Evilof The Rotten Tomatoes score has finally been released and it's extremely impressive, even if it doesn't quite match the score that The Wizard of Oz received. The Wizard of Oz It's one of the most beloved films of all time and that's why the idea of making a film adaptation of the musical came up. Evil It's a little scary. Although the original piece can be viewed separately, it will be impossible not to compare Evil to The Wizard of Ozalthough Rotten Tomatoes is already suggesting the comparisons might not be so bad.
THE Evil The Rotten Tomatoes score is now public knowledge, and at the time of writing this article, the 2024 musical has 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. This is incredibly impressive, with the immensely high score coming as a shock to many audience members who had issues with the film's trailers and marketing materials. The film received largely positive reviews and proved to be a worthy sequel. The Wizard of Oz franchise, with critics and audiences already praising the film before its theatrical release.
Wicked's RT score may be below the Wizard of Oz, but it's still a win for the franchise
It has 92% on Rotten Tomatoes
Despite having 92% on Rotten Tomatoes EvilThe Rotten Tomatoes score is still below The Wizard of Oz. At the time of writing this article, The Wizard of Oz holds a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, with this near-perfect score making it one of the highest-rated films of all time. The disparity between the two films is slightly greater when comparing average review scores, with Evil earning 8.1/10 and The Wizard of Oz earning 9.4/10. However, both films still have incredibly positive reviews, something that is a feat for The Wizard of Oz franchise.
Despite The Wizard of Oz being one of the most beloved films of all time, the film spawned a film franchise that performed surprisingly poorly. Main The Wizard of Oz successors like Trip back to Oz, The Sorcerer, Return to Oz, Oz the Great and Powerfuland others didn't do as well as the 1939 original, and didn't even come close to its Rotten Tomatoes score. However, the fact that Evil is just a few points behind The Wizard of Oz proves how good the film is, finally surpassing dozens of The Wizard of Oz consequences over the years.
How Wicked's Rotten Tomatoes Score Compares to All the Wizard of Oz Films
It's the best out of the original
EvilThe Rotten Tomatoes score fares much better than the previous films in The Wizard of Oz franchise, being considered one of the best in the series. All types of adaptations of the ounce books were released, some being released before the 1939 film. However, only a few attempt to connect to the iconography of The Wizard of Ozbeing the first to be released Trip back to Ozwhich holds 51% on Rotten Tomatoes. 1978 The Sorcerer has 48%, while the cult sequel Return to Oz holds 58%.
The franchise took a break until 2011 Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Ozwhich holds a 65% plus positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Then, 2013 saw the release of Oz the Great and Powerfulwhich has 56%. The animated sequence Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return has 17% on Rotten Tomatoes, while Tom and Jerry: Back to Oz has 63%. While these short animated films have fared somewhat better, the live-action sequels and prequels have been consistently disappointing, with Evil being the best rated so far.
Wicked's Rotten Tomatoes Score Could Beat The Wizard of Oz Another Way
Has a higher audience score
Although it doesn't seem Evil will be beating The Wizard of OzAccording to the critics' score on Rotten Tomatoes, the 2024 film could win otherwise. At the time of writing this article, Evil actually has a higher audience score than The Wizard of Oz. Evil currently holds a near-perfect 99%, while The Wizard of Oz it has 89%, which is a pretty big difference.
It is always possible that EvilThe film's score may drop after the film's theatrical release, but it's outperforming The Wizard of Oz Either way it's impressive. These differences show that Evil it's not that far behind The Wizard of Ozhighlighting how good the film can be.