Will Legolas appear in The Rings of Power? can he

Will Legolas appear in The Rings of Power? can he

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Includes familiar characters from The Lord of the RingsTeasing the possibility that Legolas could appear in the prequel series. Set thousands of years earlier The Hobbit And The Lord of the RingsThe Prime Video series The rings of power Already featuring Galadriel and Elrond, two of the immortal elves from JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth stories. Legolas is also an immortal elf, so there's a potential that he too could appear in the prequel series - though only if Amazon make more changes to JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth timeline.

Legolas is a Sindar elf of the Woodland Realm best remembered as one of the Nine Fellowship of the Ring Members in The Lord of the Rings. He previously appeared in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings Adaptations, included The Hobbit movie trilogy, and is popular for his skilled showmanship and memorable kills, including one epic duel against an oliphant in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Since he is an elf and capable of living for thousands of years, many have wondered if Legolas will be in The rings of power Just like his fellow man LotR Eleven characters Elrond and Galadriel.

The Rings of Power timeline means that Legolas cannot appear

Legolas was not born until after the first defeat of Sauron

There is a simple reason that Legolas cannot appear in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - He wasn't born until several decades after the second age, when the events of the show take place, was over. The Lord of the Rings Movies officially put Legolas's age as 2931, born in year 87 of the Third Age. However, the year of Legolas' birth is not taken from anything written by JRR Tolkien. This gives Amazon a surprising amount of creative space when it comes to its characters.

In truth, no one knows how old Legolas is, with his year of birth never being specified in Tolkien's stories, so it is possible that he may appear in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. However, compared to Elrond and Galadriel, Legolas is a less mature elf who has not faced the same horrors experienced in the War of Wrath against Morgoth, or Last Alliance against Sauron. Elrond also never mentions a story of fighting alongside Legolas, with elves often referring to such occasions.

If Legolas appeared in Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, This would mean that Amazon is making even more changes to the Middle-earth canon. This would almost certainly irritate many fans, as the changes Amazon has already made to Tolkien's vision have not been well received. In a stretch, Amazon could make him a century or so older (which isn't much to elves), and have a cameo from baby or infant Legolas at the end of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Because he appeared to take part in the battle as he did lord of the rings, However, it is all-but-guaranteed not to happen.


Legolas' father could be shown in The Rings of Power instead

Thranduil may appear in the prequel series of ​​The Lord of the Rings

A picture of Legolas from the shoulders up in Lord of the Rings.

Although Legolas seems unlikely to make an appearance in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of PowerHis father, Thranduil may be involved in the series. Thranduil is the son of Orophor, an elf who establishes the woodland realm of ​​the Sylvan Elves and is killed in the Second Age's Battle of Dagorlad during the Last Alliance. After Orophor's death, Thranduil, who also fights in Dagorlad, becomes King of the Woodland Rime and reigns over all of Greenwood the Great.

Eventually, Sauron establishes an influence in Greenwood, infesting it with orcs as it becomes known as Mirkwood. All of these events take place in the second and early third ages, which may be at the end of The rings of powers timeline.

Legolas may not have been born yet, but his father and grandfather were certainly alive during the events of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Thranduil and Orophor are lesser known in Middle-earth lore, so it could be exciting to see their stories unfold in the series and reveal the backstory of Legolas' ancestry.

That would be a better call back The Lord of the Rings How actually involved was Legolas in the events, especially considering his appearance in The Hobbit Felt shoehorned. Either way, it will be intriguing to see the story of the elves in Middle-earth continue to unfold during The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

What other Lord of the Rings characters could appear in The Rings of Power?

There may be more familiar faces in the Amazon prequel series

Although it is unlikely, Legolas will appear in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, There are a handful of others Lord of the Rings Characters who could appear. Thranduil, Legolas' father, was already teased before the release of Rings of power Season 2, and, of course, Elrond and Galadriel have been staples of the series so far. Controversially, the show has also teased that the mysterious figure played by Daniel Wyman could be Gandalf.

With Gandalf in The rings of power is a change with which many JRR talkie fans do not agree with, because it is established that he and the other historians did not arrive in Middle-earth until the third age. However, the inclusion of Gandalf in the show means that other Istari may appear. The obvious choice here is, of course, Saruman - especially since it would be strange that Saruman was considered the more powerful of the two throughout the Third Age if Gandalf arrived before him.

If Gandalf is reconnected by Amazon to appear in the Second Age and be in The rings of powerThe same will likely be true for Saruman at some point. This also means that Radagast the Brown of the habit, And other Istari like Alatar and Pallando the Blue Wizards, may show up.

The other two notable letters of Lord of the Rings Who could potentially appear in The rings of power are the Witch King of Angmar and Treebeard, Lord of the Ents. Like Legolas, Treebeard does not have an official age provided by Tolkien, but various tie-in products for the Lord of the Rings Movies list his age at more than 15,000 years, making him more than old enough to appear in The rings of power.

The Witch-king, Sauron's general and most powerful of the Ringwraiths, is more or less guaranteed to appear at some point. The Nazgul were created at the end of the Second Age as the 9 human kings gifted with rings of power submitted to the temptations of Sauron. With that in mind, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Will end up showing the origins of the terrifying robbed servant of the big eye sooner or later.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, set in the Second Age of Middle-earth, explores the forging of the iconic rings, the rise of the Dark Lord Sauron and the epic events that lead to the stories in the classic novels of JRR Tolkien. The series chronicles the creation of legendary characters and the historic alliances and rivalries that shape the fate of Middle-earth.

Release date

September 1, 2022




John D. Payne, Patrick McKay, Louise Hooper, Charlotte Brändström, Wayne Yip