Why is Agatha Harkness's magic purple?

Why is Agatha Harkness's magic purple?

The release of Agatha all along has expanded the role of magic in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has led to visual questions about the purple magic of the titular character. Before Agatha first appeared in windovision, Other types of magic existed in Marvel, however The character's introduction and her connection to Wanda are the furthest in Witchcraft details. The dark magic that comes out of this looks and feels different than the magic used by characters like Doctor Strange in the MCU timeline.

Although the visual style of the MCU was hampered by its CGI at the point, none of this was detrimental to WandaVision, And this is not the case in Agatha all along. Although the visuals of magic are certainly an essential component of the show, It is only when they are executed well with strong characters and compelling writing that the realization of the magic can be effective.. After that, it makes sense to ask the vocabulary of the visuals, and to understand why Agatha's magic is purple.

Agatha's magic is purple to differentiate it visually from Scarlet Witch

Much of Agatha's design is made to contrast well against the WandaVision hero

Sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one, and in this case, Agatha's magic being purple was to give the use of her powers a strong visual contrast to the other characters. WandaVision Writer Matt Schuckman explained this earlier, discussing the flashback scene of Agatha stealing power from the other witches. Because their power is blue, there had to be a visual cue that allowed Agatha's power to consume theirs. "So for us, in terms of color coding for the scene, that was, you know, one of the biggest reasons why it's like that," he explained.

When Wanda's visuals were red-themed, it made sense that Agatha was purple. Her costume in the comics has tended to focus on a purple colorAnd using this for her powers in the series helped to highlight her visuals, too, during the final battle against Scarlet Witch. While Wanda's magic tends to be red, and Doctor Strange's tends to be yellow-orange, it makes sense that Agatha got her own visual shorthand through purple magic.

Agatha Harkness' magic may be purple because it is dark magic

Different MCU mics tend to have different colors

In theory, magic in the MCU could correspond to the magic user or could correspond to the type of magic used. after all, Wanda is the only character who tends to have red magic, and she is also among the few who can use chaos magic. The magic of the ancients and Doctor Strange seemed similar because it came from a similar source. The magic of Eternal Looked visually similar to this, suggesting there may be links between their magic and Doctor Strange's.

After all, Agatha's magic is purple could be because it is dark magic. That would make sense against the other witches in WandaVision Who used blue magic. This will probably be explored throughout Agatha all alongWhere other instances of dark magic may appear from other users. It will be interesting to see if purple magic will be associated with all dark magic in the Marvel Universe, or if it will just be Agatha's color.

The future of magic in the MCU will likely only continue to grow more important with time. The stories that come out of Agatha Promise to grow and change the universe in exciting ways. Understanding the basics of the magic used and where the magic can come from are important to understand its function. See how the visual language of magic in the MCU evolves in Agatha all along And further promises to give more insight on the matter, and may well prove crucial for further releases down the line.