Warning: Spoilers ahead for Apple TV+s Wolf Movie.Wolf Ended with a revelation that solved some of the mysteries of the movie and also introduced fresh enigmas, but one of the biggest twists can be answered by paying attention to some of the funniest moments of the story. Despite Wolf' Ending So that the two main characters are set to meet their end, there are several ways George Clooney and Brad Pitt could return for Wolf 2. Both Hollywood legends do an incredible job leading the limited Wolf Cast, but their character's boss clearly has a reason to want them out of the picture.
Clooney and Pitt both play fixers Wolf. Their line of work requires them to remove dead bodies at the request of clients - the suggestion is that they cater to the social elite. The main mission of the movie goes wrong when The Wolf The titular duo are not only forced to work together But also to navigate various unexpected issues that arise along the way. At the end of the job, they realize they work for the same boss - who wants them dead. The movie doesn't explain why their boss feels this way, but there are strong hints throughout.
Wolff implies that the fixers are too old to do their job
The Fixers' back and sight issues suggest they are entering the twilight of their careers
Moving dead bodies from one place to another without being seen is a physically demanding job, and it's probably quite draining from a psychological perspective as well. At a certain time in a fixer's life, it would be understandable when the job would start to become more difficult than it was. Just over Wolf There are various moments that strongly suggest that this is the case For Clooney and Pitt's characters. There are times when they are shown to be struggling with back issues and also need glasses to read text at certain distances. However, their pride probably stops them from retiring.
Both men prove that they are still very capable fixers, but they also seem to be nearing the end of their prime years on the job. Realizing this, their shared boss may have felt the need to get rid of them and bring in some younger replacements. The entire field of work requires almost perfection, because any mistake during a cleaning job can lead to the death of not only the client but also the fixer boss. so, It's understandable why Clooney and Pitt's characters would be dismissed when they begin to fall.
The creative scheme to take down the fixer shows their boss respect for them
Their mysterious boss does not know how to underestimate the aging fixer
The vast experience of the Fixers means that they probably know if a traditional strike has been put on them. They may be getting older, but they're not quite over the hill yet. So, their boss shows them a great deal of respect by not attempting to have them killed by something quite as pedestrian as a hit. instead, The Fixers' mysterious boss formulates an elaborate plan to have them sucked into a drug ring In the hope that they will be killed as a result.
It could also be that their boss was worried that the fixers would survive a simple assassination attempt and come after the person who set up the plan.
Putting a more direct target on the fixer's back might have been successful. However, their boss may have resisted doing this, seeing it as an insult to the impressive careers and body of work of Clooney and Pitt's characters. Wanting to cut ties with the fixers may not be a personal issueBut strictly a matter of business. As said, it could also be that their boss was worried that the fixers would survive a simple assassination attempt and come after the person who set up the plan. Either way, the complex plan still failed.
Dimitri wasn't going to let the fixers get away with getting together so easily
The last moments of the movie see Wolf' Protagonists about to enter a shootout This could be the end of them. with Wolf 2 Confirmed, their death between movies is unlikely, but that is what is threatened. Because the approaching gun squad is spotted right after the couple realize they are being targeted by their boss, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that the armed assailants in the background are directly connected to the scheme that was intended to kill them. On the other hand, this is not quite acceptable.
Clooney and Pitt survive their encounter with some of Dimitri's men at the failed drug drop-off, but Zlatko Burić's mob boss character doesn't seem to mind letting them off the hook so easily.
The boss of the fixers formulates a complex sequence of events in an attempt to have his employees killed. The mysterious figure clearly has a flair for the dramatic and a preference for working in the shadows. So, it wouldn't make sense for him to order a hit so severely lacking in subtlety in broad daylight. What's more likely is that the people outside belong to Dimitri. Clooney and Pitt survived their encounter with some of Dimitri's men At the failed drug drop-off, but Zlatko Burić's mob boss character does not seem to pressure to let them off the hook so easily.
The fixer explains to the child during Wolf That if Dimitri ever discovered that the fixers were working together, that "He would have killed us immediately.” The fixers were correct, as an attempt to kill them was made shortly after. Dimitri seems much more hard-nosed than the Fixers' bossSo an attempt at their life in the daylight as shown at the end of Wolf Would certainly agree with his character.