X-Men's Storm debuts her epic new headquarters as a solo hero

X-Men's Storm debuts her epic new headquarters as a solo hero

Warning: Contains potential spoilers for Storm #1!

StormThe bold new Marvel series re-establishes her as a solo hero, separating her from the X-Men And give you a brand new base in Atlanta, Georgia. After Mutantkind's Krakoa era, Storm is the latest recruit to the main Avengers lineup and is apart of the currently forming X-Men teams as they scatter across the globe. Now, Storm has an all-new HQ that highlights her iconic history and goddess-level power.

Marvel's preview for Storm #1 - written by Murewa Ayodele with art by Lucas Werneck - finds Earth's meanest mutant gearing up in her brand new headquarters. The Storm Sanctuary has a closet with her costumes over the decades, a large door decorated with moments from her history, and a lush space for animalsIncluding hippos and giraffes.

The last one Storm Solo series will give insight into Storm's current non-Avenger adventures, as the preview reveals her base of operations. With the character's newly established status quo and a teased run for Congress, Storm shines as a pillar of the Marvel Universe outside of the X-Men.

Storm's New HQ celebrates the hero's iconography and connection to nature

Storm #1 - Written by Murewa Ayodele; Art by Lucas Werneck; Color by Alex Guimarães

The introduction of the storm sanctuary in Storm #1 Reference the character's impressive historyand put a spotlight on her fashions as both a leader of the X-Men, her time in Wakanda and Arakko, and her return to the Avengers in 2024. With Easter eggs to many of Storm's iconic costumes from her 1975 debut to Today, the wide cabinet with a hologram display highlights Orro's rich experience as a Marvel hero. Her wardrobe and the large door with various scenes from her past tell a deep story of Storm as a well-rounded mutant and "Weather witch“From Marvel's Earth-616.


Storm's new Batcave-like base is open to the public in some way, with a speech announcing her arrival to an as yet unseen audience in attendance. One of the most fascinating parts of the shrine is the expansive and futuristic menagerie of animals, highlighting Storm's connection to not only the weather but the earth, as her goddess-like power continues to be defined in Marvel lore. The Storm Sanctuary seemingly allows Ororo to reach her full potential, with the building ahead of her mission to help Earth and all its inhabitants, proving that she is more than just an advocate for mutants.

Storm's new solo series puts her at the forefront of the Marvel Universe

Storm #1 - Available October 2nd from Marvel Comics

A sketch of Storm wearing a gold headband (left, background) and Storm wearing her new costume (foreground, color)

Storm is not only one of the greatest X-Men of all time, but also one of Marvel's best heroes in general, and thankfully gets the bold creative push she deserves in 2024. When only caught in whatever situation the mutants have to Deal with, Storm can get unfairly lost in the shuffle and clouded by other X-Men from their cast of characters. with the current Storm series, where she makes her mark in Atlanta and politics, along with a stint in The Avengers, Storm stands tall as an important leading figure in the larger Marvel Universe.

As she stands apart from the X-Men's current teams and builds a shrine to her final era, Storm blazes a new trail and takes her rightful place as a standalone Omega-level powerhouse.

Storm joins other X-Men heroes like Phoenix, Mystique, and both Wolverines to get new solo titles in the Mutants line-wide relaunch. With a whole new costume making its debut, hints about supernatural threats and conflict in the X-Men and with the Avengers on its way, the weather witch will surely have an eventful rest of 2024 across Marvel Comics that could be truly groundbreaking for the Character. How she stands apart from X-Men current teams and build a shrine for her last era, Storm Blazes a new trail and takes its rightful place as a standalone Omega-level powerhouse.

Storm #1 Will be available October 2, 2024 from Marvel Comics.