Wonder Woman Lore Change renames her iconic lasso and gives it new powers

Wonder Woman Lore Change renames her iconic lasso and gives it new powers

WARNING: CONTAINS POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BATMAN: GOTHAM BY GASLIGHT - THE KRYPTONIAN AGE #3!Wonder Woman Lasso of Truth is one of Diana Prince's most iconic and enduring pieces of lore, having been around nearly as long as the character herself. Over the years, the Lasso of Truth has been rebooted multiple times, with changes to its origin, name and powers. Now, thanks to the sequel of a critically acclaimed Other worlds series, Wonder Woman's lasso is once again getting a new name and a power upgrade.

The sequel to the fan-favorite Other worlds series, Batman: Gotham by GaslightKeep up with Andy Diggle and Leandro Fernández Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #3, where the lore of this alternate universe continues to expand, bringing new characters into the fold. Among those reimagined with a 19th-century twist is Wonder Woman.

Gotham by Gaslight Kryptonian Age #3 Wonder Woman Lasso 1

However, this version of Diana Prince is far from a typical Victorian lady; She remains the Amazon Warrior Princess fans know and love, but with significant changes to her knowledge. One of the changes includes Renaming the Lasso of Truth as the Cord of Hestia.

The lasso of truth becomes the cord of Hestia in Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #3

Gotham by Gaslight Kryptonian Age #3 Wonder Woman Lasso 2

The cord of Hestia debuts in The Kryptonian Age #3 When this Other worlds version of Wonder Woman saves Adam Strange and his crew from a giant centipede-like creature called the - Mother-in-law. During the fight, Diana uses her lasso to capture the beast and talks to him to try to deescalate the situation. This moment reveals the rope of Hestia's unique ability to translate languages ​​across species. Although the Lasso of Truth in the main continuity also has translating powers, it remains unclear if it can translate the language of a cryptic creature like the Cord of Hestia can.

Like the Lasso of Truth, the Cord of Hestia also fulfills its purpose of speaking the truth. This is demonstrated when Diana demands that she and the brood-mother communicate openly and honestly with one another. Thus, The Cord of Hestia shares similarities with its main continuity counterpart. HoweverIt differs from the lasso of truth in its ability to share memories and thoughts mentally through a shared vision. This is an upgrade to the truth-centered powers of the lasso, because it provides an alternative way to discover the truth - not just through words, but also through visual experiences.

Wonder Woman's Cord of Hestia lets her warn Adam Strange about the return of the "Kryptonian Doom"

Diana Prince revealed Kryptonians are the ancestral enemies of the Amazons

Gotham by Gaslight Kryptonian Age #3 Wonder Woman Lasso 0

Wonder Woman's Cord of Hestia plays a crucial role in this issue, as it enables her to communicate not only with the Brood-Mother but also with Adam Strange. The ability to speak with Strange proves to be especially significant, considering The terrible news that Diana brings - the imminent return of the Kryptonian doom to the surface world. While details about the "Kryptonian Doom" Remaining scarce, Diana reveals that the catastrophic force was once responsible for devastating Earth's civilizations eons ago. Now, it seems to be coming back for a second time, posing an existential threat to the planet once again.

While Hestia's cord enables Diana to verbally communicate with Strange, she chooses to use the lasso's mind-link ability to let him "See the truth of [her] heart". Through this mental connection, Diana strangely shows her origins in Skartaris, a hellish realm located in the hollow heart of the earth. She reveals that the Amazons once lived on the surface but retreated underground when the doom of Krypton struck. Diana also shares that her people's seers now foresee a second Kryptonian doom approaching the surface world, and she has come to warn and aid humanity as best she can against "Hated Krypton."


The Story of Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth (The SparkNotes Version)

The Lasso of Truth was created by American psychologist William Moulton Marston (aka the creator of Wonder Woman).

Feature image: Wonder Woman looking left, holding her lasso of truth

The Lasso of Truth first appeared in Sensation Comics #6 (June 1942), making it nearly as old as Wonder Woman herself, who debuted in All Star Comics #8 (December 1941). Both Diana Prince and the Lasso of Truth were created by American psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston, who also invented the lie detector, or polygraph. Marston's connection to the polygraph makes Wonder Woman's truth-based weapon even more fitting. Over the years, the Lasso of Truth has been known by various names, including the Magic Lasso, the Lasso of Hestia, the Golden Perfect, and now the Cord of Hestia.

The pre-Crisis origin of the Lasso of Truth holds that it was a gift from Diana's mother, Queen Hippolyta, and was crafted from Aphrodite's girdle. This endowment gave the lasso magical properties of the Goddess and rendered it indestructible - a quality that remains true today. In contrast, George Pérez redefined its origin in the post-crisis era, attributing its creation to the god Hephaestus. According to this version, Hephaestus forged the lasso from the golden girdle of Gaea, once worn by Antiope, Hippolyta's sister, and empowered it with the fires of Hestia. As a result, the lasso compels whoever it ensnares to tell the absolute truth.


Wonder Woman's lasso of truth and its connection to Greek mythology

The Cord of Hestia is a fitting name for Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, given what the goddess symbolizes

Wonder Woman holds the lasso of truth in DC Comics

Every Wonder Woman fan knows that the story of Diana Prince is intricately connected to Greek gods and goddesses, whether she is made of clay or she is the daughter of Zeus. Thus, it is particularly fitting that her primary weapon also has a Greek deity origin. As previously mentioned, the Lasso of Truth was initially attributed to Aphrodite, but the post-Crisis version credits its creation to Hephaestus. The later beginning aligns more logically, because Hephaestus crafted all the weapons for the gods of Olympus.

Additionally, this version of the lasso's creation is stronger because it binds the weapon to be forged in Hestia's own hearth and fires. Although Hestia is not directly linked to the virtue of truth, she is an exceptionally fitting goddess for the lasso to be named after in The Kryptonian AgeBecause her fire often symbolizes purity - a virtue that is still connected with truth. In addition, Hestia's fires are known for their cleansing power, parallel Wonder Woman Lasso of Truth's ability to cure madness and reveal the truth.

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #3 is now available from DC Comics!

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age #3 (2024)

Wonder Woman in Batman Gotham by Gaslight The Kryptonian Age #3 main cover

  • Writer: Andy Diggle

  • Artist: Leandro Fernández

  • Colorist: Dave Stewart

  • Writer: Simon Bowland

  • Cover artist: Leandro Fernández & Matt Hollingsworth