警告!本文包含《From!》第三季大结局的主要剧透!不祥之词重复出现 从孩子们, “Ang Quy”最终在第三季结局中被翻译。赋予其深刻的悲剧意义。塔比莎在弗罗姆维尔的这段时间里,一直被死去的孩子的可怕幻象所困扰,她大部分时间都被困在那里,试图弄清楚他们是谁、他们想要什么以及他们发生了什么事。这个长期存在的谜团让公众以及塔比莎和杰德自己都感到不安。 从 第三季的结局最终为孩子们的背景故事提供了悲惨的答案。
从第三季结局揭示了比预期更多的谜团,杰德、塔比莎和吉姆发现了数字的含义,法蒂玛怪物孩子的诞生提供了许多答案。这些数字与音符相对应,促使杰德在瓶子树上用小提琴演奏这首歌。当他演奏时,孩子们走近这棵树,他们的出现和旋律促使杰德和塔比莎回忆起他们前世的悲惨真相。那一刻 他们也明白“Angkui”这个词的含义,这对Tabitha和Jade来说隐藏着更深层次的信息。。
“Angkui”向 Jade 和 Tabitha 传达了重要信息
当杰德和塔比莎最终能够记住他们的前世时,他们也将能够记住 “Angquay”的意思是“记住”播放这首歌的音符,这是他们过去的自己给孩子们唱的摇篮曲的旋律,让那些记忆涌入他们的脑海,让他们有机会翻译过去的自己理解的单词。尽管这个词和孩子们的歌声常常引起怪异的感觉。 从可悲的是,“Angquay”这个词经常被提及,因为孩子们需要塔比莎和杰德来“记住”。
Jade 和 Tabitha 确认“Angkui”的意思是“记住”,但是 他们无法解释“angkuy”来自什么语言。这个词不是任何真正的语言,所以它暗示 从 最终将介绍孩子们最初所说的虚构语言。由于塔比瑟和杰德过去的自己显然是弗罗姆维尔当地人,因此有可能 从 第四季将闪回孩子们被杀的时间,对话将采用虚构的语言。
出现在塔比莎和杰德面前的孩子们令人震惊,尤其是当他们尴尬地挤在塔比莎的人群中重复“Angquay”这个词时,但这有一个悲伤的原因。 这些孩子之所以来到塔比瑟身边,是因为他们将她视为乐于助人的救世主。因为塔比莎和杰德显然是唯一试图阻止他们牺牲的成年人。塔比瑟和杰德可能看起来不同,但他们每次出现在弗罗姆维尔都为拯救孩子们带来了一线希望。然而,为了实现这个目标,他们需要“记住”。
一直以来,孩子们都试图让塔比莎和杰德记住他们是米兰达和克里斯托弗的转世。事实证明 塔比莎/米兰达和杰德/克里斯托弗在弗罗姆维尔转世了好几次。回到原来的样子,成为“昂奎”孩子之一的父母。这首歌终于让他们记起了前世多少次来到弗罗姆维尔,以及为什么被派到这座城市去拯救孩子们。
特点 |
演员 |
塔比莎·马修斯 |
卡塔利娜·桑迪诺·莫雷诺 |
杰德·埃雷拉 |
大卫·阿尔佩 |
米兰达·卡瓦诺 |
莎拉·布斯 |
克里斯托弗 |
汤姆·佩恩 |
事实证明,杰德认为这句话的意思是对的 从这个符号、瓶子树的数字,以及孩子们说“Ang Quy”的愿景是相互联系的,因为每一个都是一种策略,让杰德和塔比莎记住他们前世的身份。在 从在第三季的结局中,这对夫妇终于意识到 “昂奎”的孩子之一是他们的女儿,他们试图营救她,但没有成功。。这次牺牲之后,塔比瑟和杰德多次被带回来,试图通过纠正失败来实现他们的目标。
从 第三季逐渐填补了关于孩子们遭遇的空白,例如在第八集中的闪回中,白衣男孩向克里斯托弗传达了有关他们的信息,解释说他们是被他们所爱和信任的人杀害的。生下笑脸怪物的法蒂玛随后详细描述了他们的死亡,说她看到“什么 [the monsters’ did.” The monsters were originally humans who sacrificed the children in exchange for eternal life, but it seems Jade and Tabitha were the only parents/adults who tried to stop the ritual and save the kids.
Ever since, their souls have been trapped in a cycle in which they’re destined to return to Fromville to complete their mission. The children seem to help call the new incarnations of Tabitha and Jade to Fromville after their previous forms are killed, but, each time, they have to go through the process of making them “remember” their pasts. Once they remember who they were and what happened to the children, Tabitha and Jade’s mission and the steps they must take to complete it become more clear.
Can Tabitha & Jade Prevent The Children’s Deaths By Traveling Back In Time?
How Can Tabitha & Jade Save Them & Stop The Cycle?
Now that Tabitha and Jade remember their histories and purpose, they have to figure out how exactly to save the children. The Boy in White told Christopher that “the answers to the end are in the beginning,” which could mean that they need to travel back in time in order to prevent the children’s sacrifice, and thus end the cycle that traps people in town. From season 3 introduced time travel elements when Julie went back to the dungeons, so it’s possible that she can help bring Tabitha and Jade back in time to when the sacrifice originally happened.
However, Ethan told Julie that while she can go back to different “chapters” in the story, she can’t change the story. That would suggest that Tabitha and Jade wouldn’t be able to stop the children’s deaths even if they could travel back to that moment, but Julie seems to be trying to find a loophole for this. In the final moments of From season 3 when the man in yellow appears and kills Jim, Julie yells that she has to “change the story,” so she also is seemingly trying to use her time travel to undo certain tragedies.
From season 4 has officially been renewed by MGM+, but no release date has been announced.
If Julie can figure out how to stop certain events from happening, then it becomes more likely that Tabitha and Jade can return to their original forms and succeed in saving their daughter from sacrifice. It’s unclear whether returning to the lighthouse will still factor into saving the children, or if its role was fulfilled after Tabitha was sent there and left From’s town. However, since the children are supposedly “trapped” there, perhaps Tabitha and Jade have to go to the lighthouse to free the kids’ souls as well as their own sometime in the past.