Wonders Gael Cameron & Nathan Gallagher are producer plants

Wonders Gael Cameron & Nathan Gallagher are producer plants

Gael Cameron and Nathan Gallagher's relationship blossomed on screen Below deck Mediterranean Season 9, but were they planted in the show to create drama? The two met during the first episode of the season as part of Iain Maclean's deck team. Neither Gael nor Nathan appeared in the franchise before their introduction in Below Deck Med Season 9, and they surely bonded from the unique experience. The Duo had an instant connection that went beyond a platonic friendship. However, viewers were shocked to know that Gael was in a relationship with another man in the house.

Despite her non-one status, Gael and Nathan's bond grew as the charter season persisted. As the smallest ranking deck hand under Ian and lead deck hand Joe Bradley, they pulled their weight on deck swimming. Gael and Nathan met at times the perfection of their leaders and naturally gravitated towards each other. In a shocking turn of events, Gael and her boyfriend broke things off, opening the door for her to pursue a boatmanship with fellow deckhand. however, Elements of their relationship came off as contrived and raised questions about the loyalty of their alliance.

Gael & Nathan's relationship seems staged

They have a connection, but some moments felt off

    A montage of Gael sad
Custom image by César García

Gael and Nathan have a real connection, though Elements of their relationship seem staged for reality TV Purposes. During the beginning half of season 9, the show teased her breakup that would make way for her boatmanship on the Mustique. While Gael was in a relationship, they asked her and Nathan questions about each other in their confessions, further pushing the narrative of their connection. They have a genuine spark, but there's no denying it was pushed for storyline purposes while she was still dating her ex-boyfriend.

Gael's first relationship ended abruptly

Her ex accidentally broke up with her when she was out with the crew

At the start of the charter season, Gael revealed that she is not on firm ground in her relationship. Her ex had concerns about her working on deck, with Gael revealing he expected her to take time off from her work to communicate with him throughout the day. In a clip from the US Below Deck Med Still show on Bravos YouTube, she admitted that they broke up when she took the job to work on the mustache, but he changed his mind at the last minute and said that they could "Make it work."

"Getting on the boat and realizing he can't hold it for two weeks, let alone six ... I was like, 'Please just hold out for me. Please be patient with me. Please understand that I can't be on my phone all the time.'”

Gael was frustrated with him because he knew how demanding her job was, as they had worked as deckhands together before. After a few weeks of miscommunication, he broke up with her while she was out for dinner with the crew. Gael felt unsupported by her ex-boyfriend on Below Deck Med And when he found the secret, he married her to Nathan. However, they broke things off quite suddenly. Their split was a long time coming, however It felt ironic that he randomly chose to break up with her while she was at dinner with the season 9 crew.

Gael & Nathan's date was for entertainment purposes

They randomly left work early for the day

In one of the most random moments of Below Deck Med Season 9 Gael and Nathan break away from the crew during a work day to go on their first date. It was nice to see him plan the day and ask Captain Sandy Yawn for permission to leave the Mustique to spend time away from the crew. however, Production may have given Nathan the idea of ​​taking Gael on a date. They went on an indoor rock climbing excursion that was enticing to watch but totally out of the ordinary for the show.


They typically showcase these Below Deck Med Crews' day-to-day life working on the superyachts. After most charter trips, they go out, and on occasion, they get a day off and spend time together as a group. It was Funny that Captain Sandy allotted time from the crew's schedule for Gael and Nathan to go on a date. However, it wouldn't be strange if the producers felt this was a crucial moment for the season. Gael and Nathan shared a sweet moment that viewers, unfortunately, could tell was manufactured.

Gael and Nathan have a strong boatmans on Below deck Mediterranean, But elements of their romance may have been staged for the sake of the show. They have a real bond and have been able to support each other through the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to film the series. However, producers probably had a hand in Gael and Nathan's relationship.

Source: Bravo/ YouTube

Below Deck Mediterranean is a Bravo reality television series that follows a crew working on a gigantic superyacht during the busy season. The show highlights the crew's challenges as they serve their high-end clientele. Each season tackles new locations, such as Greece, Croatia, Italy and France, with some repeating.


Sandy Yawn, Hannah Ferrier, Malia White, Mzi Dempers, João Franco, Colin Macy-O'Toole, Kyle Viljoen, Christine Drake

Release date

May 3, 2016



