The engineers in Prometheus Created humanity, saw them as no different, and planned to wipe them out with advanced technology.
David, an android and artificial creation of mankind, wanted to overcome creator status quo, signaling humans playing God and their impending downfall.
- Alien: Covenant Hints engineers could have used Black Goo as a bioweapon to eradicate humanity on Earth.
In Ridley Scott's 2012 sci-fi mystery, PrometheusThe Engineers are heading to Earth - and although it is strongly insinuated that their voyage did not bode well for humanity, the true reasons for their journey were a consistent question raised by viewers. However, the central themes that press both Prometheus and its 2017 sequel, Alien: Covenant, Help understand what the engineers want. Both movies deal with the fraught relationship between creator and creation, reflecting a classic struggle for power between the two.
Prometheus Follows a human expedition headed by archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green), in which humanity seeks knowledge about belief, immortality and death from beings who appear god-like compared to mortals. When they arrive, they discover many truths about the origins of humanity, the Engineer's role and the black goo they used to create the dominant species on Earth, and what the ancient race of extra-terrestrial super-beings wanted to Return to review their creation.
What the Engineers are in Prometheus and Alien: Alliance
The ancient aliens are responsible for humanity itself
In the simplest terms, the engineers in Prometheus are the beings who created human kind. The opening shot of Prometheus Features an unforgettable sequence in which an engineer named Sacrifice drinks the black goo—which is later discovered by the android, David, on LV-223—from an urn to create humanity itself, which is accomplished by an act of literal disintegration. The ritualistic sacrifice of this particular engineer carries religious undertones that are subtly hinted at throughout Prometheus.
The thematic intertwining of sci-fi and faith becomes especially prevalent when it is revealed that an engineer has been sent to Earth to prevent humanity from being consumed by Cruelty and aggression (with the movie insinuating that the engineer and his actions are the truth behind the Bible's version of Jesus Christ). Although very little is known about these beings, their origins and motivations, it has been established that Engineers are a primordial species, with access to cutting-edge technology, which also involved genetic engineering.
The crew of the UCSS Prometheus, especially Peter Weyland, probably doomed humanity when they encountered the Engineers. Wayland wants to extend his life, and demands so from his maker, without a clear understanding of the core beliefs of the alien race. What follows is a reversal of the creator-creation dynamic Blade RunnerAs here, the primordial creator views Wayland's request as a case of grace, which is an indication of failure as a race that does not deserve redemption. Before that, Wieland's daughter, Vickers, questioned his hubris, and drove the point home: "A king has his kingdom, and then he dies. It is inevitable."
Why the Engineers are returning to Earth
The creators of mankind wanted to destroy it
Engineers could create life on planets like Earth, but they did so with a deliberate purpose and purpose - even if their reasons were beyond the understanding of humanity. The act of sacrifice that led to the creation of mankind in the beginning of Prometheus can almost be seen as an engineer acting as "A gardener in the room".
Ridley Scott compared this superior race to the dark angels in Milton's Paradise Lost and the symbolic etchings of William Blake. therefore, The reason the Engineers were heading to Earth was to destroy the human race, possibly with the help of the bio-weapons they had created. This could be triggered either by the multifaceted transgressions committed by humans over the span of a millennium, or by a specific event that warranted the Engineers to disable and eradicate humanity as a whole.
It is also interesting to note that in PrometheusDavid, who is a creation of man, does everything to overthrow the creator-creation status quo, going so far as to say "Doesn't every child want to be dead?"This ties in with humans entering the space age, which eventually propels the events of 2089, which is essentially a quest to Play God yourself.
What would have happened if the engineers reached Earth?
Although details are sketchy, the consequences would have been apocalyptic
Exactly what would happen if the engineers reached Earth is not clear, at least when it comes to the specifics. However, it is certain that it would not have been good for mankind. Given how advanced the engineers' technology is, it's all-but-guaranteed that they could have achieved their goal of wiping out the dominant species they created—and it probably wouldn't have been that challenging for them. The unknowns are not what the engineers would have done when they arrived, but how they would have done it.
This is where the events of the Prometheus continue, foreign: bond, Can give off some light. in bond, David is revealed to have wiped out a village of engineers using the Black Goo, proving how powerful it can be as a bioweapon. This could have been what the engineers were planning but on a smaller scale. what's more, The ease with which David was able to commit a localized genocide more than proves the engineers would have been able to do the same on a planetary scale.
Future movies in the Alien Franchise could also elaborate more about the Engineers, their plans for Earth, and the way they would go about killing humanity. The black goo returned Alien: Romulus, And the last one Alien Film showed what the mysterious substance is capable of. in romulus, The Weyland-Yutani Corporation has been conducting experiments with the Black Gu, hoping to use it to evolve and elevate humanity.
Unfortunately, their meddling produced nothing but monstrous beings. However, this may have been the deliberate goal of the Black Gu all along. It is entirely possible that the Engineers would have wiped out humanity by devolving the entire species into primal monsters. - leaving them alive, but removing any possibility that humans could ever reach the levels of technology and making the engineers seem to fear they would during Prometheus.