Dani Moonstar could become the next "Professor X" of a new mutant institute in the future.
Mirage's leadership skills and experience make her a perfect candidate for a school principal role.
Dani Moonstar has lived many powerful lives, each showing her incredible bravery and potential for greatness.
Warning: Contains spoilers for X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4The iconic Cheyenne hero Dani Moonstar, also known as the X-Men Legend Mirage, is one of the most beloved characters of the "New Mutants" era of Mutantkind. Since Dany's debut, the fierce mutant warrior has been a teacher, valkyrie, undercover spy, and team leader, but her talents and experience are often underutilized. X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4 Addresses this underutilization, and Hints that Mirage may take over as the "Professor X" of a new mutant institute In the future.
Dani Moonstar was one of twelve powerful mutants chosen by En Sabah Nur to enter a trial to become the heir of Apocalypse, and while Mirage "failed" in this processThese tribulations could have revealed an even better future for the hero.
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4, by writer Steve Fox and artist Netho Diaz, sees Sabah Noor make his final decision on who will be his successor, but First he gives Dani Moonstar the gift of reflectionWhich allows Mirage to see the "possibility" in her future, as she sits in Xavier's old chair.
Dani Moonstar would make a perfect school headmaster
Mirage has years of experience and the right attitude
when New mutants First debuted, it was made clear that Sam Guthrie - the incredible Cannonball - was being trained by Cyclops and the other X-Men to be the leader of the young mutant squad. However, over the years, It became clear that Mirage was the true leaderA fearsome and capable fighter, with a good heart and an unbreakable spirit. This became even more apparent after M-Day, which caused Dany to lose her mutant powers. Even without her superhero ability... Dany remained a superhero, fighting alongside her friends and chosen family for mutant rights and a secure future.
I see greatness dormant in you, Mirage. Or were my eyes deceived by your name?
Mirage also has experience as a teacher at the Xavier Institute and also on Krakow. Danny is level-headed, culturally reflexive and the perfect mentor for any mutant struggling with controlling their powers. in Heir of Apocalypse #4 The titular En Sabah Nur comments that Dani has never met her "full potential," With which many readers agree, but only because she did not get the opportunity in storiesAnd she always stood in the "shadow of greatness". At first, Apocalypse says that Danny's stagnation could lead to "pestilence," hinting that Danny could become the Knight of Plague, but Mirage retorts that she only sees possibility, while sitting at Xavier's old desk.
Mirage has lived many different powerful lives
Yet Danny was an incredible hero in every life
The X-Men's current from the ashes The era sees Mutant-Kind scrambling to pick up the pieces of their shattered utopia after the tragic fall of Krakoa, and the Xavier Institute is currently non-operational. However, one day, another mutant academy will open, and No one makes more sense for Headmaster than Dani Moonstar. Mirage had lived so many diverse lives, as an Asgardian Valkyrie, as a SHIELD agent, and as a team leader, that in almost any situation a young mutant would find herself in, Dany would know how to respond.
Dani Moonstar deserves more attention, and Her jewel self would shine if she was given the proper spotlight. Hopefully, the vision Mirage has thanks to Apocalypse is all the inspiration she needs to become the newest. X-Men Headmaster, ensuring in the next generation of mutants wherever they may appear.
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4 from Marvel Comics is available in stores now.