- Mutants of the Universe Fanart combines X-Men And he-man characters flawlessly, creating mashups fans dream of.
Alternative names for the mashups are creative and on-brand, adding to the appeal of the crossover fanart.
A potential X-Men / He-Man Crossover may have been canon in the past, similar to the iconic Amalgam Universe by Marvel/DC.
One is an absolutely legendary comic book that took the 90s by storm with an animated series that is still beloved to this day, the other was a popular toy line/minicomic that became one of the most iconic 80s cartoons of all times, and now, X-Men And He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Have combined in one genius fanart that fans wish is real: "Mutants of the Universe". Although some of the combos are admittedly shocking, all of them are absolutely perfect and are a must-see for fans of both franchises.
In an Instagram post by user Brad GibsonThe artist shares a slide of images depicting amazing amalgamations of X-Men and He-Man characters. The first mashup is Professor X and He-Man, with Xavier's levitating chair given the color scheme of Battle Cat (making this one a two-for-one). Next up is the combination of Cyclops and Man-in-Arms, followed by Storm and the Sorceress of Castle Greyskull. Then, Jean Gray and Teela, Magneto and Skeletor, Mystique and Evil-Lynn, Beast and Beast-Man, a Sentinel and Trap Jaw, Apocalypse and Hodak, and Juggernaut and Ram Man.
Each of the mashups is absolutely perfect, like the alternative names they were given by the artist. Professor X and He-Man is properly named Professor-Man, Cyclops and Man-in-Arms is Man-in-Eye, and Storm and the Sorceress is Stormseress. Then there are the likes of Jean-La, Magnetor, Evil-Darkholme, Man-Beast, Mandible, Hordakalypse and Jugger-Ram. Not only do they all look amazing, their names are perfectly on-brand in all their "crawl"Glory.
This X-Men/He-Man fanart calls for a new "amalgam" storyline
Marvel Comics is no stranger to crossovers with other publishers, particularly DC Comics. In fact, one crossover stands above the rest as the greatest of all time from a DC/Marvel collaboration: The Amalgam Universe. In this storyline, the two universes didn't just cross over with each other in a "battle-royale" storyline (well, it started that way, but quickly evolved), it actually combined Marvel and DC characters.
The Amalgam Universe is where fans have some of the coolest mashups ever, like Wolverine and Batman (Dark Claw), Joker and Sabretooth (Hyena), and The Flash and Ghost Rider (Speed Demon). And now, just like Marvel did with DC, there needs to be a new "amalgam" crossover, only this time it needs to be with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - and this fan proves it.
There was a time when an X-Men/He-Man crossover might have been canon
Marvel Comics Lords of the Universe (1986-1988)
Under the Star Comics imprint, Marvel Comics published Masters of the Universe comics from 1986 to 1988, and during that time, there could have been a crossover with X-Men just like the one that fans see in this fandom - and it would have been canon. . The storyline would have been somewhat similar to the Amalgam Universe, but the difference is that there would be no behind-the-scenes collaborations or business deals, Marvel could have just done it. Unfortunately, the time has passed for this to be a possibility now, but Marvel/DC's collabs prove that nothing is impossible.
Although it would be undeniably awesome to see an actual comic book series with these X-Men / He-Man Mashup characters, it's unfortunately a bit of a long shot, and fans shouldn't hold their breath. However, even without the context of a wider storyline, the images featured in this "Mutants of the Universe" crossover fanart are better than anything fans of X-Men And He-Man and the Masters of the Universe could have ever hoped for.
Source: Brad Gibson/ Instagram