Marvel just made a staggering change to X-Men Know, as it has been revealed that thanks to a new technological leap, Humans can be converted into mutants. For decades, it has been established fact that mutant powers activate in youth due to a mutation known as the X-gene, resulting in superhuman powers. For much of this time, mutants have been hunted and even considered a separate species to humanity. Now, the lines between the two are irreparably blurred.
The revelation comes in Jed MacKay, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Marte Gracia and Clayton Cowles. X-Men #5. In this issue, Cyclops asks Psychics Child Omega and Psylocke to investigate Ben Liu's mind. Liu is a recently discovered mutant who warped reality, creating a massive alien armada that attacked San Francisco. The psychics delve deep, and what they discover changes X-Men lore for good.
Child Omega and Psylocke return after learning that Ben Liu is a baseline human who has been abducted and experimented on by the villainous 3K group. This turned him into a mutant, with his trauma over the abduction leading to his "Alien Armada" reality manipulation. Worst of all, the heroes learn that Their old enemy Cassandra Nova is in league with 3K.
Mutants can now be created in Marvel Lore
X-Men's new villains can give anyone powers
Marvel recently launched a new era of the franchise with its "From the Ashes" initiative, with heroes such as Cyclops, Rogue, Forge and Havok now leading their own (sometimes opposing) mutant teams, while heroes including Storm, Phoenix And Wolverine gets their own. Own solo series. Part of this new status quo has been the presence of mysterious new mutants who seem to have manifested their powers in adulthood - Something that should be impossible given the nature of mutant biology.
Cyclops' X-Men encountered the New Mutants earlier in the series, battling the group known as the Fourth School. The school is an evolution of the U-Men movement, where humans would transplant mutant organs in hopes of gaining their powers. Now, they have moved much further than that, as it is now possible to take a regular person and turn them in Homos superior. The heroes of Cyclops have been investigating since, now finally know that the mysterious 3K group are behind the fourth school's breakthrough.
While more mutants is theoretically a good thing, that's not how events have worked out so far. First, because the technology is in the hands of those who seem to have dark plans for mutantkind, creating powerful new enemies for the X-Men rather than new mutant allies. Second, because 3K's irresponsible way of dealing powers is creating huge ramifications like the attack on LA. Incidents like Ben Liu's reality manipulation are stoking humanity's fear of mutants once again and Creating the dangerous rumor that mutant status is now 'contagious,' Encouraging the government to crack down on mutant rights.
It's a huge revelation, and one that will never really go away. Even if the X-Men defeat 3K, Marvel has now established that humans can be converted into mutants through technological means. Even if 3K are defeated and their technology destroyed, future creators will feel much more free to bring the idea back, because it's very different from introducing it for the first time.
With this reveal, X-Men makes a clean break from the previous definition of 'mutant.'
X-Men's New Era makes a definitive break from Krakoa
The idea of mutant culture is under attack
The revelation that humans can become mutants is a huge break from Marvel's 2019-2024 Krakoan Era. In this period in X-Men comics, all mutants band together to create a new island nation, codifying mutant status as essentially a nationality. The Krakoan Era was marked by a sci-fi exploration of mutant identity, with mutant art, philosophy, and politics developing separately from humanity. Mutants even settled Mars and became the dominant species in the galaxy. Unfortunately, that era ended with Krakoa ascending beyond time and space, leaving X-Men's most famous mutants behind to fight for equality on Earth.
'From the Ashes' has already broken away from Kraka in some big ways, clearly the mutants are no longer united as a nation - indeed, Even the X-Men are questioning their old bonds as relationships fall apart. However, the introduction of this new type of mutant - completely divorced from how Krakoa defined mutantkind - complicates the ideas at the heart of the Krakoan era, making it clear that Marvel has no intentions of going back.
As well as humans becoming mutants, the X-Men come to terms with a mysterious new illness that is already affecting Magneto.
What do new X-Men villains 3K want?
With Cassandra Nova as a main member, it can't be good
While fans saw 3K in shadow in a bonus page accessible via a QR code in X-Men #1This group is still deeply mysterious. From the silhouettes, longtime X-Men fans speculated that characters including Cassandra Nova, Magneto's clone Joseph, former X-Men ally the Krakoan, and mutant supremacist Astra were members, with Nova's appearance in X-Men #5 Confirm at least one of the guesses is correct. However, it is unusual that the mutant predator would side with a list otherwise made up of mutant extremists.
Previously, Nova was all about driving mutants extinct, but she's been through a lot since her 2001 debut. Jean Gray successfully rewired her brain to force her to experience empathyBut she remains a villain nonetheless, ultimately stranded 2 billion years in the past by Kate Pryde's marauders. What Nova wants now - and even what she thinks - is up for interpretation. Has she found common ground with Marvel's mutant supremacists, or is she controlling them with her formidable powers?
Her alliance is made more suspicious by hints of a mystery mutant disease that can harm anyone with the X-gene. The subject is mostly a mystery until now, except for the confirmation that Magneto Using A Wheelchair In 'From The Ashes' Is Due To What Seems Like Some New Mutant-Focused Illness. It's possible that this is part of 3K's scheme, killing off existing mutants to be replaced by their own species.
Of course, there is also the question of why once human enemies of the X-Men may now be converted to mutants, with deadly new powers. Everything is changing for the X-Men as Marvel embarks on a whole new era for Marvel's mutants. Now, they have the biggest change yet, as it turns out that after decades of mutants gaining their powers in youth, the villain 3K now have the ability to convert any human into Homos superiorWith a mysterious agenda that threatens everything X-Men Keep dear.
X-Men #5 is available now from Marvel Comics.