Wukong will & spirits if you don't

Wukong will & spirits if you don't


  • Do not miss to collect important spirits in Black Myth: WukongAs the wandering far, by backtracking when needed.

  • Upgrade the Blessed Gourd early to maximize will collection and easily collect valuable resources for the Destined One.

  • Gathering will not only help to cultivate spirits, but also serve as currency for various purchases and improvements in the game.

Will and spirit are both important to gather in Black Myth: WukongBut it can be remarkably easy to miss collecting some of them accidentally. While perhaps not absolutely necessary, given how difficult Black Myth: Wukong Can be, it is arguably best to always make sure that the destined one is as well equipped to face the challenges of the game as possible. Fortunately, the Destined One's journey can be made a little easier in this regard by making sure to do one simple thing during gameplay.

There are many powerful spirits to gather in Black Myth: WukongEach of which offer their own advantages in combat. Naturally, it can be extremely satisfying to turn the strength and abilities of a former enemy into an advantage, and the transformations offered by Spirits are a perfect way to do this. Similarly, although it is a bit easier to build up through grinding, will is also an important resource for buying items and for cultivating spirits. As such, it is clearly advantageous to have as many spirits and as many as possible at all times.


The wandering spirit can be missed in Black Myth: Wukong

Players must backtrack

In order to collect spirits, the destined one's gourd must first be upgraded By meeting a wise lord part way through Chapter 1, who turns it into a happy gourd. The Blessed Gord can both raise the spirits left by defeating certain enemies and absorb bright green whips of will Found floating in select locations throughout Black Myth: Wukongs map. However, the destined one will already have passed some of ​​the VIPs when he meets the wise master and, more importantly, one boss whose spirit can be collected: the wandering fart.

The Wandering Wight poses a steep challenge for the Destined One to overcome in Chapter 1, especially when first encountered while traveling through the Forest of Wolves. In most cases, the Destined One will probably move forward to gain a few more levels first, but it is possible (albeit very difficult) to defeat him on initial discovery. The latter scenario will see the spirit appear but be unobtainable without it "Going," According to the game. in each case, The destined one should double back in order to collect the wandering wight's spirit.

Progressing too far in the game, specifically by fighting the secret boss Elder Jinchi, causes an undefeated Wanderer to disappear until a New Game+.

Alternatively, if the Wandering Wight is defeated but its spirit has disappeared, the Destined One can collect its spirit by visiting a shrine and selecting the "Reclaim Spirits" option. This ensures it cannot be permanently missed. In the case of the Wandering Wight, this is particularly important because the spirit can later be used to break through a wall in the Valley of Despair to find the Long Scales, itself the key to encountering some secret bosses (although it should be noted The same wall can also be broken during a boss fight that takes place there).

The Wish Gourd also provides a valuable boost to the wish collection in the early game

Meanwhile, The large green whips of will found throughout the game will initially disintegrate if the Destined One attempts to collect themleaving him only with a small will to be total. luckily, The blessed fate changes that, he lets him go back and collect such whites in their entirety. This is usually collected to a large amount of ​​will, which again synergizes perfectly with collecting spirits, which makes it worth tracking down the VIPs that are located in the earliest stages of the game.


Although cultivating spirits requires other rare upgrade items, each stage of cultivation requires a large amount of will. The price alone can quickly become prohibitive, so the infusions of wishes from the big VIPs are very beneficial. Of course, will has many other applications, such as its role as currency in the game, from crafting armor to buying useful items. But in any case, how one chooses it, it is clear that The more the destiny has, the better.

Although the purpose of the Baruch Hagur is made clear as one goes further in Black Myth: Wukong With it, the game does not give a direct prompt to return to its earliest areas with the improved gourd in hand. As a result, it is possible to miss to get both valuable wishes and the wandering spirit (with consequences of varying degrees of severity depending on other gameplay progress). Nevertheless, by simply doubling back when the opportunity presents itself, the destined one is able to easily avoid missing something that could come in handy later.