艾拉·珀内尔这部耗资 2.96 亿美元的奇幻电影被评为 Netflix 全球十大电影之一,也是蒂姆·波顿最被低估的电影之一。

    艾拉·珀内尔这部耗资 2.96 亿美元的奇幻电影被评为 Netflix 全球十大电影之一,也是蒂姆·波顿最被低估的电影之一。

    佩里格林小姐特殊儿童之家这部电影由蒂姆·伯顿执导,艾拉·珀内尔、塞缪尔·杰克逊、伊娃·格林和阿萨·巴特菲尔德主演,自从在流媒体平台 Netflix 上占据前十名后,再次受到欢迎。启发这部电影的同名书是五本书中的第一本 佩里格林小姐的奇特孩子们 兰塞姆·里格斯的系列作品。熟悉历史的人都知道 佩里格林小姐特殊儿童之家 蒂姆·伯顿的作品立即看到了他们的兼容性和潜力,所以这部电影没有立即获得广泛好评有点令人惊讶。

    2016 年首次发布 佩里格林小姐 主题和背景立即与其他成功的青少年系列作品进行了比较。 影片讲述了年轻的杰克(阿萨·巴特菲尔德饰)发现了佩里格林小姐(伊娃·格林饰)创办的一所童话学校,该学校旨在培养幼儿超凡脱俗的天赋。在这所奇幻学校里,杰克和他的新朋友面临着许多超凡脱俗的威胁,他对古怪的艾玛·布鲁姆(艾拉·珀内尔饰)产生了感情。影片中充满的异想天开的奇思妙想是伯顿的自然领域。但还是有一种感觉 佩里格林小姐 他的简历中仍然是一颗被低估的宝石。



    佩里格林小姐特殊儿童之家 是蒂姆伯顿最被低估的电影之一。 尽管这部影片的预算为 1.1 亿美元,但票房收入为 2.96 亿美元,但在大银幕上映后却基本上没有引起人们的注意。评论家和伯顿的支持者很快就称赞蒂姆·伯顿的电影使用了独特的视觉语言,这将定义伯顿的职业生涯。然而,这部电影的改编也受到了相当多的批评,有人说它过于注重特效而忽视了原著故事。

    一所充满黑暗、古怪的孩子的疯狂学校和险恶、食人眼的巴伦先生(塞缪尔·杰克逊饰)的合作完美地结合了创造伯顿经典所需的要素。和, 虽然 佩里格林小姐 尽管评论褒贬不一,但这最终是对黑暗而富有创意的媒介的胜利回归,伯顿可以在此基础上继续发展他的职业生涯。



    佩里格林小姐特殊儿童之家 由于发布时间的原因,它在首次亮相时仍然被低估。。 2010 年代对于蒂姆·波顿的作品来说是艰难的十年,他的电影在收视率和收入方面开始落后,而且他的作品的灵魂似乎也在褪色。

    伯顿的电影改编版于 2007 年上映。 理发师陶德:舰队街的恶魔理发师 伯顿获得了最佳音乐或喜剧片奖,伯顿获得了最佳导演提名,而他的长期合作者约翰尼·德普和海伦娜·伯翰·卡特也正值巅峰。 在这次成功之后,伯顿发布了 爱丽丝梦游仙境该片遭到了负面评论,被认为是迪士尼成功故事的浅薄翻版。 接下来是昂贵的 黑暗阴影, 科学怪人票房失败 大眼睛, 佩里格林小姐特殊儿童之家并失算了 小飞象 重拍。[

    Fans couldn’t help but group Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, which was released in the middle of this period, alongside other of the director’s more negatively received works.

    Many of Burton’s films released from 2010-2020 underperformed. Fans couldn’t help but group Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, which was released in the middle of this period, alongside other of the director’s more negatively received works. Yet, despite this reception – demonstrated by its mediocre box office and lack of enduring legacy, the movie proves that Burton was still producing enjoyable work in one of his supposedly weaker periods.

    Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children Shows Ella Purnell & Tim Burton Should Team-Up Again

    Reunite the Magic: Miss Peregrine’s Legacy

    Amid all the overlooked qualities of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children is Tim Burton’s collaboration with Fallout, Yellowjackets, and Arcane actor Ella Purnell. Ella Purnell has already praised her time working with Burton, likening him to a creative mad scientist who allows his actors to execute their own creative solutions before he steps in to help better mold the project’s vision.

    Ella Purnell is more than capable of portraying her characters in a way that aligns with the tone of Burton’s most successful films, as seen in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

    Ella Purnell has aesthetic qualities consistent with several of Tim Burton’s most successful collaborators: Christina Ricci (Sleepy Hollow and Wednesday), Jenna Ortega (Wednesday and Beetlejuice Beetlejuice), and Helena Bonham Carter (Big Fish, Corpse Bride, and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street). Although Burton has been criticized for working with women who share similar physical qualities, it undoubtedly contributes to his films’ successful vision. And Ella Purnell is more than capable of portraying her characters in a way that aligns with the tone of Burton’s most successful films, as seen in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

    Following her memorable role as Emma in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Ella Purnell would be an excellent addition to any Tim Burton project, including future episodes of Wednesday, Beetlejuice 3, or even the Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman remake. Given the recent resurgence of the underrated Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, hopefully, Ella Purnell and Tim Burton will team up to continue their earlier success.

    Release Date

    September 27, 2016


    127 Minutes

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