Lwaxana Troi is one of the most iconic guest characters to ever appear Star Trek: The Next Generation. A somewhat polarizing figure, Lwaxana is one of a small number of characters across all Star Trek this might make Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stweart) blush and counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), his daughter, roll her eyes. With her unmistakable self-confidence and colorful clothes, Majel Barrett's Lwaxana Troi dominates every room she finds herself in. In the nine of Lwaxana Troi Star Trek appearances in TNG and Deep Space Nineshe is always a force to be reckoned with.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ambassador Lwaxana Troi's sometimes chaotic energy often conflicts with Lieutenant Worf's stern and occasionally angry personality. When the pair first meet, Worf (Michael Dorn) is hostile and clearly irritated by her presence. Over three seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation and a little Deep Space Ninehowever, Ambassador Troi gradually wears down Lieutenant Worf's resolve. Starfleet's only Klingon might have been able to stand up to a Romulan and fight the Jem'Hadar without blinking, but Lwaxana Troi put him in control.
Why Star Trek: TNG's Lwaxana Troi called Worf this hilarious nickname
Wow, Wow, Mr. Worf.
In his fourth appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Lwaxana Troi crosses the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D to poke Lt. Worf's security console and calls him "Mister Woof". Immediately, Worf pulls Lwaxana away from the console and corrects her with a furious look: "It's 'Worf', ma'am, not 'Woof'." Lwaxana looks at Worf and pays no attention, and immediately starts a new conversation with Deanna. The intimidation tactics that serve Lieutenant Worf so well as Chief of Security do little to intimidate Lwaxana, who only sees him as "Mister Woof."
For the rest of Lwaxana's appearances in Star Trek: The next generationshe keeps calling Lieutenant Worf"Mr Wow." Lwaxana criticizes "Mister Woof"'s parenting style and later invites "Mister Woof" to mingle at a party that Lwaxana is organizing in her capacity as ambassador. First, Lieutenant Worf sighs and corrects Lwaxana, before starting to defend his paternity. Put TNG Season 7, all Worf can do is shake his head and comment yes "I don't care about telepaths." Lieutenant Worf is easily one of the physically strongest characters in Star Trek: The Next Generationbut how"Mr Wow," Lwaxana Troi undeniably defeated him.
Worf and counselor Troi had a controversial Star Trek: TNG Romance
Did Lwaxana ever find out?
Of course, Lwaxana isn't the only Troi Lieutenant Worf faces. In Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 7, Lieutenant Worf and Counselor Deanna Troi begin seeing each other romantically. This relationship, which lasted only fifteen episodes, generated quite a bit of controversy among fans. In fact, at the time TNG transitioned from television to feature films, their romance was abandoned entirely. Deanna marries Commander Will Riker in Star Trek: Nemesis, and Worf marries Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell) in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
She's "Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Holy Grail of Rixx, heir to the Sacred Rings of Betazed," and he's just Mr. Woof.
We don't know if Lwaxana discovered her daughter was seeing the Klingon security officer. After all, she is "Lwaxana Troi, daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Holy Grail of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed", and he's just Mr. Woof. Given Ambassador Troi's strong opinions about her daughter's life, it's safe to assume that if Lwaxana knew, she wouldn't approve. Still, it's impressive and endearing that Lieutenant Worf fell in love with Counselor Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation, given that his mother inspired Worf to conclude that telepaths make him uneasy.