Why the spinoff's villains team up

Why the spinoff's villains team up

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol episode 4.

Tensions continued to rise in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 and Episode 4 made a huge statement by uniting the series' two main groups of villains. Since the first season, L'Union and Pouvoir have been on opposite sidescreating conflict between the two factions. Until the second season, The Union of Hope seemed to consist of good people who were willing to oppose Pouvoir's evil regime to create a more peaceful France. However, L'Union betrayed Daryl Dixon in season 2, despite the protagonist helping them, and they revealed that their true plan was to prove Laurent's immunity.

Although they had more sinister intentions than they seemed at first glance, the Syndicate was still against Genet and Pouvoir's goals, but episode 4 changed that. With no group having custody of Laurent and Genet's motivations in Daryl Dixon no longer a factor, the rival factions were apparently able to bury the hatchet and unite. Losang told his people that the two groups could merge their dreams and stated that all was forgiven. Although his followers seem unconvinced by the decision which goes against their previous feelings towards Pouvoir, the villains now appear to be a united force.

Why The Union and Pouvoir Team Up in Daryl Dixon Season 2 Episode 4

The two villainous factions put their differences aside and joined forces after Genet's death.

The decision to form a team depended largely on Pouvoir forcing L'Union's hand. After Genet and Pouvoir successfully stormed the Nest, there were casualties on both sides, but Pouvoir emerged victorious and managed to imprison Losang and Jacinta. However, with Laurent escaping the settlement, Genet and some of his soldiers went looking for him, but ended up being killed by Carol and Daryl in the process.. Therefore, Pouvoir's change in leadership also brought a change in philosophy, leading Sabine to offer Losang the opportunity to unite their goals and create an even more unified France.

Despite being loyal to Genet, Sabine was quick to criticize her former leader's methods after learning of his death and clearly has her own vision for the future. While it's possible that Losang only agreed to form an alliance with Pouvoir to save himself, his change in behavior suggests that he's hell-bent on being a villain. He was responsible for Isabelle's death in Daryl Dixon and was willing to risk Laurent's life to justify his faith, meaning that his desperation to maintain power and prove he was right about Laurent's immunity led him to unite with those he once opposed.

Genet's death was the catalyst behind the union of these two groups, but Sabine, having more ambitious ideas alongside Losang, becoming increasingly evil, was equally crucial to the joining forces of L'Union and Pouvoir.

Why Pouvoir still wants to find Laurent is confusing

Laurent still appears to be part of the overall plan, but it's unclear why

Pouvoir and L'Union's plans have revolved around Laurent since Daryl Dixon began, and while it's understandable why L'Union still needs the boy, it's less clear why Pouvoir wants to find him. The Union is probably still adamant about proving that Laurent is immune to the zombie virus in Daryl Dixonsince that is the reason for the group's existence, but Pouvoir needed it mainly as a symbol. Making the child resist his ideologies is the biggest reason why Pouvoir had such a strong resistance, but allying himself with L'Union solved that problem, meaning Laurent is no longer essential.

With L'Union on their side, there are very few people in France who reject Pouvoir's message, giving them the ultimate power they have always desired. As a result, Sabine doesn't have to worry about Laurent inspiring people to rise up against her group, and at the very least, it would be better for her if he didn't return. Perhaps Pouvoir still hopes to meet Laurent in an attempt to fulfill his end of the bargain and keep L'Union happybut in reality, Laurent's return would only create more problems for Sabine's faction, making it unclear why they really want to find him.

Where do Daryl Dixon and Carol go after Season 2 Episode 4?

Daryl and Carol continue their quest to find Laurent before returning to America

After escaping the Nest together and taking down Genet, Carol and Daryl set off on a road trip that appears to take them to Paris. Although the episode's final conversation doesn't fully confirm this, Daryl tells Carol: “You know Laurent is coming home with us, right?"Given that Daryl wouldn't simply abandon Laurent, it seems reasonable to assume that the protagonists are traveling to Paris after learning that Laurent was going there with Fallou. When they finally catch up with their allies, it seems likely that they will attempt to leave France.

Unless Laurent is miraculously immune to the virus, he will die if he remains in France.

Despite the relationships he managed to build in France, Daryl Dixon still wants to return to the United States, but bringing Laurent with him is crucial, especially after learning of L'Union's true intentions. Unless Laurent is miraculously immune to the virus, he will die if he remains in France, which means Daryl will be adamant about fulfilling Isabelle's dying wish to take care of Laurent. Therefore, Daryl and Carol's next stop will almost certainly be Paris, where they can reunite Laurent and Fallounext to Ash, which is the ticket back to the USA.

How Genet's Death Changes the Entire Setup of Daryl Dixon Season 2

The show losing its best villain reduces the risks a bit in the future

One of the biggest shocks of episode 4 was Genet's death, as it completely changes the course of the rest of the season. Genet's ruthless methods have become somewhat familiar to audiences, but they also ensure that Daryl's escape from France will be anything but easy. She had a strong hold on the country and her past actions proved that she would do anything to try and kill Daryl and capture Laurent. Unfortunately, without Genet ahead of Pouvoir, the stakes of season 2 were slightly loweredas Losang and Sabine are unlikely to have the same impact.

New episodes of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol airs Sundays on AMC and AMC+.

They may be a little less predictable, but it's hard to imagine any of the villains being as intimidating as Genet. Now the story becomes more about how Daryl and Carol will find Laurent, rather than whether they can escape. Without Genet, Carol telling Ash the truth about Sophia is more convincing than overcoming L'Union and Pouvoir, as it's clear that neither of them are truly capable of stopping the protagonists. Daryl Dixon The remaining episodes of Season 2 will still be full of entertainment and explosive action, but Genet's death certainly undermines the importance of the series' villains, which is a huge blow.