As X-Men reinvents its killer Sentinels for a new era, the genocidal robots are getting a major overhaul with a dark secret: they are built around living beings. The X-Men's New 'From the Ashes' Era Is Setting a New status quo for Marvel's mutants, with previous ties severed and new teams formed after the death of Professor Xavier's dream.
For months, Mysterious X-Men has teased the debut of new deadly Sentinels. These canine robots, codenamed Bloodhounds, are under the control of Dr. Ellis – a mysterious new anti-mutant villain who has acquired the former Xavier School, turning it into a prison for mutant criminals. However, deep within the facility, work has officially begun on the Bloodhounds.
In Alex Paknadel, Justin Mason, Federico Blee and Travis Lanham Sentinels #2Ellis works on his own Sentinel program after the discovery of anti-mutant technology in the possession of villain Sebastian Shaw. The Bloodhound Sentinels are shown undergoing testing (as shown in the image gallery below), with the revelation that The new cybernetic mutant killers are built around real flesh-and-blood dogs.
The X-Men's new sentinel models are cybernetic dogs
Marvel teased Colossus' next death in his teeth
Gail Simone and Javier Garrón Mysterious X-Men has been teasing the debut of the Bloodhounds, with the new Sentinels attacking in January Strange X-Men #9. In fact, a vision of the future in issue #5 showed Colossus lying dead at his feet, with issue #10's synopsis revealing the Sentinels have "Enhanced senses and chainsaw-like teeth to hunt and KILL mutants!"
However, what fans didn't know is that this time it's not about robots simply programmed to kill mutants. Ellis' experiments show that the new Bloodhound program is taking real animals and equipping them with cybernetic enhancements and weapons. It's a gruesome new way to target mutants, showing how the new era of X-Men is introducing new ideas to both its mutant heroes and the humans who hate and fear them.
The new Sentinels will combine the immense power of unprecedented technology and the instincts and versatility of living beings. They also expose how Dr. Ellis is taking cruel new approaches to hunting mutants, establishing the dire circumstances the X-Men find themselves in, with their enemies more creative and powerful than ever, while their own bonds are on the verge of breaking. . Hopefully the Strange X-Men team can survive their first battle against the Sentinel Bloodhounds, even if it means another tragic sacrifice from Colossus.
Sentinels #2 is now available from Marvel Comics, with Strange X-Men #9 after January 22nd.