Why Victor leaves the toy soldiers in the tunnels from season 3 onwards

Why Victor leaves the toy soldiers in the tunnels from season 3 onwards

NOTICE! This article contains SPOILERS for Season 3, Episode 6!Victor travels back to the terrible tunnels of Of season 3, episode 6, and he carefully places toy army soldiers along the way. Throughout season 3, Victor has been intentional about remembering what happened in the town when he was a child, as he thinks it will help him understand what the recent changes in the area mean today. To achieve this, Victor decides to travel to the tunnels to find Christopher's ventriloquist dummy, Jasper, who he believes will tell him the story of Christopher's tragic turn and the truth about his childhood massacre.

In Of Season 3, Episode 6, Victor travels to the tunnels with Henry, as this was the last place he saw Jasper. On the way to retrieve the ventriloquist dummy, Victor places toy soldiers in the way.and becomes nervous when he realizes that his supply of them is running low. Considering that Victor has already ventured through the tunnels in Of Seasons 1 and 2 without the toy soldiers, their use in Season 3 raises some questions about their deeper significance in their mission.

Victor uses toy soldiers to find his way back from the tunnels

Victor did not use them on his previous trips to the tunnels

Victor places a toy soldier in the tunnels of episode 6 of season 3

On the surface, Victor is using the toy soldiers as a crumb trail to easily find your way in and out of the tunnels. When Victor and Tabitha were traveling through the tunnels in OfAt the end of Season 1 and the Season 2 premiere, they were passing through the area aimlessly on their way back. However, Victor found his way to the cave opening from the Matthews house through instructions given by Of's Boy in White, which he successfully followed without leaving a trace back.

Victor's last trip to the tunnels was in Of Season 2, Episode 1, when he was sent by the Boy in White to help guide Tabitha back to safety.

In Season 3, the trail of soldiers from Victor's toy army allows him and Henry to quickly get back out of the tunnels after OfThe monsters start to wake up. As they escape the tunnels, it doesn't appear that Victor catches the toy soldiers, suggesting that they could be used in the future to find the exact place where Jasper was held again. Considering that Miranda's scarf was seen by Jasper on the table, it is it is likely that Victor or others will use the toy soldiers' trail to recover the objects the creatures stole..

The men of Victor's army seem to have a deeper meaning

The army men represent Victor's vision of symbols of protection

On a deeper level, Victor chooses toy army men to use on his trail because they represent protection and defense. Victor got stuck in OfSince childhood, one of the main ways of engaging with the world is through toys, drawings and children's interpretations of objects. When Victor uses the toy soldiers, he sees them as the symbol of a real army that can protect him against monsters, similar to how a child might use them to defend himself against toy enemies while playing imaginary games.

However, many examples of Victor and Eloise's drawings had real consequences and connections in Ofworld. Victor, therefore, can see that these toys could actually have protective power against monsters, even if they simply serve as a way to ward them off like the talisman. As the show has proven time and time again, everything has meaning in Ofmysterious world, so it's hard to believe that the toy soldiers would be so focused without having a deeper purpose.

New episodes of Of season 3 launches on Sundays on MGM+.