![Cele mai bune 10 filme și emisiuni TV ale lui Omar Epps Cele mai bune 10 filme și emisiuni TV ale lui Omar Epps](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/omar-epps-in-power-book-house-and-juice.jpg)
Cel mai bun Omar Epps Filmele și emisiunile TV includ genuri medicale, criminale și fantastice de lungă durată și a făcut, de asemenea, o muncă grozavă pe marele ecran. Epps s-a născut în Brooklyn și a urmat un liceu specializat în artele spectacolului înainte de a începe să lucreze în muzică și actorie. Apoi a primit o mare pauză când și-a făcut debutul în film Suc, care a atras multă atenție, deoarece a fost și debutul în film al legendei rap-ului Tupac Shakur. Acesta a fost doar începutul.
Epps a avut mare succes pe marele ecran, dar a devenit vedetă datorită muncii sale la televizor. După un mic rol recurent în drama medicală Camera de urgențăPopularitatea sa a explodat când a fost distribuit în rolul Dr. Eric Foreman în seria de drame medicale Acasă. Actorul a primit mai multe nominalizări la premii pentru acest rol și mai târziu a folosit asta pentru a se catapulta într-o serie de roluri regulate în emisiunile TV aproape în fiecare an de când și-a încheiat timpul în Acasă. Deși nu a încetat să joace în filme, Epps și-a dovedit valoarea pe micul ecran.
Scream 2 (1997)
Omar Epps îl interpretează pe Phil Stevens
Scream 2 este continuarea meta-filmului lui Wes Craven Scream și a fost lansat la un an după original. În continuare, Sidney (Neve Campbell) se mută la facultate, dar nu poate scăpa de moștenirea ei ca supraviețuitor de Ghostface. Lucrurile devin și mai complicate pentru Sidney și prietenii ei când o nouă Ghostface bântuie campusul lor.
- Data de lansare
12 decembrie 1997
- Distribuitor(i)
Filme dimensionale
- Timp de execuție
120 de minute
Primul Ţipăt filmul a devenit cunoscut pentru premieră, când Drew Barrymore a fost ucis înainte ca povestea să înceapă cu adevărat. A folosit un vechi truc de Alfred Hitchcock, asemănător cu când a ucis-o pe Janet Leigh în mijlocul Psihopat. Al doilea Ţipăt filmul a făcut un truc similar, dar cu o stea mult mai mică decât Barrymore. De data aceasta a fost Jada Pinkett, proaspăt din evadarea ei O lume diferită şi Societatea amenințării II. Cu toate acestea, este posibil ca unii oameni să nu-și amintească de iubitul ei din film, interpretat de Omar Epps.
Scena a fost puternic parodiată, Pinkett fiind studentă la filme cu iubitul ei, uitându-se Înjunghiaun film bazat pe evenimentele din primul film. Ea și Phil Stevens de la Epps au fost uciși în fața tuturor celor care credeau că este o cascadorie promoțională. A fost un rol mic pentru Epps, deoarece a murit la începutul filmului, dar la fel ca filmul original, a fost unul dintre cele mai memorabile momente ale filmului. Țipă 2 și l-a ajutat pe Epps să câștige un public și mai mare pentru talentele sale.
Acestia suntem noi (2019-2020)
Omar Epps îl interpretează pe Darnell Hodges
Aceștia suntem noi s-a învârtit în principal în jurul „tripleților” poveștii, interpretați de Justin Hartley, Chrissy Metz și Sterling K. Brown. Hartley și Metz au fost gemeni născuți de Jack și Rebecca Pearson, în timp ce Brown s-a născut în aceeași zi și a fost adoptat de cuplu. Serialul oscilează între viitor, după moartea lui Jack, și copilăria lor, unde Jack și Rebecca îi cresc pentru a deveni oamenii în care vor crește. Omar Epps a semnat serial pentru sezonul patru ca Darnell Hodges.
Malik Hodges este un tată adolescent care locuiește cu părinții săi. Începe să se întâlnească cu Deja, fiica adoptivă a lui Randall (Brown). Darnell Hodges este tatăl lui Malik (Asante Blackk). Rolul lui este mic și apare doar în trei episoade, dar acesta rămâne unul dintre cele mai populare și de succes seriale din cariera lui Epps, iar el joacă un rol solid ca tată care încearcă să facă ce este mai bine pentru fiul său. El ține unul dintre cele mai bune discursuri ale acelui sezon când apără cine este fiul său, nu cum îl văd oamenii.
Shooter (2016-2018)
Omar Epps îl interpretează pe căpitanul Isaac Johnson
În 2016, USA Network a realizat filmul Mark Wahlberg Shooter și l-a reutilizat ca un serial de televiziune. De asemenea, a optat pentru a adăuga câteva nume mai mari distribuției în rolurile principale. Ryan Philippe (Știu ce ai făcut vara trecută) a preluat rolul principal, când Bob Lee Swagger și Omar Epps s-au alăturat distribuției ca agent al Serviciului Secret Isaac Johnson. Fostul comandant al Marinei lui Swagger și omul care l-a chemat înapoi în acțiune pentru a ajuta la protejarea unui demnitar în vizită.
Intriga a fost similară cu filmul, cu un fost lunetist invitat să ajute la protejarea vizitatorului ucrainean.[resident from an assassination attempt, only to be framed for the murder when it happens. Epps plays the role of the man that Bob Lee thought set him up, only to be revealed to be someone as blind to the situation as he was. Epps remains a main character in the cast throughout all three seasons of the series, allowing him a little more action than he was used to over the years.
Conviction (2002)
Omar Epps Plays Carl Upchurch
In 2002, Omar Epps took on a lead role in a made-for-TV biopic of Carl Upchurch. The film is called Conviction and is about a man who educates himself and turns his life around while serving a prison sentence. In real life, Upchurch was a former gang member who served several stints in prison and finally found a spiritual awakening, during which he began to work to improve not only his own life but also that of others. He created a group that brokered peaces in Columbus, Ohio, between the Crips and the Bloods.
Conviction tells his life story and shows how he started his mission by providing help by mediating problems between inmates and later between street gangs. The film was based on Upchurch’s own autobiography, and it aired initially on Showtime. Epps earned a nomination for hire performance from the NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Actor in a Television Movie, Mini-Series, or Dramatic Special.
Higher Learning (1995)
Omar Epps Plays Malik Williams
In 1995, iconic filmmaker John Singleton directed the drama Higher Learning, a film about incoming freshmen at a fictional university and their struggles. The three freshmen are played by Omar Epps (track star Malik Williams), Kristy Swanson (shy and naive Kristen Conner), and Michael Rapaport (lonely Remy). While they were all in the lead, there were other iconic appearances, as it featured Tyra Banks’ first movie role, and both Laurence Fishburne and Ice Cube earned NAACP Image Award nominations.
However, it was Epps, Swanson, and Rapaport who really carried the movie, with Rappaport’s Remy finding acceptance in a white supremacist group and Epps’ Malik realizing that he has to do twice as much as a white student just to make people notice his work. The film received mixed reviews, with Roger Ebert writing that Singleton “uses familiar kinds of characters and then asks hard questions about them.” That is on full display with Epps’ character and his nuanced performance.
Resurrection (2014-2015)
Omar Epps Plays J. Martin “Marty” Bellamy
Most of Omar Epp’s television shows are set in realistic worlds, whether medical dramas, action thrillers, or crime dramas. In 2014, he did something completely different. Two years after his breakout role in House, Epps signed on for the fantasy drama series Resurrection. This show starts out with a shocking moment when the loved ones of the small town of Arcadia, Missouri, come back from the dead, unaged since they died. This lack of aging doesn’t change no matter how long ago they passed away.
It includes an eight-year-old who died in 1982, who was found alive and in China. He is brought back home by an immigration agent named Marty Bellamy, played by Omar Epps. Soon, another dead resident returns, and they warn more are coming. Epps has a tough role as an outsider who sees the unexplained happening and has to figure out how to deal with the phenomenon. The actor was a major player in both seasons and received an NAACP Image Award nomination for his performance.
Juice (1992)
Omar Epps Plays Q
Omar Epps made his feature film debut in the same movie that rap icon Tupac Shakur also made his debut. The film is called Juice, a crime thriller about a group of four Black youths in Harlem who struggle with police harassment and rival neighborhood gangs. The four leads are Epps as Q, Tupac as Roland Bishop, Khalil Kain as Raheem Porter, and Jermaine Hopkins as Steel Thurman. They are high schoolers who often skip school, steal records for Q’s DJ dreams, and get harassed by the police and a Puerto Rican gang.
When Bishop thinks they need to rob a local convenience store, Q starts to have second thoughts about their lifestyle. Juice received mostly positive reviews, receiving 81% on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics praising its ability to tell the story of angry youth trying to find a way to gain self-control over their lives. Epps has the main protagonist role, with him falling out with Tupac’s Bishop, and fighting for his own survival. It made Epps a star and proved Tupac had a possible future in movies.
Power Book III: Raising Kanan (2021-2024)
Omar Epps Plays Detective Malcolm Howard
Power Book III: Raising Kanan is a prequel to the crime drama series and explores the life of Kanan before his entrance into the drug dealing world. As the young Kanan begins to make a name for himself, he discovers playing the game means stepping in the path of competitors and corrupt detectives who seek to destabilize the lives of his community.
- Cast
Patina Miller
, London Brown
, Malcolm Mays
, Joey Bada$$
, Shanley Caswell
, Hailey Kilgore
, Toby Sanderman
, Lovie Simone
, Omar Epps
, Mekai Curtis - Release Date
July 18, 2021
- Seasons
- Showrunner
Sascha Penn
The third series in the Power franchise, Power Book III: Raising Kanan, takes place in the 1990s and focuses on Kanan Stark’s early years. While 50 Cent played Kanan in the original series, Mekai Curtis portrays him here as a younger man who gets into bad business to help his mother, who runs her own growing drug business. The series has continued the success of the franchise, with three seasons and a total of five planned out to finish this story.
Omar Epps plays a very complicated role here. He signed on to play Malcolm Howard, an NYPD Detective and Kanan’s biological father. While he is a police officer, he is also one of the main antagonists of the series. He does some very despicable things to achieve his goal of cleaning up the streets. He also works to win over Kanan as his father, while also trying to shut down Kanan’s mother’s drug empire. Epps left the show after season 3, but Howard played a hugely important role before he finally fell.
Love & Basketball (2000)
Omar Epps Plays Quincy McCall
In 2000, Omar Epps enjoyed his first major awards recognition for his role in the romantic sports drama Love & Basketball. Produced by Spike Lee and directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood (The Old Guard), Epps stars as basketball star Quincy McCall, a young man who falls in love with another basketball star named Monica (played by Sanaa Lathan). The movie follows the characters through four different years of their lives, as kids, high schoolers, college students, and finally adults, when they make it to the pros.
Love & Basketball plays as a romance with basketball as the backdrop, and critics loved it. It has an 85% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics praising the chemistry and acting skills of both Epps and Lathan. Both received nominations at the BET Awards, with Lathan winning. It also swept the Black Reel Awards, winning for Best Film, Best Director, and Best Actress for Lathan. Epps also received an NAACP Image Award nomination for his performance, while Lathan won for her role.
House (2004-2012)
Omar Epps Plays Dr. Eric Foreman
House is a medical mystery drama in which the villain is typically a difficult-to-diagnose medical malady. It follows Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie), a world-renowned disabled diagnostician with a notorious substance abuse issue. With his team of world-class doctors, House has built a reputation as one of the most brilliant doctors in the world – an especially impressive feat when taking into account that he rarely actually sees his patients.
- Cast
Olivia Wilde
, Jesse Spencer
, Lisa Edelstein - Release Date
November 16, 2004
- Seasons
- Showrunner
David Shore
Arguably, the most important role of Omar Epps’ career came when he signed on to the medical drama series, House. The series was mostly a case-of-the-week drama series with a brilliant doctor and his handpicked team of experts. Epps plays one of those experts, Dr. Eric Foreman. House chose Foreman because he knew that this was a man who would question every decision he made, and he knew that would only make them all a better team in the long run.
House’s team imploded as the series wore on, but Dr. Foreman thrived after the fact and ended up given complete authority over the hospital by the time the series ended. Foreman, as much as House, was a major player in the show for the entire series run and Epps proved he could be a major television star in this role. House is a big reason that Omar Epps has remained one of the most in-demand TV actors of the 21st century.