After decades of attempts, the Fantastic Four The greatest villain's mission to dominate the world is close to being accomplished. Following Doctor Doom's central role in the Blood Hunt event, he has gained the title of Sorcerer Supreme and now seeks supremacy over the entire world. Understandably, his longtime rival Reed Richards has not been taking the news well, becoming increasingly obsessed with Victor Von Doom's rise to power.
Marvel Comics announced related issues for your next A world under destruction event, including Fantastic Four #29 – written by Ryan North, with art by Cory Smith – which will find the patriarch of Marvel's First Family isolating himself while his teammates try to relax after the war against vampires in Blood Hunt.
Reed Richards' long-standing rivalry with his old friend-turned-enemy has turned into a dark and unproductive obsession.one who threatens to destroy his family faster than Doom ever could.
As Doctor Doom rises to power, Reed Richards' obsession with the villain pushes the Fantastic Four to their breaking point.
Fantastic Four #29– Written by Ryan North; Art by Cory Smith; Available February 26, 2025 from Marvel Comics.
After assuming the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Doom isolated himself and Latveria from the rest of the world. Doom, as always, believes his leadership is necessary to save the world from its frequent apocalyptic disasters. For Doom, people like the Fantastic Four or the Avengers are the villains; people with the power to change the world who choose not to. Although Victor Von Doom was busy weaving his plans for A world under destruction, Reed Richards focused solely on stopping his iconic enemy.
Mr. Fantastic has every reason not to trust Doctor Doom. However, his obsession with Doom sets him apart from most other Marvel heroes. Spider-Man is always willing to give his villains a second chance. Thor gave Loki the benefit of the doubt more times than in the years they lived. But for Reed, it seems like Victor will always be a villain who doesn't deserve forgiveness. Yes, Doom took advantage of his position to take the title of Sorcerer Supreme from Doctor Strange, but he also single-handedly saved the world from eternal darkness by inventing a new form of magic.
Marvel's "A World Under Perdition" Threatens to test Reed Richards' sanity like never before
Last year already pushed Mr. Fantastic to his limits
Since Doom saved the world in Blood HuntReed Richards is alone, leaving the Fantastic Four fractured. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time Richards has split his family apart in recent months. Earlier this year, the Fantastic Four fell apart after Reed trapped his and the Thing's children on a space station in the future. Frankly, Reed is just one bad decision away from becoming the next Creator or another Doctor Doom. His obsessive behavior to defeat his enemies at all costs could finally destroy him and the Fantastic Four.
Source: Marvel Comics
Fantastic Four #29 will be available on February 26, 2025 from Marvel Comics.