For a film as emotional and intricate as Inside Out 2 It's not surprising at all that protagonist Riley Anderson's decision to dye her hair red has an incredibly significant meaning. Inside Out 2 was released in June 2024 to a shower of positive reviews and rightfully took its place as the highest-grossing animated film of all time. The family comedy was critically acclaimed for its mature and nuanced depiction of anxiety and for adding genuine depth and growth to its storyline in an era where so many sequels do.
Inside Out 2 Follow Riley as the new emotions she gains after a chaotic puberty renovation, try new methods to navigate the strange scenarios that teenage promises. With fresh braces and a fresh pimple, Riley's tumultuous journey begins with the realization that her best friends are going to a different high school, and she could spend her school years alone if she doesn't act fast. The film is full of the painfully relatable awkward moments and social trials people experience in their youth, but A choice that stands out above the rest is Riley's decision to dye her hair red.
Riley dyes her hair red to imitate Val and the hockey team
Riley's desire to be like the cool kids
Riley's attempts to achieve a promising social life lead her to her future high school hockey team, the Fire Hawks, whose captain, Valentina "Val" Ortiz, is already Riley's idol. The Fire Hawks are a close-knit team, and proudly display this unity by dying a streak of their team's color, red, in their hair. before an important game, Riley dyes a strand of her hair the same shade of red, even though she hasn't passed tryouts yet. It's a desperate attempt to fit in with the Firehawks, as she believes her hair will cement her place with them.
Riley's need to feel confident with the Firehawks outweighs reasonAnd she decides the awareness that the red streak is implicitly reserved for confirmed members of the hockey team. Her obsessive early-morning hockey practice and willingness to curse her beloved boy bands don't seem like enough to get Riley where she wants, and the red streak acts as Riley's final step. Her choice aligns with the authentic image of puberty and the misguided but very common teen belief that looking a certain way is the only way you can guarantee social acceptance.
Riley's red hair connects to her anxiety
The psychological significance of red hair
More importantly, as expected in a movie about emotions, Riley's red hair is a physical manifestation of anxiety's severe impact on her. Anxiety's new methods in Inside Out 2 Resulting in a sense of Riley's self that echoes a heartbreaking "I'm not good enough." The hair dye scene becomes Riley's low point in the film, because it cements the idea Not only is Riley willing to change herself completely to fit in, but she truly believes she needs to.
Despite the intentions of anxiety and occasional successes, all Riley's new emotions manage to do is pressure her to be someone she's not. The choice also plays a role in Riley's relationship with her best friends, which she unexpectedly lost as a consequence of the methods of anxiety. The streak physically distinguishes Riley from the authentic version of herself who puts her friends first. The physical manifestation of Riley's conflict was an integral part of creating anxiety's version of her. Sense of self, how pushing her doubts and fears from internal to external meant that Riley could not ignore her new beliefs.
Why doesn't Riley still have red hair when Inside 2 ends
A new chapter: Riley's hair and her personal journey
at the end of Inside Out 2Riley is seen completely blonde, without her red streak. It makes sense, because she has not yet found out whether she will make it into the Fire Hawks or not, but it symbolizes the fact that she is no longer pressured to conform to fit in. Riley is still hanging out with her hockey team, but she's comfortable and genuine, even finding the courage to correct Val on the fact that she's from Minnesota and not San Francisco (offscreen). Her naturally blonde hair acts as the conclusion to all of Riley's emotional arcs.
The story ends beautifully; She still has her best friends despite the different schools, she has come to peace about the outcome of hockey tryouts, and anxiety still lives at headquarters.
Riley's journey in Inside Out 2 Complete with a new sense of self that comes with a new sense of security. After everything she went through, Riley is back to making choices for herself rather than obsessing over others. The story ends beautifully; She still has her best friends despite the different schools, she has come to peace about the outcome of hockey tryouts, and anxiety still lives at headquarters, but Riley and the emotions have found healthy ways of practicing mindfulness. Her blonde hair return signifies Riley has found a way to stay true to herself.