Xylon Ascension & Gift Materials

Xylon Ascension & Gift Materials

Farming Xilonen's materials in Genshin Impact Having some precedence over actually getting it can save you some time and allow you to quickly advance you to level 90 and upgrade a large portion of your talents. Xilonen is a new geo character confirmed by developer HoYoverse as the new playable unit of version 5.1. Not many details about her have been officially unveiled beyond her Vision's element but with version 5.0 reaching its end, the number of Xilonen leaks in Genshin Impact 5.1 has increased, and it is now possible to know that she is a 5-star character with support capabilities.

The rumors are that Xilonen may be a sword user who can not only provide shields through Crystallize Reactions, but also a debuffer. The leaks cite that Xilonen can apply resistance shards to enemies, which would make them more susceptible to damage. Furthermore, it seems that Xilonen may also be capable of healing allies. The leaks also indicate that Xilonen's abilities will only scale down her DEF stat, which should make building and optimizing her performance much easier than if she scaled off two stats. Before that, however, you will need to multiply the materials of Xilonen Genshin Impact.

Ascension materials to farm for xylons in genshin impact

Most materials for Xilonen can be pre-farmed

As a geo character, Xilonen's first set of materials is composed of the various Prithiva Topaz stones. The Prithiva Topaz Materials drop from bosses aligned with Geo in the gameSuch as Geo Hypostasis, Golden Wolflord, Ruin Serpent, Azhdaha, Lupus Boreas, and the Legatus Golem in Genshin Impact. Not too many stones are needed, but you may find yourself farming the bosses more than usual if you have none in your inventory.

You can also use the alchemy table to transform other elemental stones into Prithiva Topaz stones.

The table below lists all of Xilonen's Ascension materials, based on leaks recorded by Honey Hunter World:

Xilonen Ascension Materials and Rewards in Genshin Impact

Level Ascension



Level 20 Ascension

  • 1x Prithiva Topaz Silver

  • 3x Sentry's Wooden Whistle

  • 3x brilliant chrysanthemum

  • 20,000 x Mora

Level 40 Ascension

  • 3x Prithiva Topaz Fragment

  • 15x Sentry's Wooden Whistle

  • 10x brilliant chrysanthemum

  • 2x Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core

  • 40,000 x Mora


Level 50 Ascension

  • 6x Prithiva Topaz Fragment

  • 12x Warrior's Metal Whistle

  • 20x brilliant chrysanthemum

  • 4x Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core

  • 60,000 x Mora

Level 60 Ascension

  • 3x Prithiva Topaz Chunk

  • 18x Warrior's Metal Whistle

  • 30x brilliant chrysanthemum

  • 8x Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core

  • 80,000 x Mora


Level 70 Ascension

  • 6x Prithiva Topaz Chunk

  • 12x Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle

  • 45x brilliant chrysanthemum

  • 12x Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core

  • 100,000 x Mora

Level 80 Ascension

  • 6x Prithiva Topaz Gemstone

  • 24x Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle

  • 60x brilliant chrysanthemum

  • 20x Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core

  • 120,000 x Mora


Complete materials

  • 1x Prithiva Topaz Silver

  • 9x Prithiva Topaz Fragment

  • 9x Prithiva Topaz Chunk

  • 6x Prithiva Topaz Gemstone

  • 18x Sentry's Wooden Whistle

  • 30x Warrior's Metal Whistle

  • 36x Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle

  • 168x brilliant chrysanthemum

  • 46x Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core

  • 420,000 x Mora

The next set of materials you'll need for Xilonen is composed of Sentry's Wooden Whistle, Warrior's Metal Whistle, and Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle. The items drop from the Sauroform Tribal Warrior enemies spread across Natlan. These items are used in both Xilonen's Ascension and her talentsSo make sure you farm a surplus for use later. For reference, this is part of Mualani's materials in Genshin ImpactAlso, so you may already have some leftovers if you ascended the Hydro character.

For materials of the same item family, such as the Whistles or the Prithiva Topaz stones, remember to use the alchemy table to coruse copies of lower-grade items into rarer materials.

To advance xylons, you will also need to farm a material called Brilliant Chrysanthemum. This is a local specialty of Natlan that can be found around the Stadium of the Sacred Flame and near Huitztli Hill. As seen in the official interactive map on HoYoLABThere are only 71 nodes and, as is the case with any local specialty, Brilliant Chrysanthemum only respawns every 48 real-life hours, so it can take you up to a week to farm everything you need to fully advance xylons in the game.


The final material needed in Xilonen's Ascension Process is called Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core. For reference, this is the material dropped from the leaked new world boss in Genshin Impact 5.1, allegedly called Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device. Essentially, this means that This specific material cannot be pre-farmed before Xilonen's release because the boss arrived in the same patch as you. You will need to face the boss several times and given limitations on resin availability, it may take you a few days to collect all 46 copies of the leaked gold-inscribed Secret Source Core.

Additionally, you will be required to use 420,000 Mora to get through all of the Ascension Thresholds, Added to the extra 1,637,400 Mora used to level up Xilonen with Character EXP materials. Remember to summon blossoms of wealth for more Mora. Challenge the ones in Natlan if you can, as this will likely pit you against Sauroform Tribal Warriors, who can then give you the aforementioned Whistle Materials.

Gift materials to farm for Xilonen in genshin impact

You will have to fight a classic boss from Sumeru

Genshin Impact's Shane looks back on a crowning insight into Liu'e.

As noted, Sentry's Wooden Whistle, Warrior's Metal Whistle, and Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle were also consumed by Xilonen's talents, albeit at a much greater rate. It shouldn't be difficult to farm these, however You can also get some more of the whistle materials from Paimon's BargainsShould you have the Stardust or Starglitter to make these purchases.

The table below lists all the materials used to fully level all of Xilonen's talents, according to Honey Hunter World:

Xylon gift materials in Genshin Impact

Learning from Kindling

Guide to Kindling

Philosophies of Kindling

Sentry's Wooden Whistle

Warrior's Metal Whistle

Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle

mirror of machine

Crown of Insight


The gift books that Xilonen uses are those of Kindling. The Kindling Gift Book Materials can be farmed from the Blazing Ruins Domain in Natlan, but only on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. A large quantity is needed, so you could see yourself farming the field for leeks, especially given the limitations of resin. For reference, the Kindling books are also part of Kinich's materials in Genshin ImpactSo if you farmed for it, you might have some leftovers, too.

According to the leaks, Xilonen uses Mirror of Mushin as her weekly host material for talents. This item can be dropped from the Shouki no Kami boss in Sumeru. Not too many are needed, but there is a limit on weekly boss challenges and they have randomized drops, so you can drop very other materials. You can use the alchemy table to transform Shouki no Kami's other materials into a mirror of Mushin.

To level up each of her active talents, Xilonen will also need Crowns of Insight. Only three are needed to fully level all of her abilities. This is a very rare gift item that can be obtained from limited-time events, as well as reputation systems. As of version 5.0, You can also get Crowns of Insight from Paimon's Bargains.


While farming materials for Xilonen isn't particularly tough, it can be a lengthy process, especially for materials that have limited drop rates or long respawn times. It's worth noting that the materials are mostly based on leaks, such as the whistles, the gift books, and the weekly chef materials, so your pre-opinion may be removed if HoYoverse decides to change something in the beta tests before Xilonen's Notice in Genshin Impact 5.1.

Source: Honey Hunter World, HoYoLAB