Original by George Miller Mad Max film is the only film that shows in detail the backstory and family of “Mad” Max Rockatansky, revealing that he has a wife named Jessie and a son named Sprog. Mad Max is different from the other films in the franchise in that it shows a dystopian future, rather than the post-apocalyptic wasteland that viewers now associate with the Mad Max film series. Although the film looks different from its sequels, it is essential to the franchise's story, with the events of Mad Max preparing your character for the next films.
Mad Max is a revenge story in which police officer Max Rockatansky becomes a vigilante after his wife and son are murdered by the villain Toecutter and his gang. Toecutter is one of the most insensitive Mad Max film's villains, as he and his gang run over Jessie and Sprog, leaving them to die. This was shocking at the time, as few films killed off child characters. Sprog and Jessie's death is still one of the Mad Maxmore disturbing moments, which is worse because the viewer doesn't know Sprog's real name.
“Sprog” is a colloquial word for “child” in Australian slang
More Australian slang is used in Mad Max: Fury Road
The word “sprig“began as British slang in the 1940s, and although it refers to a small child, its origin is unknown. It may have come from the word medieval”sprag“, which meant”a lively young man.” As British and Australian slang have historically shared and borrowed words from each other, sprog is also Australian slang for a small child. This means that viewers never knew the name of Max Rockatansky's sonsince Sprog is an affectionate nickname. This makes his death one of the most disturbing moments in history. Mad Max.
Mad Max is one of Australia's most successful films, although Fury Road'The city's devastated landscape could, theoretically, be anywhere. Yet, Furious confirmed that Mad Max is set in Australia, including references to the country and its cars, and Furious is not the only one Mad Max movie to suggest your setting. The road warrior showed a dead kangaroo and Beyond the Thunderdome it featured a ruined Sydney Harbor. All Mad Max films contain unique Australian slangas Fury Roadis”prey” (drive fast) and “rotation head” (a car enthusiast.) Even Toecutter's name is Australian slang, meaning a criminal who robs other criminals.
Why Mad Max Won't Reveal Sprog's Real Name
Sprog impacted the Mad Max saga more than most
Mad MaxSprog's dystopian setting may suggest a disturbing and sad possibility for Sprog's lack of name. When infant mortality rates were higher, parents often waited to name their children until they were sure they would survive. As Mad Max shows a society in ruins, this tradition could have started again. Still, even if that were the case, the practice didn't change Max's devastated reaction to his death. For the audience, this is even more disturbing since Sprog died before he was even given a name (or old enough to ask his father to use it).
“Tom Hardy”Crazy” Max lived up to the original title, with Max seeing visions of people he couldn't save. This still didn't include Sprog, but he could still be referenced in a later film. THE Mad Max franchise could confirm theory that babies are named later in the desert showing children being called Sprog until they come of age. Alternatively, Max could tell someone Sprog's name, although how Sprog impacted the Mad Max saga more than any other character, with his loss being the catalyst for the entire story, perhaps he doesn't need a name.