One stunning cosplay has combined two beloved characters from The Legend of Zelda And Final Fantasy 7 In one cohesive creation, featuring a mashup of Cloud Strife from FF7 And link of the Seldom Franchise. Although it seems like the combination really shouldn't work, it comes together extremely well.
left_image_76 On Reddit shared their impressive cosplay, which combines elements of each character in one. The cosplay includes Link's iconic green hat and elf ears, and Cloud's massive booster sword, shoulder guard, bracer, and his various belts and straps, Redesigned to include the instantly recognizable emblems and designs of Seldom. The shoulder guard sports a rendition of the Hylian shield, complete with a colorful raised print of the Hyrule crest, while the weapon reimagines Link's master sword as a booster sword.
These photos, expertly captured by Gabe Freeland On Instagram, next bring the creation to life. The photos capture Cloud-Link posing in various battle-ready positions, And the blurred backgrounds make the main character pop out at the viewer. Some of the photos also use reflections, for a gorgeous view of the cosplayer standing above his own mirror image.
How similar are Zelda's Link and FF7's Cloud?
They may have more in common than you realize
Link and Cloud don't have too much in common at first glance. FF7's Protagonist Cloud Strife is a brooding mercenary Which takes some time to warm to his companion. He appears only in the world of Final Fantasy 7 and the related spinoffs and remakes.
Link, on the other hand, is a quiet but significantly less brooding protagonist. He exists in many different ways Legend of Zelda games, each one offering a slightly different version of the green-clad hero. In each title, however, Link is shown to be a valiant hero who wears his heart on his sleeve More often than not.
A deeper dive into their games, however, shows that they may be more related than it appears. At the very least, both characters are sword-wielding baddies tasked with saving the world. Apart from that, the Final Fantasy 7 Remakes have opens up the possibility of multiple versions of Cloud existing across different timelines, Much like Link and his many games.
The Legend of Zelda And Final Fantasy 7 Influenced many younger players, bringing them into the vast world of video games. There's a certain nostalgia associated with both, and cosplayer Forsaken_Building_76 and photographer Gabefreeland capture that feeling perfectly in their collaboration.