WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Phoenix #5!jean gray and the X-Men's most powerful Omega-level mutant, and as she continues her journey to protect the universe, Marvel Comics reveals her next final evolution that will ascend the Phoenix to the most powerful being in existence. Jean Gray is finally introduced to her full potential, but she will be forced to make an ultimatum and potentially become the danger many fear her to be, while also requiring her new power upgrade to combat the grave danger that is Thanos. .
In preview for Phoenix #5 – written by Stephanie Phillips and art by Alessandro Miracolo – After Jean Grey's battle with Gorr, the Butcher of Gods, she encounters Eternity, the cosmic personification of the Marvel Universe, who tells her that she can go beyond the Phoenix, saying not to think about “we have to live and die...instead of becoming,”and become“the soul of all that is”, insinuating that Jean renounced his humanity to become a god-like being.
As the weight of the universe weighs down on Jean, whether the Phoenix can achieve its final form is an open question.
Jean Gray gets a god-level power upgrade in the heat of battle as her new solo series continues
Phoenix #5 – Written by Stephanie Phillips; Art by Alessandro Miracolo and Marco Renna, Color by David Curiel; Cory Petit Lyrics
Jean Gray is no stranger to death as she has been resurrected countless times with her Phoenix powers being the embodiment of rebirth and creation, so when Jean Gray thinks she is dead after fighting Gorr, the revelation of her goddess potential is almost expected. . As the Phoenix, Jean Gray has risen beyond her fellow X-Men to powers so elite that Jean has been able to perform feats such as resurrecting the dead and repairing the multiverse. Now, Jean Grey's encounter with Eternity proves that her powers have gone far beyond what many thought possible, transforming Jean Gray into a literal cosmic god.
With Phoenix being the personification of rebirth, It makes sense that Jean Grey's next evolution would be a being of creation, but if Jean decides to accept her ultimate power, there will be dire consequences.. Jean could lose herself the same way she did with the Phoenix; she is also accumulating enemies, as the Galactic Council and Gladiator remain weary of the Phoenix. If Jean exerts the height of her power, they will see it as a danger to the universe. However, if she rejects her new limit, it could leave her susceptible to threats like Thanos.
Marvel's Phoenix Ongoing Series Sets the Stage for Jean Grey's Universal Rebirth
Will Jean Gray learn to control her cosmic powers?
Jean Grey's choice to embody her ultimate power will make or break her encounters with the Galactic Council and Thanosand from Jean's reaction, it's clear that she fears the potential of losing her human Jean Gray side by accepting her power. Even if Jean doesn't make the most of her potential, the confirmation of her existence creates expectations for it to eventually come to fruition. As jean gray is set to fight Thanos, one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel Universe, the X-Men's The Omega-level telepath will need the Phoenix and his newfound ultimate powers to defeat him.
Phoenix #5 is now available from Marvel Comics!