The Land of Oz finally returned in Eviland here are all the locations of the prequel's iconic fantasy kingdom explained. The Land of Oz is one of the most famous film locations of all time, with films dating back to 1939 The Wizard of Oz and the many other adaptations of L. Frank Baum's classic book series that transform Oz into a huge world with all kinds of iconic landmarks. Although there are many similarities between the various Lands of Oz, Evil makes some major changes, and here's a full breakdown of the film's beloved setting.
2024 Evil is the first part of a two-part adaptation of the epic Broadway musical, with the films telling the story of how The Wicked Witch of the West really became evil. Instead of simply following Dorothy's adventures, Evil shows all the new corners of the Land of Oz. Although Elphaba, Glinda and the rest of the Evil The gang has not yet crossed paths with the merry band of travelers from the Yellow Brick Road, they have already explored many areas in Oz, giving information about all these Oz locations.
Wicked's Land of Oz explained
How does Wicked's Oz compare to other versions?
The Land of Oz was popularized in 1939 The Wizard of Oz film, with the film's ending revealing that Oz was actually a made-up world in Dorothy's dream. However, this is not the case Evilthe Land of Oz version, with the prequel and many others ounce projects presenting Oz as a real place. Oz is a country divided into four provinces known as Munchkin Country, Gillikin Country, Winkie Country and Quadling Country. Where all these counties meet lies the capital, known as the Emerald City, with this prosperous kingdom containing the ruler of Oz.
The Land of Oz goes through many changes throughout its runtime. Evil, with the Wizard of Oz in the middle of rebuilding Oz to his liking when Elphaba meets him for the first time. The Land of Oz is connected by a complex railway system, as well as the Yellow Brick Road, a grand path created by the Wizard that leads from the four provinces to the Emerald City. The Land of Oz is inhabited by all kinds of people and creatures, with the four countries containing all kinds of interesting and unique places that can be found throughout Evil and others ounce stories.
Munchkin Country
East of Oz
Munchkin Country, also known as Munchkinland, is the most famous of the four provinces of ounce franchise, as this is where Dorothy finds herself after first landing in The Wizard of Oz. In some adaptations of the ounce series, the people of Munchkinland, known as Munchkins, are known for their short stature, this being the case in the 1939 film. However, this is not the case in Evilwith the average size of Munchkinlanders being approximately the same as inhabitants of the other provinces of Oz.
Munchkin Country is the easternmost province of Ozwith the Yellow Brick Road taking travelers to Emerald City in the west. Elphaba and Nessarose are natives of Munchkin Country, and their father is the governor of Munchkin Land. Other characters like Boq also originate from Munchkin country. Munchkinland is often seen as less severe than some of the other provinces of Oz, containing locations such as The Pine Barrens, Munchkin River, The Corn Basket, and more.
Gillikin Country
North of Oz
Gilkin Country is the northernmost province of Ozbeing another place always present throughout the ounce franchise. Gilkin Country is the main setting of the first Evil film, containing the city of Shiz as well as Shiz University, the school that the main cast of Evil he meets. Gilkin Country is the wealthiest of Oz's various provinces, with major economic powerhouses such as Shiz and other cities making up the province. Gilkin also contains several deserts and mountain ranges, such as Mount Runcible, The Pertha Turnings, and Red Sand.
A large forest can also be found in Gilkin, known as The Great Forest of Gilkin. Gilkin Country is also home to the Great Gilkin Railway, which connects Shiz, the Emerald City and several other locations. Gilkin Country is home to many of Evil and the ounce richest characters in the franchise, like Glinda.
Winkie Country
Western Oz
Winkie Country is a more difficult area to live in due to its rugged terrain, not being as friendly to visitors or as populated as some of the other provinces in Oz. Winkie Country is the westernmost province of Ozbeing mainly composed of deserts, grasslands and mountainous regions. The Thursk Desert occupies the north of Winkie Country, while thousand-year-old grasslands occupy the south. A mountain range runs along the eastern and southern borders and is known as The Great Kells and The Lesser Kells.
Unlike Gilkin and Munchkin, Winkie Country has no major cities or economic centers. Instead, it is organized into a system of different tribes, with each tribe having a chief. Although there are all different types of people in Winkie Country, the inhabitants of the province are called Winkies, with Fiyero Tigelaar being the prince of one of these tribes. Winkie Country is also the location of the Wicked Witch's castle in The Wizard of Oz.
Country Quadling
South of Oz
The last of the four provinces of Oz is Quadling Country, being the southernmost province of Oz. The marshy terrain of Quadling Country makes it difficult to inhabit, explore or develop, and is less well known than the other provinces of Oz. Although there are many swamps and mountains in Quadling Country, very few of them have been named or explored.
There are some inhabitants of Quadling Country, and they are known as Quadlings. Quadlings are red-skinned, heat-loving people found mainly in the capital Qhoyre (sometimes known as Quox). The Quadling Country is connected by the Waterslip River, which allows Qhoyre to communicate and trade with the few in the province. other settlements.
Emerald City
The capital of Oz
Of all the places in Oz, the most famous and glamorous is the Emerald City. Acting as the capital of Oz, the Emerald City is a bright green kingdom built in the heart of Oz, acting as the political and economic center of the land. As the home of the Wizard of Oz and several other rulers of the country, the Emerald City is also a great military power. Huge gates and the Yellow Brick Road connect the Emerald City to the other provinces of Oz, which is the desire of many of the characters in Evil to make your way there.