现的 NPC。凭借足够高的演讲技巧和拥有 10 名或更多成员的定居点,抄写员可以被说服加入该团体,之后他将在他被命令留在的任何定居点开设一家盔甲店。

    然后抄写员将提供天启盔甲胸甲,这是第一件可供出售的盔甲。之后,玩家需要前往古德尼布尔并参观雷克斯福德酒店,同样招募该系列历史上最好的食尸鬼之一,Vault-Tec 的代表,他的卖家商店将出售天启左腿。

    虽然看起来不起眼,但是它的抗伤害能力却非常出色。此外,它还具有其他盔甲所不具备的两个罕见效果。第一的, 玩家的时间会变慢,因为他们会造成更多伤害,同时伤害抗性会增加。

    + 伤害抗性,+ 能量抗性

    玩家与《辐射 4》中穿着金属门徒盔甲的 NPC 学徒幸存者交谈。

    弟子是主要派别之一 辐射4 这个将是 旅途中相遇 辐射4核世界 DLC – 他们既可以成为强大的盟友,也可以成为可怕的对手。他们可怕的本质部分可以归因于他们所穿着的视觉上独特的盔甲。就像来自 疯狂麦克斯这个派系看起来绝对像是核荒原的一部分。

    门徒金属盔甲很有用,因为它提供了令人印象深刻的 基础伤害抗性 122,能量抗性 140。全套设备非常重,对于唯一的幸存者来说可能会非常吃力。



    + 感知

    《辐射 4》中,一名身穿动力装甲的玩家看着一位名叫麦克森长老的 NPC,他穿着麦克森长老的外套。

    在钢铁兄弟会的主线故事中 辐射4 发挥着重要作用,并且从更广泛的意义上来说, 东海岸钢铁兄弟会领袖麦克森长老, 在历史上起着决定性的作用。然而,他的外套可以为唯一的幸存者提供一套有趣的替代盔甲。

    通过弹道编织升级来升级 Maxon 的战争斗篷,使这款时尚的外套具有令人惊讶的竞争性能,同时保持其固有的低重量。唯一的问题是 它不能从麦克森长老那里偷走这意味着您必须亲自动手才能购买它。



    + 力量、+ 敏捷、+ 运气

    《辐射 4》中,身着军装的玩家发生在街道中央。

    一旦玩家加入并完成了几个支线任务 辐射4 他们将为“秘密铁路”组织开放 增加保护特性的可能性 一些衣物。由于服装和工作服是穿在更传统的盔甲套装下, 辐射4这种能力允许人们同时佩戴两套。

    通过弹道编织升级的最佳服装物品是陆军制服和软呢帽,因为这些物品 力量、敏捷和运气各增加 +1。通过在更传统的盔甲下穿着强化的军服和软呢帽,玩家基本上变成了步行坦克——这是加强防御的绝佳策略。



    + 力量、+ 敏捷、+ 警觉性、+ 耐力

    盔甲套装中的《辐射 4》冠军盔甲躯干的一部分,显示了特征

    非常简单 冠军铠甲 它只是将几块金属板融合成一套盔甲,这取决于其外观的功能。该盔甲套装的躯干、左臂和右臂部分提供了高于平均水平的抗伤害能力,但该套装的其他功能使其更加出色。除了简单地防止损坏之外,以下是每个部件的作用:

    • 躯干 – 机器人敌人造成的伤害减少 15%。
    • 左手 – +1 力量,+1 耐力
    • 右手 – +1 敏捷,+1 感知




    + 伤害抗性,+ 能量抗性[

    Player wearing the Combat Armor Cropped Set outside a car in Fallout 4.

    The Combat Armor set is versatile and pretty great. Ultimately, it will offer adequate protection to the player during the vast majority of their wasteland adventure. This armor provides balanced protection from both Standard Damage and Energy Damage; it is also extremely customizable.

    Additionally, it’s fairly easy to get a full set of Combat Armor, as enemies in Fallout 4 that belong to The Gunner mercenary organization have an affinity for this form of protection. This armor is by no means the best in any given situation, but its versatility and well-rounded stats make it ideal for those who want to explore and take on challenges as they come.



    Robot Armor

    + Damage Resistance, + Energy Resistance

    Added to Fallout 4 with the Automatron DLC, the Robot Armor set is one used by the Rust Devil faction introduced in the expansion. This gang obsessed with robots has fashioned the metal into five different armor pieces you can easily find on defeated enemies from this group. These armor pieces offer a surprising spread of damage resistance against both physical and energy-based weapons you might encounter.

    Robot Armor Set



    • Damage Resistance: 39
    • Energy Resistance: 30

    Right Arm

    • Damage Resistance: 23
    • Energy Resistance: 18

    Left Arm

    • Damage Resistance: 23
    • Energy Resistance: 13

    Right Leg

    • Damage Resistance: 23
    • Energy Resistance: 18

    Left Leg

    • Damage Resistance: 23
    • Energy Resistance: 13

    Putting together the whole set of Robot Armor doesn’t weigh nearly as much as some heavier armor in the game. With the protection offered, the Robot Armor set is a great middle-of-the-road gear you can use for the DLC as you explore new places. As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator FudgeMuppet, this armor’s balanced stats make it versatile to handle multiple situations, making it useful for many character builds.


    Mark 3 Synth Armor (Combat)

    + Damage Resistance, Energy Resistance

    Player crouching in stealth-mode, aiming their weapon while wearing the Mark 3 Synth Armor set in Fallout 4.

    The Mark 3 Synth Armor is a unique type of Synth Armor in Fallout 4. It is a ‘mix and match’ of various pieces, accounting for all sorts of weaknesses and vulnerabilities, to produce one full armor set.

    This armor set in Fallout 4 is worth acquiring due to the Energy Resistance afforded by its unique abilities. However, it is only acquirable if players have not yet challenged the Institute, allowing you to purchase the set from the Institute Requisition Vendor. Those who decide to destroy the Institute as a major part of the RPG’s narrative should at least try to acquire the armor set first.

    The table below showcases each feature of the individual pieces of the Armor set, which, when put together alongside the generic Synth Armor, make you much stronger against the hardest enemies in Fallout 4:

    The Mark 3 Synth Armor Set


    Chest Piece

    • Damage Resistance: 30
    • Energy Resistance: 48

    Right Arm

    • Increases Action Point refresh speed
    • Damage Resistance: 16
    • Energy Resistance: 17

    The Mark 4 Synth Armor is a legendary version of this armor set that grants +49 Damage Resistance and +54 Energy Resistance. Enemies struggle to detect players who are sneaking, while Chems in Fallout 4 also last 50% longer. This piece can be purchased from the Scribe after assigning him to a Level 3 Armor Stand.


    Pack Armor (Heavy)

    + Damage Resistance, Energy Resistance

    Fallout 4 Heavy Pack Armor set from Nuka-World DLC

    The Heavy Pack Armor set is another good selection of gear for pure protection against the many dangers lurking in the Wasteland. This armor is found on members of The Pack organization found in the Nuka-World DLC for Fallout 4. Although this armor doesn’t have any effect on stats or give you additional abilities, the pure damage resistances it offers can be more than enough to ensure your survival.

    (Heavy) Pack Armor Set


    Chest Armor

    • Damage Resistance: 43
    • Energy Resistance: 43

    Right Arm

    • Damage Resistance: 18
    • Energy Resistance: 18

    Left Arm

    • Damage Resistance: 19
    • Energy Resistance: 19

    Right Bone Leg

    • Damage Resistance: 18
    • Energy Resistance: 18

    Left Bone Leg

    • Damage Resistance: 19
    • Energy Resistance: 19

    This armor set is incredibly balanced compared to other protective gear, giving you equal Ballistics and Energy protection. Despite the added Weight of the Heavy Pack armor set, this flexible nature of this gear will make it useful against any type of enemy weapon you come across while you explore Nuka-World.


    Marine Armor (Combat)

    + Base Ballistic, + Energy Resistance

    Player wearing black-coloured Marine Armor in Fallout 4.

    The Marine Armor set is one of the strongest normal armor sets; however, it is only available to players who purchased the Far Harbor DLC in Fallout 4. While this armor set is heavy, it boasts almost unrivaled defense, especially if a player takes the time to upgrade the set to the Assault Marine Armor variant.

    With these high stats comes rarity, but a full set of Marine Armor will spawn on the DLC’s island if a player solves additional puzzles inside DiMA’s memory. These additional puzzles can be pretty tedious, but they are well worth it for the reward of having some of the best armor in Fallout 4.


    Mechanist’s Armor (No Category)

    + Damage Resistance, + Energy Resistance

    The Sole Survivor wearing the Mechanist's Armor and holding a laser pistol in Fallout 4.

    The funniest armor set in the Fallout 4 Automatron DLC is the Mechanist’s Armor, which looks like a mid-century sci-fi robot combined with the nonsensical and bizarre design aesthetic of the Cybermen from Doctor Who. The armor can be secured after completing the DLC, and it’s a pretty good set.

    The full set offers 85 Damage and Energy Resistance, plus a further 15% damage reduction from robot enemies and a +1 boost to Endurance, Charisma, and Intelligence. It’s certain to turn heads, possibly for the wrong reasons, but it’s fairly solid when it comes to a good old-fashioned Fallout 4 firefight.


    Grognak (Costume)

    + Melee Damage

    The Grognak Costume is a goofy armor set in Fallout 4, but it’s extremely useful in certain circumstances. Essentially a parody of the iconic, eponymous character from Conan the Barbarian, the Grognak Costume takes similar visual cues when it comes to attire.

    This makes Grognak Costume a must-have for builds that focus on dealing damage with melee weapons. Moreover, some pieces of armor can be worn over the costume, which mitigates its weak defense; however, adding excessive armor might take away from the barbarian look.


    Destroyer’s Armor (Combat)

    + Speed, – Damage From Humans

    The Sole Survivor wearing the Destroyer's Armor set in Fallout 4.

    Fallout 4‘s Destroyer’s Armor is a unique set of combat armor with some particularly useful effects. The armor decreases damage from human enemies by 10 percent and increases a character’s speed and blocking effectiveness while raising the Sole Survivor’s Charisma and Intelligence by one point each.

    A player needs to buy the various components from merchants found across the wasteland, as the various parts that make up this armor cannot be looted from defeated enemies. Beyond being useful in battles against humans, the Destroyer’s Armor rewards players who explore Fallout 4’s world and go out of their way to interact with NPCs in various settlements.


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