Playing Xilonen's rotation correctly in Genshin Impact is critical to your relationship in team comps and getting it wrong can get you kicked out. Xilonen is a 5-star geo character that was added with version 5.1. The playable unit, which also debuted as an important story NPC in the update, is a supporting character. Xilonen's main ability is to cause RES fragmentation against opponents, making them more susceptible to DMG. After farming Xylon's materials in Genshin Impact And working on her build, she should be a valuable addition to the player's team comp, as long as they execute her rotation accurately.
In addition to this, Xilonen can also heal herself or active teammates through her elemental burst. It is arguable that, from an initial standpoint, Xilonen's gameplay kit is a bit more complex than that of other characters. With her, there is a specific order of actions that players must execute to ensure that she can successfully apply the correct RES shard on enemies, and knowing when to activate Xilonen's elemental burst is also important. This is because the moment of activation will determine who is healed by her abilities or if she will deal extra damage to opponents in Genshin Impact.
The rotation of xilonen in genshin impact requires attention
The samples of Xilonen are key to her RES Shred abilities
Xilonen's RES fragment abilities are directly linked to her elemental skills. However, applying this effect is not as simple as using the skills and swapping letters. instead, The type of RES fragment is related to three samplers, each of which corresponds to different elemental types. They are all aligned with geo by default but can change depending on the elemental types of the party. The next step is to activate your samplers since this is exactly what will apply the RES fragment on opponents. This will make them more susceptible to the damage of the elemental types aligned with Xilonen's samples.
If Mualani in Genshin Impact is on Xilonen's team, one of her samplers will be hydro-aligned. Once activated, this sampler will make nearby enemies more susceptible to Mualani's Hydro DMG, eg.
How to activate the Xilonen samplers in Genshin Impact
Players must accumulate Nightsoul Points
Although the change of geo to other elemental types will happen naturally due to the presence of characters of other elemental types in the party, activating them will require some extra work. As explained by the developer in an official and comprehensive post on HoYoLABPlayers will need to use Xilonen's Elemental Skill to enter the Nightsoul's blessing state and then follow up with two normal attacks to fully restore Nightsoul Points. When you reach the maximum number of Nightsoul Points, all three of Xilonen's samples will be activated, thus crushing the enemies of RES. of Genshin Impact.
It is important to note that the US Nightsoul Points will only be obtained if Xilonen uses normal attacks after at least two samples have undergone elemental conversion - Meaning they must be changed from Geo to another elemental type. The elemental types that Xilonen's sampler supports are Pyro, Hydro, Cryo and Electro. If players are using Geo, Anemo, or Dendro, the samplers will stay aligned to Geo. When Xilonen is in her Nightsoul's blessing state, Geo Samplers will always be activated. This, in turn, will cause a permanent Geo RES chip on nearby opponents in Genshin Impact.
Essentially, Xilonen is at her best when inserted into team comps with two additional elemental types beyond Geo, Anemo or Dendro. To play Xilonen's rotation correctly, players should swap her in, which will already see her samplers undergo elemental conversion, use her elemental skills to enter the Nightsoul's blessing state, use two normal attacks against opponents to accumulate the maximum number of Nightsoul Points and trigger the RES chipAnd trade for the team comp's main DPS to come in and deal increased DMG because the enemies will have less resistance against their elemental types in Genshin Impact.
How to use Xilonen's elemental burst correctly in Genshin Impact
The moment your burst is used can affect who is healed
Although less important than the RES burst provided by her elemental skills, Xilonen's Elemental Burst is still a key feature in her gameplay kit and her rotation. The crack has two different formats based on the player's team comp. It starts the same for both versions: the Burst deals Nightsoul-aligned AoE Geo DMG based on Xilonen's DEF stat. If fewer than two of Xilonen's samples have undergone elemental conversion from Geo to another elemental type, her elemental burst will deal two additional instances of Nightsoul-aligned AoE Geo DMG. This means that Xilonen will not heal allies in Genshin Impact.
However, if two or more of Xilonen's samples have changed from Geo to another elemental type, the character will follow the initial instance of Nightsoul-aligned AoE Geo DMG with healing. Xilonen's healing through her burst heals active characters at close intervals for 12 seconds. This is where knowing when to use Xilonen's Burst comes in handy. If Xilonen herself needs healing, it's recommended to swap her out, use her burst, and proceed to her aforementioned elemental skill rotation in Genshin Impact. This allows Xilonen to heal while she triggers the RES Shard effect on enemies.
Alternatively, if players want to use Xilonen's Burst to heal teammates rather than the 5-star Geo character themselves, they should take a different approach. This would normally be executing her Skill Rotation, ensuring that the RES Fragment is triggered, and then finishing it off with her Elemental Burst. When he leaves the field, the next character to come in (probably the main DPS) will use the RES fragment on enemies and the constant healing effect left by Xilonen. The moment her elemental burst is used is vital to Xilonen's rotation Genshin Impact.
Overall, the rotation of Xilonen is quite simple. It takes a few extra actions in the correct order so that her main abilities are triggered, which can confuse players who just swap her, use her skills, and swap her. Additionally, knowing when your burst should be activated can be a life-saver for some team comps, especially since the healing effect has a limited duration. Nevertheless, when executed correctly, Xilonen's rotation in Genshin Impact Can make you one of the most valuable support characters in the game.
Source: HoYoLAB