Supreme Leader Snoke was a menacing presence when he first appeared in Star Wars: The Force AwakensAnd his mysterious deformities only make him a more intriguing villain. The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy introduced many new characters to tie in with its existing story, and it seemed like Snoke was meant to be this generation's Emperor Palpatine. As it turns out, despite his elimination at the end of Star Wars: The Last JediThat's not too far off... from a certain point of view, that is.
Supreme Leader Snoke is actually a clone of Palpatine, meant to provide the former Emperor with a body to possess in the event of his destruction. Using a modified version of the Kaminoan cloning technology used in the Clone Wars, many clones were prepared for the Sith Lord. Palpatine deemed Snoke an unworthy boss, but released Snoke into the galaxy, using him as an agent to enact his bidding. With the powerful abilities he shares with the original Emperor Palpatine, Snoke controls the First Order and the Knights of Ren during the New Republic era.
Supreme Leader Snoke's deformities come in his cloning
Replicated, but not duplicated
Although cloning is not a new concept in the Star Wars Timeline, it is not a perfect science. Especially when the Force and midi-chlorians are involved, there are many ways for cloning attempts to fail. Snoke's Force sensitivity is strong, but it's also the reason for his imperfect creation. Midi-chlorians are a biological quality in Star WarsAnd Attempting to control and manipulate a body's capacity for them can have disastrous results. Snoke's deformities are related to the cloning process that created him and gave him his Force powers.
The Mandalorians Doctor Pershing provided a close look at the cloning process, using Grogu's blood to obtain the midi-chlorians necessary to create a Force-sensitive being. The living force, however, is not easily manipulated, resulting in the bodies' rejection of the process and eventual death. Palpatine's clones needed to harness his connection to the ForceWhich is why Snoke and many of his other clones are so physically disfigured.
Snoke is badly wounded by Luke Skywalker
An unprecedented battle
Luke Skywalker has become a legend by the time of the sequel trilogy, with many adventures under his belt that the movies don't discuss. The large scar running across Snoke's face appears to be a lightsaber burn, and Luke Skywalker is the most likely culprit. Andy Serkis, the voice of Supreme Leader Snoke, hinted as much, confirming this Many of Snoke's deformities are actually "damages" from age-related injuries. Kylo Ren confronts Snoke about their past periodically, but Snoke doesn't elaborate.
The comic miniseries Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren Provides Snoke's manipulations of young Ben Solo as he draws him closer to the dark side. Ben comments on his master's injury, citing it as Luke's doing. It's unclear when exactly Luke and Snoke had their fateful run-in, but it may very well have happened early in Snoke's pursuit of Ben as Luke made moves to protect his nephew against the dark side. Whatever the interaction between them was, it left Snoke with a hatred for Luke Skywalker that lasts long after Luke becomes inactive in the galaxy.
Would Palpatine's next Snoke clones have had the same deformities?
Or does practice make perfect?
Palpatine's cloning experiments had been in the works for many years before his death in Return of the JediAnd the cloning technology he used was perfected decades earlier on Camino. Although The added complication of using midi-chlorians would no doubt continue to create hurdles for the processPalpatine's cloning process was a smooth operation. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Makes it clear that he is still creating more clones on Exegol. With decades of practice, would the other clones have the same imperfections as the earlier models such as Snoke?
Almost every clone seen on Exegol seems to look more like Snoke than Darth Sidious, implying that the cloning technology cannot keep up with Palpatine's expectations. A connection to the Force, it seems, just can't be created without a price. Despite his human appearance, Rey's father was considered a failed Palpatine clone due to his lack of Force sensitivity. There can be no truly successful Force-sensitive clones in the galaxy. This could be good news for the heroes of Star WarsBut it's unlikely to stop others from trying.
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