Why Skye drinks so many Voss water bottles in Smile 2

Why Skye drinks so many Voss water bottles in Smile 2

Warning: Contains spoilers for Smile 2!

throughout Smile 2Naomi Scott's Skye Riley is constantly chugging bottles of water, and here's why you can see her drinking so much throughout the film. Despite being a sequel to 2022's smile, Protagonist Skye Riley is very different from original movie protagonist Rose Cotter. Rather than a doctor, Skye Riley is an international pop sensation who is dealing with the Smile Entity and also starting her tour, which makes things incredibly complicated for her. Skye also has to face off with her dark past over Smile 2Something that is connected to the character's water drinking habits.

Smile 2 Picks up just six days after the original smile Completed, meaning that the Smile entity is still running across the United States. By its use of original smile Character Joel, the Smile Entity manages to make his way to Skye Riley in the beginning of Smile 2Meaning that it has a much larger platform than ever before. The film spends a lot of time examining the character of Skye Riley before the curse leads to her inevitable downfall, with the audience learning a lot about Skye Riley's past and how it affects her now.

Drinking a bottle of water is meant to give Skye a sense of control

from her past substance abuse

Some times near the beginning of smile 2, Skye Riley runs to her refrigerator, grabs a bottle of water, and chugs the whole thing. This is clearly a setup due to the frequency and focus that the character gets, but it's not revealed why she does this until later in the film. Smile 2 It is eventually revealed that Skye Riley used to have substance abuse problems, with her frequent use of drugs and alcohol becoming known by the media. This culminated in the car accident that killed her boyfriend Paul, leading to Skye turning her life around.


As Skye explains to her friend Gemma, Drinking from the Voss water bottles was a strategy recommended by one of her therapists. She says that when she wants drugs or alcohol, she is supposed to go to the refrigerator instead and drink a whole bottle of water. This is meant to give Skye a sense of control over her addiction, with her satisfying her cravings with something less harmful than substances. In multiple scenes, Skye gets stressed due to the influence of the Smile Entity only for her to run for the fridge, highlighting how dedicated she is to this method of treatment.

The Voss waters give Skye a false sense of control as the smile curse spreads

Since so much of it takes place in her head

Although Drinking the Voss water bottles is an effective way for Skye Riley to deal with her substance addictionThey also give you a false sense of control as the smile curse spreads. The last half of the film sees many of the scenes centered on the effects of the smile curse in Skye's apartment. When things like the crowd of smiling fans appear, Skye runs and grabs a water bottle in an attempt to calm herself down.

While Skye believes that the water bottles help her in these situations, almost everything that happens in the scenes takes place in her head. The smile cursed Smile 2 is meant to represent the stress and horrors of addiction and fame, the two biggest problems Skye deals with throughout her character arc. Because of this, Skye's drinking from the water bottles is meant to represent a coping mechanism that doesn't really address the root cause of the issue, with them being temporary solutions as the Smile Curse continues to spread.

How many Voss water bottles does Skye drink in Smile 2

It's hard to say for sure

Several scenes see Skye Riley drinking the Voss water bottles over Smile 2But finding out exactly how much she drinks is a bit complicated. There are at least four moments where the audience sees Skye drinking a water bottle on screen, but that doesn't mean she just drank those. Smile 2 Also shows some empty bottles and bottles that have been partially drunk, meaning that there are more off-screen.


On top of that, it is eventually revealed that Skye is hallucinating a lot Smile 2This means that she probably didn't drink at all from the bottles. For example, at one point in the film she breaks a bottle, and later it is revealed that the bottle is still intact. Thus, the amount of real versus fake bottles is up to interpretation, with this being one of the many mysteries left at the end of Smile 2.