Cyberpunk 2077 Features a dense and complex world full of secrets and lore. It has a lot of history to build on, as it comes from an existing TTRPG with entire books of established characters and events. Overall, the game does a good job of laying out the details in a way that makes players care about them, as any good open-world game will, Connect the story of Night City with the story of the game's protagonist. But there is one well-done aspect of world-building in this game that many players miss.
The game includes over 150 NCPD Scanner Hustles, small and simple interactions around the map Which provide some basic combat and make the world feel populated. Most players encounter the hassle between larger missions, stopping to beat up some bad guys on their way to the actual story. But each of the scanner hustles includes a small fragment of narrative itself, which flavors the world in a way that makes it feel more interconnected.
How Scanner Hustles work in Cyberpunk 2077
V for Vigilante
At the beginning of the game, V gets a police scanner installed in their eyes by their repardoc, favorite Cyberpunk 2077 Character wick vector. This is the implant that allows them to interact with the Scanner Hustles, Picking up ongoing crimes and dropping by to stop them. Most of the hassles see the player dealing with gang robberies, corrupt corpo dealings or other general violence in the city streets. Some get a little more detail, with an officer coming on the radio to tell nearby police about a specific criminal in the area, but most lack any formal introduction.
None of the scanner hustles are mandatory for the story, instead just small events that pepper the map and only show up when V is close to one. to complete them, Players simply have to neutralize all hostile parties And choose a data share In the area, one that explains the context of what is happening. Most players will likely skip reading the shards, however, just treating the encounter as a way to try out new gear and gain experience.
NCPD scanner hustles make cyberpunk better
Expanding on a sprawling setting
Players can treat Scanner Hustles as simple small instances of combat if they wish. Part of the beauty of the game is that players can go through it in any way they want, and if they don't care about reading the text in each of the scenes, they don't have to. But more people should, because These little snippets provide some great details about the world of Night City.
While many are simple transcripts of hostile interactions between Night City gang members or vague allusions to corporate deals, others mention well-known characters or events. A character in the shards can be seen mentioning a fixer the player has worked with before, showing how involved they are in the criminal underworld. Others make even more obscure references to Specific characters and events from gigs that the player has completed.
Reading about someone else reacting to V's work makes the player feel like they have a real impact on the world.
The best reference actions that the player himself has takenHow reading about someone else reacting to V's work makes the player feel like they have a real impact on the world, and how their decisions matter. It's clear how much effort went into making the small bits of text fit into the story, and how much the developers care about making the world of Cyberpunk Feel lived in.
Even small details in cyberpunk have meaning
The purpose of the scanner hustles
The history of Cyberpunk 2077 is expansive and includes tons of characters, many of which are unrelated to V's quest for survival. But the characters, like the merc Tiny Mike and the media Max Jones, help establish the tone and themes of the play. Their inclusion makes Night City feel like it exists independently of V And the player, as a real place rather than a setting for a video game.
The Scanner Hustles are a great representation of how world building can be done in ways that feel unobtrusive, and they encourage the player to explore rather than sit through exposition dumps. They can be a little more varied, however Much of the game's variety relies on the player experimenting With different implants and weapons rather than enemy variations. These little encounters not only introduce new details to the world, but also provide plenty of opportunities for testing your skills outside Cyberpunk 2077s main missions.
Source: Cyberpunk 2077/YouTube
Based on the 1988 tabletop game, Cyberpunk 2077 is a first-person action RPG game set in a dystopian cyber future developed by CD Projekt Red. Players will tackle the streets of Night City as customizable protagonist V, who struggles to keep their memories intact after receiving a strange cybernetic implant that slowly overrides their memories by a deceased celebrity known as Johnny Silverhand, played by Keanu Reeves.
- Franchise
- Released
December 10, 2020