The X-Men Just suffered a huge blow, as a new theory in Marvel Comics threatens to turn people against them more drastically than ever. The franchise is currently in the opening stages of a brand new era, with several major events thus far setting up a bold new status quo. between the bombs, Adults have begun to mysteriously manifest mutant powersAlthough the 61-year-old franchise has long established that the X-gene activates during adolescence (or, in very rare cases, earlier.)
Now, Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman X-Men #3 Reveals a devastating theory has emerged from this new development - People begin to speculate that mutants are contagiousWith a 'mutant virus' turning adult humans into mutants. This fact is revealed when Cyclops takes an antagonistic meeting with Agent Lundqvist of the Office of National Emergency, aka O*N*E, who are responsible for overseeing mutantkind in Marvel's America.
Lundqvist reveals that leaked footage of the X-Men discussing the powers of an adult mutant is being used to fuel the new theory that mutants have become contagious. Given the way that mutants are hated and feared by many humans, the idea that their presence could cause harm homo sapiens to become Homo superior is a hammer blow that is likely to bring even more violence and discrimination down on their heads... especially if it is actually true.
Humanity is starting to believe that mutants are contagious
The "mutant virus" theory is a huge challenge for the remaining X-Men
Marvel is still setting the stage for X-Men's new era, moving in a new direction after the previous 'Krakoan Era' where mutantkind gathered to create a new island nation. The political project ended when the anti-mutant group Orchis assassinated key mutants and prime X-Men heroes for a series of assassinations and terrorist attacks. While Orchis' villainous intentions were eventually exposed, in many ways the damage was done, and Mutants now find themselves in a world where humans are more afraid of them than ever And Where the ties between various mutant factions have broken down in the wake of the Kraken project.
Cyclops is fighting tooth and nail to maintain a team that can keep mutants safe and offer a serious deterrent to state-sanctioned violence against them, but the idea of a 'mutant virus' is terrible news for what he's trying to accomplish. At the same time, Scott does not even know that The villainous 3K group works behind the scenesSeemingly intending to wrest control of Mutantkind's future from the remnants of the X-Men.
Are the Savage 3K Group planning to control the future of mutantkind?
Marvel's new adult mutants appear to be a deliberate power grab
shivered in X-Men #1 (with a 'bonus page' walled behind a QR code), 3K are only shown in shadow, but fans have speculated from their silhouettes that the controlling members are Cassandra Nova, Astra, Joseph, Namor and the Krakoan. The majority of the villains are mutantsAnd they did Something To do with the new wave of X-gene activations in adults. If mutants really are turning humans into new ones Homo superiorThere will be nothing Cyclops' team can do to put Jean back into the battle. Not only will 3K quickly have their own mutant army, but O*N*E will have all the excuses they need to crack down on mutant freedom - something Agent Lundqvist clearly wants.
The idea that 3K turns humans into mutants is reinforced by past X-Men history. The mutant hero known as Sage has the ability to see human DNA and activate any latent mutant powers that did not manifest naturally. There's nothing 'viral' about the process - Sage essentially nudges people a little further into their genetic potential on a one-by-one basis - but it lends credence to the idea that 3K may have discovered the secret to activating mature mutants. If so, they can quickly turn into the spokesperson of Mutantkind's future (The fact that their meeting table is branded with a gigantic 'X' suggests they have designs on the X-Men's traditional role.)
Mutantkind has lost all progress towards equality
X-Men is engaging with real-world hate rhetoric
It's easy to read X-Men's new 'mutant virus' concept as commentary on modern hate rhetoricWith Marvel once again using 'mutants' as social commentary on real-world prejudice. The idea that the increased visibility of marginalized groups (especially LGBTQIA + people) leads to otherwise straight people 'turning' queer is a persistent claim often weaponized against already disenfranchised groups. It's easy to see how the "mutant virus" concept might echo this real-life misconception (though the metaphor will be undercut if it turns out that 3K really are a group of 'evil' mutants.)
X-Men #3 Shows that even as Lundqvist is verbally sparring with Cyclops, a team of O*N*E agents infiltrate the X-Men's base to investigate their activities. Whatever the truth behind the recent increase in adult mutant activations, Even these Thought A 'mutant virus' is a powerful weapon Which can be used to justify surveilling, imprisoning or even killing existing mutants. After years of mutants having their own fashion, music, and political power in Marvel comics, the concept of the "mutant virus" is enough to once again force young mutants to keep their powers under wraps for fear of being caught up in humanity's fear and hatred.
X-Men's Mutant Virus Idea establishes the stakes of the New Era
The X-Men are back where they started, but this time without Xavier's dream
'From the Ashes' has effectively functioned as a soft reboot of the franchise, with a major focus on appealing to new readers. This means getting the X-Men back to their defining status as a hated and feared minority living among the same humans who see them as an existential threat. however, It had been a long time since the X-Men were in such dire straitsTo the extent that the general public is open to wild conspiracy theories about the basic facts of mutant biology and their powers.
It's a huge shake-up that represents a gigantic step back in human/mutant relations, and one that has the X-Men flailing for meaning. Heroes like Wolverine and Kate 'Kitty' Pryde have officially left the teamWhile Cyclops himself had a panic attack after confronting Lundqvist. It's an incredibly dangerous time to be a mutant in the Marvel Universe, with even the idea of mutant powers becoming 'contagious' and adding an urgent new level of threat to the X-Mens mission to protect innocent mutants.
X-Men #3 is available now from Marvel Comics.