Wind and Truth needs to break Brandon Sanderson's most ridiculous book record

Wind and Truth needs to break Brandon Sanderson's most ridiculous book record

Brandon Sanderson Wind and truth Has the opportunity to break the most insane record of the fantasy author. The fifth volume of The Stormlight Archive is set to be released in December 2024 and will complete the first major arc of the saga. This epic fantasy series is well known among Brandon Sanderson's best books, as each volume is rich with beautiful character development and hugely impressive world-building, establishing a devoted, widespread audience for the saga.

The Stormlight Archive Is also part of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere book universe, which ties it to the stories of popular series like Mistbornand beloved standalone novels like Tress of the Emerald Sea And War breaker. Given that Wind and truth will conclude one of the longest-running arcs of the cosmos, fans of Sanderson's books should expect a treat. The 2024 novel should provide the culmination of character and story arcs on Roshar, as well as massive developments for the wider Kosmer universe, creating an ultimately fulfilling fantasy experience.

Words of Radiance is the highest rated book ever on Goodreads

Words of Radiance holds the book review site record with 4.76/5 stars

Stormlight Archive Words of Radiance Cover shows a man with a glowing hand outstretched in front of a swirling storm.
Words of radiation by Michael Whelan

Words of brilliance is not only commonly believed to be the best book in The Stormlight ArchiveBut it is also the highest-rated book Ever on Goodreads. A compiled List of novels With over 10,000 ratings, Sanderson's second volume at the top, ranking above beloved classics like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potterand the many great works of literature that have defined modern culture. Although book ratings on Goodreads need to be taken with a grain of salt for a variety of reasons, Reaching a 4.76 rating with nearly 400,000 reviews is still an impressive achievement..

Pulling off a successful ending is necessary for The Stormlight Archive's Lasting legacy, and earning the level of praise Words of brilliance Achieved seems like the perfect measure for that success.

The almost unanimous success of Words of brilliance It speaks to the overwhelming acclaim Sanderson has generated over the past two decades, writing fantasy stories that push the boundaries of the genre and attract new readers to love the magic of fiction. But this leaves Wind and truth With a steep hill to climb, viz Volume 2 sets a high bar for the best novel in the series. Pulling off a successful ending is necessary for The Stormlight Archive's Lasting legacy, and earning the level of praise Words of brilliance Achieved seems like the perfect measure for that success.


Why Oathbringer & Rhythm Of War Were Not So Successful

Volumes 3 and 4 do not balance their characters as strongly as Words of Radiance

The main reason Wind and truth Need to achieve such high esteem is that Bringer And Rhythm of war are seen as a downward trend for the series. First, it's important to note that a downward trend for Brandon Sanderson is still exceptional fantasy, and that following up Words of brilliance is immensely difficult. The books are in the middle of the pack for The Stormlight ArchiveMaking them equally responsible for setting up the ending as they are for telling strong individual stories, and thus, some of the stories suffer.

Many Sanderson readers love Bringer Only for his incredible characterization and development of Dalinar Kholin, but it is fair to say that other members of the ensemble suffer around him. Meanwhile, Rhythm of war Tells a deeply emotional story, but the flashbacks are widely considered to be the least engaging of the saga. Words of brilliance Has the perfect tee-up: The way of kings has already done the heavy lifting of introducing the world and making the reader fall in love with the characters, leaving the sequel to bring them all together, achieving the most fulfilling novel in the series.


How wind and truth can become Brandon Sanderson's best book

Wind and truth just need to stick the landing with his ending

Book covers from the Stormlight Archive
Custom image by Yeider Chacon
Original cover for Wind and Truth by Michael Whelan
Original cover for Oatbringer and the Way of Kings UK editions by Sam Green

as with Words of brilliance, Wind and truth is placed in a favorable position to be a huge success. Bringer And Rhythm of war provided two novels of characterization and plot building, allowing the final installment to execute on all accounts. Each character is at the precipice of catharsis for their emotional journeyAnd the war between Dalinar and Odium has already set the stage for its climax. The final volume of an epic fantasy series is left with the greatest risk but the greatest potential for reward.

in Wind and truthBrandon Sanderson will be expected to complete the story arcs of his beloved characters, providing endings that fulfill either satisfaction or earned shock. If he succeeded in doing this, the final volume could easily be considered as the strongest volume in the series and as his best book. The Stormlight Archive's The ending is what will linger with audiences after the journey is over, giving it an inherent chance to be a deeply emotional experience.