Below Deck Mediterranean
Season 9 has officially ended without the cast being able to meet each other at the reunion. The season has entered the crew consists almost entirely of newcomers into the franchise, with only chef Aesha Scott, second mate Elena "Ellie" Dubach and captain Sandy Yaun returning. Many of the new crew members had difficulty doing their jobs, even accusing them of being factory workers. The tumultuous season ended on a high note with Sandy's engagement to his current wife, Leah Schafer.
Reunions usually give actors a chance to discuss with their co-stars the conflicts that play out on air. Below Deck Mediterranean there was a fair amount of drama in season 9especially due to the love triangle between Ellie, Third Stu Brie Mueller and deckhand Joe Bradley. In addition, towards the end of the season, the tension between Aisha and Ellie increased as Ellie went beyond her role. A reunion would allow them to react after watching the season with viewers.
The Below Deck franchise hasn't reunited in years.
This is the second season in a row that Below Deck Med has pulled out of a reunion.
Below Deck Mediterranean there hasn't been a reunion since Season 7 released in 2022. This has become a common occurrence in the franchise. Even the original Below Deck the series has not reunited for the past two seasons. Reunions were first canceled in 2020. during the COVID pandemic, which paved the way for greater flexibility in the future.
Despite the lack of an official reunion, Below Deck Mediterranean The Season 9 cast had plenty of opportunities to discuss the season in real time. Most of the cast appeared on Below Deck Mediterranean after the show or Watch what happens live in the current season. This allowed them to respond to the episodes much earlier than the reunion, but it did not help bring the entire team together.
Andy Cohen led them
Andy continues to host Real Housewives reunions
In the past, Below Deck the meetings were moderated by Andy Cohen, executive producer Real Housewives franchise and owner Watch what happens live. Bye Real Housewives "Reunions" is a big production, spanning four whole episodes, Below Deck reunions have traditionally occurred on a smaller scale.
Many Real Housewives shows monopolize Bravo's lineup, leaving Andy less time for other shows. However, similarly Below Decksome Housewives seasons have passed without reunions recently. The Real Housewives of New York City Season 13 and The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 14 ended without any reunions, which the cast felt was for the best. The drama among the cast had taken a dark turn and there was no need to drag it out.
Will the Below Deck franchise bring them back in the future?
Reunions could jeopardize team professionalism
Below Deck continues to be a popular franchise, and the lack of reunions doesn't seem to hurt the show's viewership. Reunions may simply have become impossible due to the international nature of the show. Crew members often live in different countries around the world. Many take jobs on ships outside of the franchise during the off-season, and the logistics of joining together are nearly impossible.
Without rehashing old arguments at the meeting, Below Deck Mediterranean The team can end the season on a decent note.
Unlike Real Housewivescast Below Deck has professional responsibilities outside of reality television. They are colleagues doing real work.. Even though the charts are being filmed for a reality show, the crew needs to maintain a certain level of professionalism. In this regard, they should avoid getting too caught up in the petty dramas of the past. Without rehashing old arguments at the meeting, Below Deck Mediterranean The team can end the season on a decent note.