After an era of unparalleled unity for Marvel's mutants, the relaunch X-Men franchise will once again pit the heroes of the franchise against each other, in a conflict no one could have predicted, Like his two flagship series - Gail Simone's Invisible X-Men and Jed MacKay's adjectiveless X-Men - Come together for the exciting Raid on Greymalkin Crossover event.
Raid on Greymalkin Will be a four-issue crossover, running through X-Men #8-9 and Invisible X-Men #7-8. The crossover will be released weekly, with the titles alternating, meaning it will be a fast-paced and action-packed storyline, one that can be expected to have major repercussions for the next year of X-Men narrative.
In the new "from the ashes" era of X-MenThe former Xavier Institute has been turned into a prison for powerful mutants, which both X-Men teams will seek to free - including, as it turns out, the disgraced Professor Charles Xavier.
RAID ON GRAYMALKIN is the X-franchise version of Marvel's "Civil War"
Miniseries with four issues - Invisible X-Men #7-8 written by Gail Simon, art by David Marquez, Javier Garrón; X-Men #8-9, written by Jed MacKay, art by Ryan Stegman
The X-Men were already scattered by the fall of the Krakoan era, and two main teams emerged in the comics. Cyclops is leading one group, based at an Alaskan sentinel plant at Jed McKay and Ryan Stegman's X-Men; in Invisible X-MenBy Gail Simone and David Marquez, Rogue and her found family attempt to create their own mutant school in the Louisiana bayou. Now, they will quickly face a situation that threatens to tear them apart for good Raid on GreymalkinA storyline fans are already comparing to Marvel's iconic superhero Civil war.
Xavier's institute has been turned into a Greymalkin prison, run by the brutal Dr. Corina Ellis, and home to Lawrence Trask's Sentinel program reboot. Trask, a mutant and son of the Sentinels' creator Bolivar Trask, claims to be haunted by visions of The end of the world, caused by specific mutants. His new sentinels are meant only to collect the "bad" mutants, but when it comes to who It is rounding a marginalized group, these are famous last words, of course, the matter is Further complicated by Professor X's current imprisonment in his former hometoo.
The X-Men's "Civil War" will change the direction of the franchise
Raid on Greymalkin - Coming December 4th to January 8th, from Marvel Comics
Cyclops and Rogue have been on thin ice since the start of the two series. Cyclops is trying to recreate the X-Men, an army of superheroes to save the world. Rogue, however, wants nothing to do with him, as she, Gambit, Jubilee and Wolverine said they were done with his soldiers of any kind. The two leaders have a tense phone call in the pages of X-Men #3 and Invisible X-Men #2, which Scott calls Rogue's group "pigheaded," and seeks to divert her already planned trip to the mutant prison in their old home.
The solicitation for the crossover describes the arc as "hardened“The new paradigm—suggesting that…the true grand scheme for the era is only just beginning to take shape.
The Raid on Greymalkin Crossover proves that the X-Men The still-beginning "from the ashes" period is moving quickly To get to an exciting first turning point, which will have far-reaching consequences for the mutant population of Marvel. Intriguingly, the solicitation for the crossover describes the arc as “Hardened", the new paradigm - suggesting that for all the fascinating characters and concepts Invisible X-Men And X-Men Having been introduced in very early issues, the true grand scheme for the era is only just beginning to take shape.
X-Men #8 "Raid on Graymalkin" Part 1 Will be available December 4, 2024 from Marvel Comics.