The disgraced founder of the X-MenProfessor Charles Francis Xavier, was Introduced as a wise and beloved mentor to the original five X-MenBut over the years, he experienced a deep fall from grace. From being considered a terrible father to his son Legion, to secretly getting a team of young mutants murdered, Xavier has a lot of sin in him. Now considered a monstrous villain, by both humanity and mutantkind, Xavier's time as de facto leader of Krakoa's silent council led to the professor's ultimate downfall, a place he could never recover from.
In a secret attempt to defeat Orchis and Enigma, Xavier "betrays" the X-Men by siding with Orchis and killing a number of humans, and acts that horrified humanity as well as his mutant students. This is later revealed to be a hoax crafted by Charles himself to keep his precious X-Men safe, but Xavier is determined to keep this a secret from everyone on Earth, so He may remain the true villain of mankind.
X-Men #35, the final comic of the Krakoan Age, saw Wolverine attempt to kill Xavier for his crimes against the world, before Magneto stopped him. From deep in a prison, Xavier continues to protect his "children," however His legacy is forever diminished, and he can never be considered a hero againEspecially after his years of moral decay.
Xavier has a shockingly long history of ethical failures
From secret teams to enslavement, the professor is no hero
While Charles debuted as a kind of father-like figure to Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel and Iceman, the peace-loving professor was later revealed to be capable of terrible things. On a personal level, Xavier has always been terrible Real Father to his son David Haller, the X-Man called Legion, ignores him and denies him the Xavier legacy even as recently as the fall of Krakoa. But Xavier's true sins run much deeper, and involve mayhem, death and betrayal. Xavier's two most horrific crimes before the Krakoan Age - that we know of - were His enslavement of the artificial intelligence menace and the deaths of the second X-Men team of Prof.
Charles Knew That the Shi'ar Ai-Ai he used to build the X-Men's Danger Room was sentient, and he clearly chose to ignore its personality and force it into slavery for years. Eventually, the rogue AI, Danger, breaks free of her conditioning and nearly kills all of the X-Men. Years before, as revealed in the shocking Deadly Genesis (2006), Xavier sent a second team of X-Men—Petra, Sway, Darwin, and Cyclops' half-brother Vulcan—to rescue the original X-Men from the monstrous Krakoa, and they all perished. While it was later revealed that Vulcan and Darwin survived in space, This revelation was the true beginning of the end for Xavier's time as a heroAnd the beginning of his real descent into villainy.
The professor is attempting to atone for his many past sins
But can Charles Xavier ever be redeemed?
The final straw that broke Charlie's back was his destruction of the Space Force frigate Agnew, killing several high-ranking human officers, in an attempt to gain favor for his mutants in the eyes of Orchis. However, the "What Charlie Did" arc X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic It is revealed that while the Agnew was destroyed, no humans were killed, with Xavier psychically implanting the officers' identity into the public eye. Now dubbed the Butcher of Krakow - and in many ways, rightfully so - Xavier attempts to atone for his many sins before and during the Kracoan Age by remaining a secret martyrAllowing himself to be held behind bars, with the world believing that he is a monster.
Charles Xavier did not debut as a very complex character, instead showing himself as the tough but loving mentor to the X-Men. However, the last few decades have shown Xavier's complexities, moral failings and dangerous pride, vi The world saw how the former professor lost his grace And become yet another evil mutant.