Why you can't get through metal fences on Tatooine in Star Wars Outlaws

Why you can't get through metal fences on Tatooine in Star Wars Outlaws

star wars outlaws Planets offer a wealth of intriguing secrets to discover and locations to discover. From caves buried deep in the Tatooine desert to camps tucked away among the densely packed trees of the Akiva Jungle, Star Wars Fans will stumble upon all the fun things before the credits roll. However, some may have found metal fences scattered all over the place preventing them from accessing the wonderful secret locations.

The metal fences seem impenetrable at first, as they completely prevent Kay from getting passed, being too high to jump over and indestructible. Meet the fences early, which can happen if players pick the wrong planet order in Star Wars OutlawsCan be a frustrating experience. luckily, Key is meant to pass them and unlock their secrets on the other side, but it's just missing an important tool.

It is a rare tool unlocked later in the game

In order to get past the metal fences blocking areas off in Star Wars OutlawsPlayers must first unlock the Fusioncutters. This is one of Kay Vess' many tools Star Wars OutlawsAnd using it is the only way players can get past those pesky fences. After unlocking it, they will receive a prompt when approaching a fence, allowing them to cut it open and sneak on through, thus gaining access to whatever secrets lie beyond.

Fortunately, unlocking the Fusioncutters is quite simple, although players will have to wait a while before they can get their hands on them. They are quite a late-game number in OutlawsMeaning players will have to leave and come back to any of the metal fences they discover while exploring. It's frustrating, but any player who has found the fences and doesn't have the Fusioncutters should just turn around.


Fortunately, the quest to unlock the Fusioncutters isn't hidden or requires fans to go out of their way, unlike finding every holodrama in Star Wars Outlaws. Rather, it is part of a main mission that players will unlock on the planet Equiva. however, Players should not expect to be able to complete this mission for a while, as it happens late in the gameWith the Fusioncutters playing a pivotal role.

Players will unlock the Fusion Cutters during the penultimate mission on Akiba

They will be given to them by Gedek

Kay and Nyx in Star Wars Outlaws look at the camera.

To unlock the Fusioncutters, Players must first reach the last mission on Akiba called "inheritance," which can only be accessed after each main mission is wrapped up on Tatooine and Kijimi. This quest, which comes shortly before Outlaw Ending and the Point-of-No-Return sees players head down into an abandoned droid factory beneath Myrra, where they'll need to help ND-5 find a specific part. It's a long quest, but it's necessary both for the story and for the incredibly useful Fusioncutter tool.

Around halfway through the mission, Gedeek will give Kay his FusioncuttersWhat she will then have to use to cut off some metal pens, the same type of players tried to overcome the whole game. Once Gedeek has given Kay the Fusioncutters, they will remain in her inventory for the rest of Outlaws. This will allow players to go back to the previously discovered metal fences and cut them open to see what is on the other side.

It's worth heading back after unlocking the Fusioncutter

ND-5 from Star Wars Outlaws.

It is often incredibly valuable loot hidden behind the metal fences in Star Wars OutlawsWhich is what makes them so tantalizing in the first place. Players will find useful upgrades and materials Which can be used to upgrade Kay's Blaster, Spyder and the Trailblazer. They are worth going back to, once players have completed the "Legacy"Mission, because the valuable loot will help set them up for the game's finale.

Of course, it is absolutely encouraged that players make the most of the best weapons in Star Wars Outlaws To help them get through the "Legacy"Mission. Once they are done, the metal fences will no longer be a problem, and fans will be able to cut through freely. Although it is frustrating that players have to wait so long to get the Fusioncutters in Star Wars OutlawsIt is definitely a worthwhile reward.




Star Wars


August 30, 2024


Massive entertainment


Ubisoft, Lucasfilm Games