Wolverine finally conquers X-Men's unbeatable superpower, with help from Magneto

Wolverine finally conquers X-Men's unbeatable superpower, with help from Magneto

Warning: Contains spoilers for Wolverine: Revenge #2

After Magneto's Asteroid B crashes to Earth, frying practically every source of power globally, Wolverine Proves that he will do anything to take his revenge against those who turned an already tragic event into a bloodbath. To track them down, he needs information - and the iconic helmet of the deceased villain is the key. Logan adopts Magneto's most recognizable anti-psychic defense, repurposing it for his own brand of revenge.

in Wolverine: Revenge #2By Jonathan Hickman and Greg Capullo, Logan plows ahead on his quest to find the brotherhood of evil mutants who killed Captain America and Bucky Barnes in cold blood while dooming millions to die in the West. Along with Forge, he finds one answer to his problem: Magneto's helmet. With Mastermind acting as the, well, mastermind, behind some of the Brotherhood, Logan needs a strong psychic defense to reach him. No one invested more energy in perfecting telepathic barriers than Magneto. After some adjustments, Logan uses the helmet and ironically proceeds to make it an instrument of vengeance, just like its creator.

Wolverine attacks wearing Magneto's helmet

Wolverine uses Magneto's helmet to destroy the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

And the upgrade allows him to defeat Mastermind in seconds

Wolverine digs up Magneto's helmet with Forge

Wolverine's idea of ​​unearthing Magneto's helmet is nothing short of brilliant. Mastermind is likely one of the most powerful psychics left alive, and Erik spent years perfecting this piece of equipment to prevent Charles Xavier (and the X-Men's other telepathic mutants) from accessing his mind. The helmet surviving Magneto's Asteroid B crash practically unscathed makes it even more ideal for Logan's purposes. He is able to execute a brutal attack, return Mastermind's severed head to Forge, and get the information he needs. In a twisted way, the helmet continues to fulfill one of its primary functions: exact revenge.

There are a few obvious differences between the intentions of Wolverine and Magneto, they are both primarily focused on making others pay. Wolverine: RevengeThe timeline takes place when Magneto is still at the height of villainy and hellbent on eliminating humans. The thread continues with Logan. He saw the brotherhood of evil mutants, including his former friend Colossus, violently kill other heroes and refuse to do anything to help people suffering in the West after the massive EMP caused by Asteroid M's crash. Wolverine has revenge as his only reason to go on - and in some ways, it's more extreme than even Magneto managed.

Magneto's helmet signifies Wolverine's dark path

Although Magneto's helmet served its purpose and allowed Wolverine to destroy Mastermind's telepathic powers, it is also a testament to just how twisted his path is. Forge and Dani Moonstar still find ways to act like heroes and rebuild a pocket of the world while Logan insists that revenge is all he has left. He may not direct his rage at humanity, as Magneto often has, but it is the primary guiding force and he cannot separate himself from it. Wolverine Dark path of revenge makes him worthy of magnetos Helm, however, cost him his heroic side.

Wolverine: Revenge #2 is available now from Marvel Comics.