You should enjoy this free Pokémon TCG Pocket exploration as soon as possible

You should enjoy this free Pokémon TCG Pocket exploration as soon as possible

There is a free exploration at Pokémon TCG Pocket players should take advantage as soon as they can. Nintendo's new mobile game has just been released and allows players to collect trading cards, but with a difference. Players can customize their cards and unlock special dynamic artwork that showcases layers of illustration beyond the cards' edges. There is also a deck building system in Pokémon TCG Pocket which allows players to combine their favorite cards and face off against AI and other players. The PvP system is much more simplified than the traditional one TCG mode, however.

The main focus of the new game is maintaining and expanding a card collection. With repeating cards, players can add touches such as special holographic effects and special visual effects that trigger when the card is played in PvP mode, for example. Players are currently opening Genetic Apex packs in Pokémon TCG Pocketas this is the current theme of the season. Players can increase the number of packs they open daily with a new exploit, which also unlocks other perks – the best part is that players can access these benefits for free.

How to unlock the free premium pass in Pokémon TCG Pocket

There is a 14-day free trial for the subscription

Three cards, a fire, a water and a leaf on a blue background.

The secret behind the exploit is to unlock the Premium Pass for free. The Premium Pass is a traditionally paid mechanic that allows players to access a number of different benefits that F2P (free-to-play) players do not have. This includes an extra pack every day, as well as special missions that grant unique currency, used to purchase exclusive items. While Premium Pass is typically a paid mechanic that costs $9.99, there is a way to get Premium Pass at Pokémon TCG Pocket without paying anythingbut there is a trick to follow precisely.

To do this, players will simply need to subscribe to the Premium Pass for the first time. Once this is done, they will unlock a 14-day free trial period during which they can take full advantage of the Premium Pass benefits.. After the 14-day trial period ends, however, players will be charged to remain Premium Pass subscribers. As such, the exploit consists of subscribing to the Premium Pass and canceling the subscription 24 hours before paying for the subscription.

Players need to be very aware of when the free trial will end and when the charge will arrive, to cancel your Premium Pass subscription at Pokémon TCG Pocket at least 24 hours in advance to avoid the risk of being charged for this.

What can you get with the premium pass in Pokémon TCG Pocket (cards and accessories)

Players can unlock special perks with subscription

When players unlock the Premium Pass, whether in the free trial period upon first purchase or in the paid version continued after the trial, they will unlock a series of in-game benefits. The first advantage is getting an extra pack per day. A secondary stamina meter will be added to the player's main page, monitoring the wait time until they can open the secondary pack every 24 hours.. This works like the traditional meter, and players can open any type of package they want once the cooldown is up. Pokémon TCG Pocket is completed.

The next big benefit of subscribing to Premium Pass is unlocking premium missions. Players can complete a number of different missions in the F2P version of the game, but with the Premium Pass, they unlock a new category of missions that they can complete. These premium missions include tasks that players can perform regularly, such as logging in, opening packages, using the Wonder Pick function, and collecting cards.. What's special about these premium missions are the rewards they grant players. Pokémon TCG Pocket.

By completing tasks, players will have access to Premium Tickets, which can be exchanged in the Store for exclusive items. These items include a special card that can only be purchased with that specific currency, as well as exclusive accessories, which include coins, mats, card sleeves, backdrops, and capes.. During the Genetic Apex season, the card is a special version of Pikachu, while the accessories are all themed around Mewtwo, but stock will change with future releases in Pokémon TCG Pocket.

Additionally, with premium missions unlocked by Premium Pass, players can earn extra Pack Hourglasses and Wonder Hourglasses. This allows them to reduce wait times for stamping packages and Wonder Picks, respectively. This way, Premium Pass players can buy more cards if they complete the missions that unlock these items. In turn, they have better chances of getting some of the must-have cards in Pokémon TCG Pocketlike the Secret Rare versions of Mewtwo ex or Articuno ex.

Disadvantages of using the Premium Pass free trial in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Players may regret using the free trial too soon

The benefits of subscribing to the Premium Pass for free are incredible if players are able to take advantage of the perks they unlock and, ideally, complete all the premium missions they can. However, there are some disadvantages to using the free trial period. The first and most obvious is the risk of forgetting to cancel your subscription in due time. If players lose track of time and don't cancel their subscription, they could be surprised by a $9.99 charge they weren't expecting of Pokémon TCG Pocket.

The second disadvantage of subscribing to the Premium Pass free trial is that players can spend the Premium Tickets they purchase on items they don't necessarily want. For example, when the current Genetic Apex season ends, some players may regret using Premium Tickets on the special Pikachu card from Mewtwo accessories, when they could have saved the Tickets to purchase items related to any Pokémon featured in the next season. season in Pokémon TCG Pocket – that Pokémon may be one of your preferences in relation to Mewtwo, for example.

Overall, though, the downsides of subscribing to the free trial pale in comparison to the benefits unlocked by the Premium Pass. Even if players choose to wait for the next season, all Trainers should take advantage of the free exploit and use the benefits offered by the Premium Pass during the 14-day trial. They should set a reminder to unsubscribe from the service in due time, but thrive on opening extra packs and getting exclusive items in Pokémon TCG Pocket.