The legend of Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom is the latest entry in one of the strongest franchises in the gaming world. The games center around Link, a young and brave Hylian who works with Princess Zelda to protect the kingdom from the evil Ganon. For almost 40 years, players got to see the world through Link's eyes and adventures, as he was the only main character of the series. However, the standalone Echoes of wisdom Has switched things around - Link is no longer the main character, but Zelda is.
Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom is the first game in the franchise to have Zelda as the main focus of the adventure. When Link goes missing after a mysterious force takes him away, Zelda is left to save him and the rest of the kingdom. The change in the main character is quite a bold move, with almost four decades of focusing on Link. But Nintendo has a very strange reason for Link to the side - his sword.
Link's sword being "too big" was an issue while making Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
Developers were concerned that echoes would not be used
in Nintendo's Bed the developer series, producer Eiji Aonuma discusses the fact that the sword of Link really got in the way of gameplay. Aonuma says, “We initially thought that Link would be the protagonist. But when we focused on the gameplay using echoes and links copying and pasting things in the game field, The sword and the shield got in the way."
He goes on to explain how these Developers wanted players to play with echoes, and figured that would be abandoned once they got access to the sword and shieldLink's typical main armaments. It was then that they had the idea to have Zelda be the main character, so that players could use echoes and the focal copy and paste gaming style.
It was also the perfect avenue to give Zelda the main focus in a game. Over the years, players have often requested a game with Zelda as the protagonist Echoes of wisdom The Seldom Game many have been waiting for. Aonuma says how he always wanted to do the character justice And give you a game that lets you shine, stating:
"When I asked that question, I always thought, 'Sure, as long as it makes sense for the game and does justice to you as a character to be the protagonist,' and answered that way. In vain I tried to figure out what would really do her justice. But when I saw the team struggling to identify the ideal protagonist for this game, I thought, this is just the game for you!"
By creating a game that is quintessentially built for you, it allows the character to really shine. The developers even went out of their way to give her an appropriate but authentic outfit, giving her a hood that reflects Link's and his strength after going on so many adventures.
Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom has the first female director in franchise history
Tomomi Sano helmed multiple Zelda remake projects
Zelda being the main character is not the only change to The Legend of Zeldalike This game also features the series' first female director. Tamomi Sano was selected as director for Zelda: Resonance of WisdomBut was involved with the franchise for a long time. When discussing her previous roles in another iteration of NintendoAs the developer series, Sano elaborates on her extensive involvement in the universe:
"For this project, my main role was to support the director. As for the remakes that Grezzo worked on, I was involved in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. I was also involved in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD."
Aonuma said Sano is a very in-demand presence for “Any game Grezzo works on.Sano's involvement in the first Zelda-focused Game is no small feat and is a wonderful shake up to the franchise. Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom May not have Link as the main character, but it gives players a whole new way to play and a character to focus on. Zelda finally has a game that showcases her strengths and is designed for her to flourish. With a new director, a new main character and a new fighting style, The legend of Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom Certainly is bringing new life and energy into an already successful franchise.
Sources: Nintendo (1, 2), Nintendo of America/YouTube