Yellowstone Ending Explained

Yellowstone Ending Explained

Spoiler alert: The following article contains spoilers for Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 14, “Life Is a Promise.”

THE yellow stone The Season 5 finale feels like the series finale (although Paramount Network didn't market it as such), featuring full-circle moments, a fulfilled prophecy, death, new beginnings, and more. Taylor Sheridan's popular neo-Western drama debuted in 2018 and has been a hit ever since. However, all good things must come to an end, especially when they start to lose their magic. Consequently, yellow stone (supposedly) came to an end after season 5, episode 14, “Life Is a Promise,” but that doesn’t mean the Dutton family and their stories are gone forever.

After the revelation of Kayce's secret plan in yellow stone Season 5, Episode 13, the finale addresses the fate of the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, along with all of the characters' endings. Kayce's idea works, saving the ranch by keeping it out of the reach of greedy corporations and finding someone to take care of the land. Unfortunately, this means the family and ranch hands must leave and go their separate ways. At the end of "Life Is a Promise", each yellow stone character has a new purpose, for better or for worse.

Why Kayce Sells the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch to the Rainwater Boss (But Keeps Her Family Home)

Yellowstone's ending fulfills the 1883 prophecy

As teased at the end of yellow stone Season 5, Episode 13, Kayce approaches Chief Thomas Rainwater with a proposal - he will sell the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch to the Chief and his tribe for what it cost when the Dutton ancestors took it; $1.25 per acre. It's a rip off, frankly, and that's the point. Kayce and Beth have to sell the land because they can't pay the inheritance tax, nor do members of the Broken Rock Reservation. However, if Chief Rainwater purchases it for a small amount, the tax will be based on the amount he paid for it.

With the tax break, Chief Rainwater is able to buy the ranch and, unsurprisingly, he takes advantage of the opportunity. While it's sad to let the ranch go (well, not so much for Kayce), the Duttons know it's in good hands as Chief Rainwater and his people will take care of it. The land will not be acquired by wealthy corporations who want to build shopping centers, resorts, etc. Kayce makes sure he and his family can keep their East Camp home as part of the deal.

Spotted Eagle said, "In seven generations my people will rise up and take it back from you," and that's exactly what happens during the yellow stone season 5 finale.

With the sale, yellow stonethe story has come full circle. As some may remember, 1883 ended with a prophecy - Spotted Eagle told James Dutton that his people would one day take back the land. Specifically, Spotted Eagle said, "In seven generations my people will rise up and take it back from you," and that is exactly what happens during the yellow stone season 5 finale.

Why Beth kills Jamie and how she gets away with her murder

Rip and Lloyd take Jamie to the train station

The other big moment yellow stone Season 5, Episode 14 is when Beth kills Jamie, which many predicted would happen before the finale premiered. The sibling rivalry between Beth and Jamie has been brewing for years, and finally comes to a head on 'Life Is a Promise'. Both swear they will kill the other, but Beth emerges victorious.

After John's funeral, Beth's need for revenge consumes her. She knows Jamie had something to do with her father's death, so she grabs bear spray and a knife and goes to Jamie's house. When he arrives home, Beth attacks him. Jamie manages to gain the upper hand, even after Beth hits him in the eyes with bear spray. So when Beth informs Jamie that they have sold the ranch, anger overcomes Jamie and he begins to choke Beth. Rip arrives, however, saving Beth. As Rip holds Jamie, Beth stabs him in the stomach and makes sure his face is the last thing he sees.

After Jamie dies, Rip and Lloyd take his body to the train station in yellow stone Season 5, Episode 14, and drives his car to Idaho, where they burn it down and abandon it.

Beth avenges her father, as she promised. She hated Jamie ever since he sterilized her without her consent when she was a teenager. So John's death gives Beth all the ammunition she needs to finally kill her brother. After Jamie dies, Rip and Lloyd take his body to the train station in yellow stone Season 5, Episode 14, and drives his car to Idaho, where they burn it down and abandon it. Meanwhile, Beth is taken to the hospital because of her injuries and tells the police that Jamie attacked her and ran away. They apparently believe her, and Beth gets away with murder.

Where do Beth and Rip go after leaving the ranch?

The couple stays in Montana

At the beginning of yellow stone series finale, Beth tells Rip that she bought property in Dillon, Montana. She knew Kayce's proposal to Chief Rainwater would work, meaning she would have to find a new home for herself, her husband, and Carter (her adopted son who they technically didn't adopt). Beth wanted a place away from tourists where they could build a new ranch, and Dillon was the best option.

yellow stone Season 5, Part 2, Episode #

Episode title



Release date


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"The Apocalypse of Change"

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"Life is a promise"

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During the final moments of the episode, Beth, Rip, and Carter stay at their home in Dillon, which is two hours from Yellowstone. The three start a new life there, leaving the old one behind. Although they have a happy ending, Beth and Rip's story will continue in a yellow stone spinoff, reportedly taking place in Dillon. Carter's return is unknown at the time of this writing. However, Deadline reported that more familiar faces will appear in the spinoff, suggesting that Finn Little may reprise his role as Carter in the cast.

Every Rancher's Fate Explained

Travis hires Teeter

Since the Duttons left Yellowstone during the yellow stone season 5 finale, so do the ranch hands. Most of them find work elsewhere, while others apparently retire or keep their options open. After Colby's death in yellow stone Season 5, Episode 12, Teeter wants out of Montana. So, she has her sights set on Texas. Teeter asks Travis for a job at Bosque Ranch, which he grants her, but on one condition - she must lose her "hillbilly" accent.

Teeter joins Jimmy in Texas, while Lloyd and Ryan have different ideas for the future. Rip offers to give Lloyd a job at his and Beth's new ranch in Dillon, but Lloyd declines. He explains that if he can't work at Yellowstone, then he doesn't want to work at all. As for Ryan, he chooses to be a free spirit after leaving and seeks out Abby at one of her concerts. Ryan convinces Abby to give him a second chance, and the two lovebirds also have a happy ending.

Who narrates the final scenes of the episode?

Isabel May returns

As the Duttons leave Yellowstone, a voice narrates their end in yellow stone Season 5, episode 14. Who watched 1883 can recognize the voice as Elsa Dutton, played by Isabel May in the prequel series. Elsa says:

"141 years ago, my father was told about this valley, and this is where we stayed. Seven generations. My father was told that they would come through this land, and he promised to give it back. Nowhere was that promise written. It disappeared with my father's death, but somehow lived on in the spirit of this place. Men can't really own wild land, you must cover it with concrete, cover it with buildings, pile it with houses so dense that people can smell the each other's dinner. You must rape it to sell it. Raw land, wild land, free land can never be owned, but some men pay dearly for the privilege of its stewardship. her and will hopefully teach the next generation to do the same. And if they falter, find someone else willing to deliver on the promise.

As mentioned above, Kayce fulfills his family's prophecy by selling the ranch to Chief Rainwater. The prophecy began with Elsa's death, when her father, James Dutton, looked for a place to bury her body. Spotted Eagle gifted him the land near Yellowstone, but warned that his people would get it back one day. Now, the yellow stone the history of the universe has come full circle, and Elsa narrates the end as it all began with her.

The True Meaning Behind Yellowstone's Ending

Is Season 5 really the end?

THE yellow stone the season 5 finale ends with the Duttons gave up the ranch because that was always the family's destiny. Since the end of the 19th century, it was only a matter of time before they lost their land. Unfortunately, it comes at a great cost for some, but it opens new doors for others. If this is truly the finish line of neo-Western drama, your story ends as it always should. However, the yellow stone The Season 5 finale is certainly not the end for Beth and Rip, as their spinoff is in the works and other characters could be joining them.

Source: Deadline