In an impressive show of strength, iconic X-Men hero On your own confirmed that she is among the strongest heroes to ever appear in Marvel continuity, combining the strength stolen from two god-level Avengers. Rogue is famous for having the ability to temporarily steal the powers and memories of those she comes into direct contact with; however, if she maintains contact long enough, she can permanently absorb his abilities. Having done so with two of the most powerful Avengers, Rogue now has an impact beyond the A-list.
In Gail Simone, David Marquez, Clayton Cowles and Matt Wilson Strange X-Men #4Rogue faces off against Sarah Gaunt, aka the Witch. As the villain begins to savagely defeat Rogue - just as he did to Wolverine in the last issue - the leader of the Uncanny X-Men team catches his breath, managing to land some stupendous blows of his own. Rogue reveals that although she has permanently absorbed Wonder Man's strength, she has also retained some of Captain Marvel's strength. "hidden on the back shelf."
Rogue long ago stole Captain Marvel's powers, seriously injuring Carol Danvers and starting one of Marvel's longest-running hero rivalries. However, she recently swapped those abilities for those of Simon Williams' Wonder Man. However, now Rogue confirms that it was not a case of simply swapping one power set for another, but that she is able to harness the unbelievable strength of both heroes. In fact, your words imply that there is other powers that she still keeps in reserve.
Captain Marvel and Wonder Man are among Marvel's strongest heroes, only officially surpassed by the Hulk himself.
Rogue combines the strength of Captain Marvel and Wonder Man
After absorbing the strongest Avengers, Rogue is a world-class powerhouse
Sarah Gaunt is a former lover of Charles Xavier who turned against mutants after her son's death. Recently, she's been hunting a group of young mutants who have turned to Rogue's team for protection. When Wolverine left the team, not wanting to play 'Daddy Logan' to another generation of doomed mutants, the Witch hunted him down and came as close to killing him as any villain has ever come. Fortunately, Rogue and Nightcrawler came to his rescue, with Kurt teleporting Logan back to safety while Rogue stayed close by to trade blows with the Witch.
Rogue's new combined powers finally redeem her oldest crime, turning her abilities into a symbol of her heroism, not her villainous past.
The Witch already appears to be one of the most powerful villains in X-Men history, claiming to be a "ten times Omega"-superhuman level. This claim has not yet been officially proven, but she appears to be able to extract energy from the natural world, transforming all plants and animals on the planet into fuel for her powers. She also appears to be a gifted mystic, forging a new material called 'dark steel' that has resisted and even surpassed Wolverine's adamantium. Rogue is the first hero who actually seems capable of hurting the Witchmanaging to knock her down with a punch.
Rogue's new power level corrects her biggest sin
Wonder Man voluntarily gave up his powers
Captain Marvel and Wonder Man are among Marvel's strongest heroes, only officially surpassed by the Hulk himself. Although Captain Marvel is a human/Kree hybrid who can harness cosmic energy to enhance her physical abilities, Wonder Man is a being made of pure ionic energy, essentially making him immortal and indestructible. Rogue's ability to fly and her super strength are due to her violent absorption of Carol Danvers' powers during her early career as a villain.
The two have had a difficult relationship ever since, and they have only acknowledged each other as allies in recent years. When Captain Marvel's powers spiraled out of control, threatening to create a black hole, Rogue once again diverted some of her power, but this time voluntarily and to save her life. This allowed Rogue to finally repay the damage she caused to Carol, and the two parted on good terms.
Cyclops and Rogue are about to break the X-Men in two, replacing Xavier and Magneto as the franchise's main rivalry.
In contrast, Rogue taking on Wonder Man's powers was voluntary from the start. Simon willingly allowed Rogue to absorb him during the events of The Strange Avengers volume 1leading Rogue to help save Earth by stopping a Celestial from descending on the planet. While Wonder Man's consciousness was later released from his body, Rogue retained his borrowed power, apparently mixing it with Captain Marvel's remains.
Almost as long as she's been around, Rogue stealing Captain Marvel's powers has been a major marker in her track record as a hero - an incident that filled her with shame, kept fresh by the fact that the powers she used on a daily basis rightfully belonged to someone else. However, Following Rogue's choice to save Captain Marvel, Rogue is not only stronger than ever - her immense power comes from two people who willingly gave her their abilities. because they saw and respected his heroism. It’s a big shift from “repentant power thief” to “trusted hero among heroes.”
Rogue's power level suits her new status as one of X-Men's two most important characters
Rogue vs Cyclops is splitting the franchise in half
Rogue's strength combining the power of Captain Marvel and Wonder Man makes her one of the strongest heroes in Marvel history, possibly surpassing Thor. This is appropriate in the new 'From the Ashes' era of the X-Men, as she's gone from a valued member of the team to one of the franchise's two mainstays alongside Scott Summers' Cyclops. In fact, Marvel is teasing that the upcoming 'Raid on Graymalkin' crossover will create a new rivalry between Rogue and Cyclopsturning them into Xavier and Magneto for a new generation.
Rogue went from a villain the X-Men actively hated to a trusted teammate and leader who commanded her own X-Men and Avengers teams. Now, his immense level of strength matches his growing importance in the X-Men franchise, with its source finally redeeming the terrible crime that has long contributed to Rogue's belief that her powers are a curse. THE X-Men may not have faced many villains as powerful as Sarah Gaunt's Witch, but with On your own wielding the strength of Captain Marvel and Wonder Man, they at least have the leader they need to survive.
Strange X-Men #4 is now available from Marvel Comics.