Why Peter Dinklage is right about the Game of Thrones series finale

Why Peter Dinklage is right about the Game of Thrones series finale

Peter Dinklage talked about these Game of Thrones Series finale, "The Iron Throne," and he's right when he praises it. five years later, Game of Thrones' ending remains divisive at best, and is still commonly held up as a prime example of how Not To finish a TV show. Elements such as the death of Daenerys Targaryen at the hands of Jon Snow, and Bran Stark becoming king, are derided on the air and the consensus, such as it is one for a show that tens of millions of people watched, has not shifted.

Still, not everyone dislikes the finale, and as one of the main Game of Thrones Cast members, Dinklage's words carry weight. He previously defended "The Iron Throne," and when asked about it recently, Dinklage backed up again Game of Thrones' Finally, said:

Again, just my opinion. I like the finale! You don't have to agree with me. How about if I said like, 'Yeah, I agree. I hate the finale. The whole last season was awful'? I mean, that would sit a lot worse than if I said I loved it, which I did. I can't speak for anyone else's opinion, and that's what makes what we do fun, because everyone has a difference of opinion and everyone can write about it and talk about it and drink about it and argue about it. It is great. I mean, I think it means you're doing something right. It's like an old Irish way of looking at the world. There is something wrong if everything is fine. [Laughs.]

Peter Dinklage is right: the Game of Thrones series is good

"The Iron Throne" isn't quite perfect, but it's satisfying

Dinklage's comments are entirely his own opinion and come from the position of someone who has worked on the show for close to a decade, making it all the more understandable that he would be willing to defend it. It may not be the most popular opinion about how Game of Thrones Season 8 concluded, however I can't stand him. I liked the finale a lot, and absolutely loved parts of it. It's not perfect and, as Dinklage says, there's nothing wrong with different opinions (which also shows they didn't play it safe), but for me, it worked.

Game of Thrones Series Finale - Key Stats

Viewership (live, US)

13.6 million

IMDb score


Rotten Tomatoes (Critics)


Metacritic (users)


After Daenerys burned King's Landing, her fate was inevitable. Her villainous turn may have had more time to set it up, but the "fire and blood" aspects have long been part of her arc. Being killed in an ash-filled throne room, so close to the thing she always wanted and dying in front of it—by the man she loves, no less—is a fittingly grand and tragic end for one of the best Show. Letters. That Jon has to do it is also fitting, tied in neatly to themes of duty, honor and love that have been prevalent throughout his arc.

See [the Starks] Saying goodbye makes me really emotional, and the last 15-20 minutes after their respective journeys... comes close to being a perfect way to close their stories.

Bran becoming king is also a smart choice, although, again, it could have been better. Sure, it could have explained more about his Three-Eyed Raven identity (and it definitely shouldn't have cut him from season 5 if that was the plan), but he's a solid choice. His king doesn't fit Jon's character, especially after killing Dany; Bran is the one person who can literally see the past and learn from itAnd does not want for power. It may not be breaking the wheel, but it's about as close as it gets Thrones could have reasonably obtained.


As for the other Starks, their fate is my favorite part of the series finale. Seeing them say goodbye makes me really emotional, and the last 15-20 minutes after their respective journeys - Sansa as queen; Arya rode west; Jon going back to the far north - comes close to being a perfect way to close their stories. In the end, "The Iron Throne" is shocking, incendiary, and bittersweet, and that's why I think Dinklage is right about it.

Game of Thrones has Tyrion Lannister the right end

That he is the hand of the king makes sense

Tyrion looks wary and exhausted in the Game of Thrones series finale

When you look at Dinklage's comments on Game of Thrones' series finale, it is also worth considering his own character. Tyrion's impact waned a bit before season 8, episode 6, but he influences things in a big way in "The Iron Throne," From helping Jon realize he must kill Daenerys, to pushing for Bran to be made King of Westeros. This is one last example of Tyrion pulling the strings and using his wit and wisdom to get his own way, or at least do what he thinks is right, and that's why his eventual fate makes sense.

Tyrion being Hand of the King, and back in King's Landing, is a good ending for him.

Tyrion being Hand of the King, and back in King's Landing, is a good ending for him. Tyrion's best work (and Dinklage's) came in Westeros' capital: His single best scene is his trial speech in season 4, but his best season-long arc is as Hand of the King in season 2. Tyrion returns To this in the end, but in a way that is tinged more with tragedy than triumph after what happened with Daenerys, is very suitable for his journey.


One part of Tyrion's role in Game of Thrones' series finale is often mocked, and this is his line "Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?" Even this, though, I think makes sense: for starters, Bran Had Been on a remarkable journey, the problem is more in how Game of Thrones Tell it to viewers. But more so for Tyrion, who has always had a soft spot for "cripples, bastards, and broken things," Then he supports Bran and is so fascinated by his story work.

Game Of Thrones' had big Tyrion problems long before the series finale

The show didn't always know what to do with Tyrion in later seasons

Daenerys and Tyrion sit and talk in Meereen in Game of Thrones season 6, episode 10

Although I agree with Dinklage's remarks about Game of ThronesFinally, there are problems with looking at Tyrion's arc as a whole. For as brilliant as he was in King's Landing, once he left there, it often felt like the show didn't really know what to do with his character. Part of this comes from going beyond the books, but also from changing them: Tyrion becomes much darker and more hateful in the later A Song of Ice and Fire novels, and Game of Thrones Mostly avoid this.


Therefore, it meant that Tyrion was sidelined quite a bit. "I drink and I know things" May have become one of Tyrion's best quotes, but a lot of the time only the first part of it was accurate. Tyrion was stranded in Meereen without the same level of influence, and even when he returned to Westeros, he made some really terrible decisions—indeed, I'd argue the plot to capture the fart was the single dumbest idea anyone had at all. Eight seasons.

5 of Tyrion Lannister's best quotes:

  1. - Let me give you some advice, mother. Never forget who you are, the rest of the world won't. Wear it as armor, and it can never be used to harm you. - Season 1, Episode 1.
  2. "I will hurt you for this. There will come a day when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know that the debt is paid. - Season 2, Episode 8.
  3. "I wish I was the monster you think I am." - Season 4, Episode 6.
  4. "These are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!" - Season 2, Episode 9.
  5. "It's not easy to be drunk all the time. Everyone would do it if it was easy." - Season 3, Episode 10.

He wasn't always a good advisor to Daenerys, and I think her transformation into the "Mad Queen" would have worked better with the darker Tyrion encouraging her (which I think will happen in the books), rather than trying to sway her from that path Still, I think they got him back on track by the end of Game of Thrones and gave him an important role in the finale, which was only right for someone who was one of the show's biggest characters (and I think one of its greatest actors).