Warning: This article discusses murder and sexual assault.
Contains possible SPOILERS for Cold Case: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey
The murder of JonBenét Ramsey and its subsequent investigation was one of the most attention-grabbing cold cases of the last 30 years, and Netflix's true crime docuseries Cold case: who killed JonBenét Ramsey explores the case in more depth. JonBenét Ramsey was found murdered in the basement of her family's home on December 25, 1996, at just six years old. The strange details of her death, including a ransom note and the location of her body in her family's Colorado home, made it difficult for investigators to solve the case.
Additionally, her death and its investigation gained attention because of JonBenét Ramsey's involvement in child beauty pageants in which her mother entered her. Although several theories about the culprit were advanced, police were never able to definitively discover what happened that night. The details of the case and inconsistencies with some evidence led to the investigation being closed and opened several times, but in 2024, it is still a cold case as there is not enough evidence to convict any of the suspects.
There was not enough evidence to prove who killed JonBenét Ramsey
The evidence is confusing and does not point to any suspect
From the beginning, the JonBenét Ramsey murder case was unusual and it is possible that important evidence was lost in the initial confusion. The first piece of evidence that police were aware of was the 911 call itself, which ruled Ramsey's disappearance as a kidnapping rather than a murder. In the initial search for JonBenét Ramsey, the officer looked primarily for signs of forced entry and evidence of the kidnapper's escape. It is important to emphasize that, because this was not a murder investigation, the entire house was not considered a crime scene and many other people attended the house in the early hours (through News week).
During that time, the main evidence was a ransom note asking for $118,000 in exchange for JonBenét's safety. The note was considered suspicious because of its unusual length and because the ransom value was about the same as what Ramsey's father received as a Christmas bonus (via Fox 2 now). Additionally, there were several witness statements, one from a neighbor who saw lights on in the house and another from a neighbor who said he heard a scream around midnight.
To this day, different researchers still cannot agree on the relevance of trace DNA evidence.
When JonBenét's body was found several hours later, the case immediately changed direction, but the crime scene was further destroyed because his father moved his body. His autopsy revealed more about the cause of death and showed signs of sexual trauma, but did not identify any suspects. In 2003, investigators were able to establish a DNA profile, although it did not match any of the Ramseys or any known person in the FBI database. To this day, different researchers still cannot agree on the relevance of trace DNA evidence.
Top suspects in JonBenét Ramsey's murder explained
Over the past 28 years, there have been several suspects
In 1997, there were 1,600 people interested in JonBenét's murder. However, the main suspects in the case were initially the Ramseys themselves. Police considered the Ramseys suspects because of the unusual circumstances under which the body was found and inconsistencies in the ransom note, which they speculated was written by Mrs. The Denver Post). DNA found at the scene cleared them, but the theory that their parents were involved still appears today. Likewise, some have theorized that his brother Burke is also a suspect in the case, although he has vehemently denied this claim.
There were several open or unlocked entry points to the home that night, and investigators discovered there were 38 registered sex offenders living nearby who may have been involved.
In addition to the Ramseys, who were exonerated, the primary theory is that the murder was committed by an intruder. A judge in a lawsuit related to the case argued that the evidence pointed to the intruder theory (via Justice), although there were several suspects as to who the intruder might have been. There were multiple open or unlocked entry points to the home that night, and investigators discovered there were 38 registered sex offenders living nearby who may have been involved (via CBS News). Many people involved in the case have concluded that this is the most likely scenario.
Have there been recent developments in the JonBenét Ramsey case?
Updated technology helped reanalyze DNA evidence
Although the case remains open, very little new evidence has been added to the case in recent years. In 2016, DNA evidence was re-analyzed and investigators discovered that there are, in fact, two distinct DNA profiles. (through Reuters). However, nothing of this evidence has yet emerged and authorities differ in opinions on whether this means anything, as the DNA could have come from contamination at the crime scene.
JonBenét's mother passed away in 2006, and her father and brother continue to maintain her innocence, despite being formally exonerated in 2008. Now, with Netflix Cold case: who killed JonBenét Ramseyher father and brother came forward again to tell their side of the story and potentially help end things once and for all.
Sources: News week, Fox 2 now, The Denver Post, CBS News& Reutersand