Ahsoka Tano's departure from the Jedi Order in Star Wars: The Clone Wars it was a huge Star Wars moment, but how much did it really affect Anakin Skywalker fall to the dark side? While there was a lot of backlash when Ahsoka was introduced into the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film, she quickly won over audiences and is now widely considered one of the Star Wars best characters. This made it even more alarming that she was so close to Anakin, especially as Order 66 got closer and closer.
Ahsoka was ultimately revealed to be one of the surviving Jedi from Order 66, but she survived for one main reason: she had left the Jedi Order. While this departure may have been protective for Ahsoka in the long run, it had devastating effects in other ways, including in terms of its impact on Anakin. While it's undeniable, this was a brutal moment in Anakin's life. Star Wars In the timeline, it remains highly debated whether Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order contributed to Anakin's fall to the dark side.
Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order shook Anakin's trust in the Jedi
The Jedi Order mismanaged Ahsoka's murder trial and permanently damaged Anakin's faith in the Jedi
Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order didn't come out of nowhere. This important decision came shortly after the Jedi Council effectively abandoned Ahsoka. In The Clone WarsAhsoka was falsely accused of murder after the woman who bombed the Jedi Temple, Letta, was Force choked to death while Ahsoka was in her cell with her. Ahsoka was eventually cleared of this accusation when Anakin proved that she had been framed by another Jedi, Barriss Offee, but the damage was already done in terms of Ahsoka's relationship with the Jedi Order.
This important decision came shortly after the Jedi Council effectively abandoned Ahsoka.
Instead of protecting Ahsoka, the Council removed her from the Order, which left her in the hands of the Republic Senate – a move that meant she could face death if found guilty. At the conclusion of the trial, when her innocence was proven, the Jedi Council invited Ahsoka back, but she refused. It was the Jedi Council's approach to Ahsoka Tano's murder trial that was most damaging to Anakin..
Anakin did not blame Ahsoka for her decision, and even said that he had considered leaving the Order (no doubt a reference to Padmé). Ahsoka's choice to leave was devastating for Anakin, but the bigger problem was that Anakin never fully trusted the Jedi again. He had seen that, ultimately, the Jedi would throw their own to the wolves if the Senate demanded it, and this created fissures in Anakin's faith in the Jedi that were never healed. This made it much easier for Palpatine to manipulate Anakin into believing the Jedi were evil.
If Ahsoka had stayed, Anakin might have trusted the order more with his nightmares
Anakin's choice not to trust Obi-Wan is very telling
One of the most pressing factors in Anakin's fall to the dark side was his fear that Padmé would die in childbirth. This fear began with Anakin's nightmares in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sithwhich were very similar to the nightmares he previously had with his mother, Shmi Skywalker. Unfortunately, these premonitions came true, only fueling Anakin's anxiety regarding Padmé.
Surprisingly, Anakin actually sought Master Yoda's advice when it came to his nightmares about Padmé's deathalthough he has not been fully open. Since attachments were forbidden in the Jedi Order, Anakin spoke exactly about the person he was talking about and downplayed the connection he had to the subject of his nightmares. Although Anakin did the right thing in seeking Yoda's guidance, Yoda unfortunately (and unhelpfully) told Anakin that these nightmares could lead him down a dark path and should essentially be ignored. This sent Anakin straight into Palpatine's trap.
It was even more shocking that it was Yoda, and not Obi-Wan, who Anakin spoke to.
As shocking as it was for Anakin to try to do the right thing, it was even more shocking that it was Yoda, and not Obi-Wan, who Anakin spoke to. It may have been the situation with Ahsoka that led Anakin to avoid going to the larger Jedi Council, including Obi-Wan.. Clearly, Anakin no longer trusted the Council, but he would have certainly gone to Obi-Wan before. After all, in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesAnakin openly confessed his obsession with Padmé to Obi-Wan.
Anakin's faith in Obi-Wan specifically was likely shaken after Ahsoka left the Order, as Obi-Wan was among the members of the Jedi Council who did not protect Ahsoka - a huge blow and shock to Anakin and Ahsoka, unquestionably. If Obi-Wan hadn't broken Anakin's trust so massively, he still might have trusted Obi-Wan enough to go to him. Few Jedi, or people, would have been more helpful to Anakin as he navigated these fears about Padmé than Obi-Wan, but unfortunately, their relationship was a long way off.
Anakin would have had a better chance of not falling if Ahsoka had stayed
This wasn't Ahsoka's fault, but it undeniably affected Anakin for the worse
Interestingly, Ahsoka Tano live-action actress Rosario Dawson and Anakin Skywalker actor Hayden Christensen directly addressed this question. At FAN EXPO Philadelphia 2024, Christensen and Dawson were asked if they believed Anakin wouldn't have fallen if Ahsoka had stayed, and, as revealed in a video posted by va.va.vera on TikTok, they had hilariously very different responses.
As indicated by Dawson in the video, Dave Filoni himself said that Anakin would have fallen to the dark side anywaybut Christensen is right nonetheless.
Anakin was doomed to fall to the dark side whether Ahsoka stayed or went.
Anakin was fated to fall to the dark side whether Ahsoka stayed or went, and Ahsoka certainly can't be blamed for Anakin's fall, but it's undeniable that it impacted Anakin and his perception of the Jedi for the worse. If anything, this made Anakin's downfall much more likely. While Ahsoka Tano leaving the Jedi Order didn't single-handedly cause Anakin's turn to the dark side, it made it much easier for Palpatine to manipulate him and turn him to the dark side.
Ahsoka Tano's departure prevented Anakin from gaining the rank of master
In the same video of Christensen and Dawson addressing whether Ahsoka remaining in the Order would have prevented Anakin's downfall, Christensen jokes, “If I could get the rank of Master.” Although Christensen meant the comment in jest, Anakin's frustrations over not being given the rank of Master had a major influence on his opinion of the Jedi.. In Revenge of the SithAnakin had an outburst that was very reminiscent of his worrying behavior in Attack of the Clones about the Council's decision being "unfair."
To be a Master, a Jedi must have successfully trained a Padawan to the rank of Jedi Knight.
In fact, the Council that did not grant Anakin the rank of Master was based on the rules regarding the ranks of the Jedi Order. To be a Master, a Jedi must have successfully trained a Padawan to the rank of Jedi Knight. Ahsoka left shortly before reaching that rank - Mace Windu even commented that this near-death murder trial would have been her Jedi Trials.
This means that it was specifically Ahsoka's departure from the Jedi Order that prevented Anakin from gaining the rank of Master he so clearly coveted. This alone wouldn't have tipped the scales towards Anakin, but it's yet another way in which Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order had a huge influence on Anakin's path. Ahsoka Tano's decision to leave the Jedi Order was a decision she had to make for herself, but it's clear that her departure affected Anakin Skywalker in ways that contributed to his fall to the dark side.
Source: va.va.vera