You're Probably Missing the Ultimate Stadium Valley Watering "Hack"

You're Probably Missing the Ultimate Stadium Valley Watering

Keeping crops watered is the bane of a busy farmer's life Stardew Valley. Balancing energy levels with getting a good profit from product sales can be stressful, especially when there are never enough iridium sprinklers to go around. however, There is one late game strategy that would eliminate any headaches Over watering cans and sprinklers.

While upgrading the watering can and grinding hours in the mines for iridium can certainly lead to a better farm layout, there is a way to cover a huge portion of the farm with crops and water them every day without sprinklers or a watering can. With careful planning, collecting a lot of materials and late-game tools, One basic farm can pump out millions in gold per harvest. This Stardu Strategy is best for very late game farms as it requires at least level 9 foraging and access to many ancient seeds, truffle oil and lots of pine tar.

Rain totems are a great way to increase production

How to get Rain Totems in Stardu Valley

Answer to a Reddit Post by ddearco showing off their gigantic farm setup, user ICBPeng1 suggested what just might be The best way to get the most benefit from a Stardew Valley Farm: The Rain Totem. As the name implies, the rain totem guarantees that it will rain the day after it is used. Using a rain totem every day would eliminate the need for sprinklers or watering crops by hand And can easily leave a mind-boggling fashion throughout spring, summer and autumn.

To obtain a Rain Totem, players must reach Foraging Level 9 to craft them or find them in Skull Cavern treasure rooms. Once the crafting recipe is unlocked, Players will need 1 Hardwood, 1 Truffle Oil and 5 Pine Tar to create just one Rain Totem. To cover an entire season with rain, players would need 28 hardwoods, 28 truffle oils, and 140 pine tars for crafting.


Since this is a lot of material, especially with how limited the supply of hardwood can be, It may be more economical to limit the use of rain totems to a single season. However, to get the most out of a single crop that conveniently lasts every season (except winter), it's best to stock up on rain totems.

The most profitable products to use with rain totems

How old fruit can make big profits

To get the most out of the Rain Totem strategy, players would need to plant the most profitable crop in each season. For the absolute most profit through the year, The best product is the ancient fruit. Ancient fruit seeds need to be planted in the spring and grow throughout the season. It is then harvestable throughout the summer and autumn, which Eliminates a lot of work for the rest of the year.

Since it is only feasible to plant around 500 seeds with fertilizer a day, it would take about four days to plant 2000 ancient fruit seeds. Although this number does not cover an entire farm, it takes about half of the available space of a default map (because space can be limited on the other types of farm maps), which may already be in use by barns, coops, and others Seasonal crops.

How much money you can make with the rain totem strategy

Get rich quick in Stardew Valley

The Parrot Express lifts on Ginger Island in Stardew Valley.

It would also be wise to sacrifice some planting space to deluxe scarecrows, as crows will eat into the ancient fruit which in turn eats into the farm profits. The only major drawback is that if a Unimo hat is on the farm to harvest produce, The helpful little forest spirits won't come out to help while it's raining. By planting 2000 (or more) ancient fruit seeds, The profit from the first harvest would be approximately 1,100,000 g From only base quality ancient fruit without the tiller profession.

If crafting 84 rain totems seems like a daunting task, this strategy can also work for just a single season with the best standard crops for each season.

This benefit can be dramatically increased by turning the ancient fruit into wine and aging a portion of the wine. If players add fertilizer or deluxe fertilizer when planting the ancient fruit, That profit can be as big as 2,000,000 g per harvest For iridium crops and a little less for gold and silver quality ancient fruits.

If crafting 84 rain totems seems like a daunting task, the Stardew Valley Rain totem strategy can also work for only a single season with the best normal crops for each season. For spring, strawberries would be best, while blueberries would work for summer and pumpkins for fall. Using Speed-Gro instead of Deluxe fertilizer would allow for longer harvests, especially for strawberries and blueberries.

Source: Stardew Valley / Reddit

Stardew Valley is a charming indie farming scene that took the world by storm. After inheriting a lost farm from their grandfather, the player moves to Stardew Valley to start a new life away from the city. Grow crops, raise animals, free the villagers and discover the secrets that the valley has to offer.

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26 February 2016




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