Why the monsters of From make the choice with Boyd at the end of Season 3 Episode 1

Why the monsters of From make the choice with Boyd at the end of Season 3 Episode 1

Warning! This article contains spoilers for From Season 3, Episode 1!While there is yet another brutal death in of Season 3, episode 1, the monsters decide to spare Boyd despite being completely surrounded. Many standing characters have already died after being attacked by ofs mysterious creatures that stalk the city at night, but they do not always kill their prey. at the end of ofSeason 3 premiere, the monsters surround Boyd and Tian-Chen in the barn after letting the farm animals loose in the streets. However, rather than killing both characters, The monsters brutally kill Tian-Chen while forcing Boyd to helplessly watch.

After Boyd is tied to a post and watches Tian-chen die, the monsters release him. Forcing him to watch her die was their way of trying to "break" BoydAs he announced the town forces in of Season 2's ending that place wouldn't break him. The monsters now put this declaration to the test of Season 3; They could have killed him in the moment after making him watch Tian-chen's death, but they have bigger plans for Boyd that involve keeping him alive.

The monsters don't kill Boyd because they want to mentally "break" him instead

The monsters want to see Boyd's pain and suffering after they killed Tian-Chen

While the monsters are generally intended to kill the people who find themselves outside their homes after dark, death is not their only objective ofs large cast of characters. Rather, the monsters also reveal themselves in psychologically torturing the residents, with the city's sheriff, Boyd Stevens, arguably the "stone" of the community. The monsters could not physically kill Boyd of Season 3, Episode 1's ending, however They are trying to kill his spirit and break down his strength, power and well-being.


At this point, the monsters are essentially playing with their food; They want to torture and break Harold Perrineau of character as much as they can before they finally choose to get rid of him. When the time comes, the monsters will probably still kill Boyd after his purpose to them is served or he is finally "broken." Boyd questioned the city's ability to manipulate and sadistically test the people trapped inside, and They will keep him alive until they cruelly prove to him that he is just as vulnerable as anyone else to their psychological torture..

The town previously tried to use visions of Boyd's deceased wife Abby as a way to psychologically torture him in season 2.

Boyd's role in the city is too important for From's monsters to kill him so soon

The monsters need Boyd to influence the societal structure of the city

From season 2 cast

In addition, the monsters do not kill Boyd because they use his health as a beacon for the other residents. If Boyd "breaks", chaos will arise in the town, because he is basically the glue that holds the community together, unites them against the evil forces of the town and keeps the society orderly and strong. While the monsters could easily kill Boyd to cause this chaos, they would rather see it happen by Boyd's own hand. As they have proven time and time again, ofMonsters enjoy forcing humanity to destroy itself as their morals, security, trust, resentments and fears are put to the test.