X-Men Just Unlocked Gambit's Ultimate Form, Changing His Iconic Cards Forever

X-Men Just Unlocked Gambit's Ultimate Form, Changing His Iconic Cards Forever

Warning: Spoilers for What If...? Galactus Transformed Gambit #1Gambit is about to become Galactus' next herald, reaching a new level of power that puts him on a divine level above the X-Men. The Ragin' Cajun has unlocked his most powerful form yet, including an upgrade to his classic weapon, while Gambit takes his rightful place in Marvel's cosmic hierarchy.

AIPT just released an exclusive first look at And if...? Galactus Transformed Gambit #1 by Josh Trujillo and Manuel Garcia, the first in a series of one-shots chronicling alternative realities where Galactus selects several Marvel heroes as his heralds. In this story, Gambit is chosen by the Devourer of Worlds and undergoes a major transformation to befit his new role as Galactus' herald.

Gambit's striking new costume signals his upgrade, as he is accused of the Power Cosmic by Galactusrising to unforeseen heights as this fan-favorite X-Man goes from hero to herald.

Gambit unleashes the power cosmic by becoming Galactus' herald

And if...? Galactus Transformed Gambit Variant cover #1 by Edwin Galmon

Comic book cover: Gambit is in his Power Cosmic transformation, glowing with pink energy, with Galactus in the background

Galactus must consume planets to sustain himself, so he appoints his heralds for the purpose of scouring the cosmos for worlds from which he can supply himself. These heralds are imbued with an energy known as Cosmic Power. Silver Surfer is the most prominent herald of Galactus in the main Marvel continuity, and now Gambit will be appointed to the position after his proficiency in theft catches the attention of the Eater of Worlds. Gambit's access to Power Cosmic transforms him visually, but also grants him an incredible new weapon that he shows off in the first issue's preview.

Gambit's playing cards are a staple of his character, as he channels his explosive energy powers into them and launches them at opponents. As Garcia's eye-catching artwork shows, Gambit will swap out your regular cards for new ones charged with Power Cosmic. In the preview, he produces and fires cards that attack using this energy, in an attack so surprising that even Gambit seems surprised. The Power Cosmic fills its users with divine power, meaning Gambit's techniques are strong enough to rival the gods. As Galactus' herald, Gambit is officially more powerful than ever in Marvel history.

Gambit isn't the only Marvel hero getting a God-level upgrade from Galactus

Rogue, Moon Knight, Spider-Gwen and Hulk undergo cosmic power-ups

Comic Art: Rogue, Moon Knight, and Spider-Gwen wear new costumes as Galactus' new heralds.

As mentioned, Gambit is one of the many Marvel heroes in need of an upgrade from Galactus. Moon Knight, Spider-Gwen and even the Hulk will soon have the Power Cosmic at their disposal. Rogue, also an X-Man and Gambit's wife, is also one of the heroes Galactus chose. Each of them will harness the Power Cosmic in a unique way, replacing the Silver Surfer alongside Gambit. The hierarchy of the Marvel cosmos is about to be uprooted Galactus crowns Gambit as its new herald and unleash the full potential of the iconic X-Manpowers.

And if...? Galactus Transformed Gambit #1 is available January 8, 2025 from Marvel Comics.

Source: AIPT